Podcast FAQ

kirk martin podcast

by Prof. Lavon Okuneva Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Who is Kirk Martin?

Kirk Martin, founder of Celebrate Calm, has helped more than 500,000 parents and teachers tackle the most challenging issues — defiance, disrespect, bullying, sibling fights — with specific, concrete strategies that work in everyday situations. Martin has worked with 1,500 children with ADHD over 10 years.

How do I become a calmer parent podcast?

THE TOP 5 CALM PARENTING PODCASTSDe-Escalate & Discipline A Defiant Child: My Best Podcast Ever. This 30-minute podcast will change how you handle meltdowns, yelling, and discipline in your home. ... Want Respectful, Responsible Kids? Do the Step Back. ... Get Your Strong-Willed Kids To Do Stuff Without the Fight.

What is calm parenting?

The CALM method is a technique for parents to use to communicate with their children, whether that be talking through a conflict or just sharing about what happened that day. The goal of this method is to give children a voice and help them feel heard.

Are there any good parenting podcasts?

Mom and Dad Are Fighting, “Slate's parenting podcast,” focuses on current events and contemporary parenting issues by way of newsy interviews and witty, entertaining banter. Hosts Allison Benedikt and Dan Kois, two editors at Slate, are the “Mom” and “Dad” (but are not a couple).

How can I be calmer with my kids?

11 Tips for Becoming a Peaceful and Calm ParentConsider the negative consequences of expressing anger. ... Give yourself a timeout. ... When appropriate, let your family members be wrong. ... Decide which is more important: being happy or being right. ... Take a minute to notice your anger. ... Ask yourself why you're upset.More items...•

What is a mommy war?

A “mommy war” happens when a mom or a few moms think that their way of parenting is better than another mom's way of nurturing her child. Instead of quietly disagreeing, moms debate with one another on why their parenting way is “best.”

How do you stop kids from arguing?

Below are some tips for parents when their children are fighting:Teach Problem Solving.Use Praise and Positive Reinforcement.Be a Positive Role Model.Be Calm Under Pressure.Monitor Your Reactions.Don't Pay Attention.Treat Everyone the Same.Minimize Occasions for Fighting.

What is submissive parenting?

This parenting style involves: Being nurturing and warm, but reluctant to impose limits. Rejecting the notion of keeping their kids under control. Similar to the authoritative style, they are emotionally supportive and responsive to their children. Permissive parents are not demanding.

How do I calm my parenting anxiety?

Tips for managing parental anxietyAccept that you're fearful, and learn the real risks and facts. ... Expose yourself to your fears to conquer them. ... Get professional help. ... Get moving. ... Talk to other parents. ... Take concrete steps toward preventing catastrophes. ... Confide in your partner, in private. ... Remember to breathe.

What is the team method of parenting?

Raising children as a team is good for your children and good for you. Parenting teamwork involves problem-solving, managing conflict, talking, listening, backing each other up and accepting each other. Raising children as a team is important, whether you're parenting as a couple or after a separation.

How do you discipline a child without yelling or hitting?

If you're looking for alternative to spanking, here are eight ways to discipline your child without using physical punishment.Time-Out. ... Losing Privileges. ... Ignoring Mild Misbehavior. ... Teaching New Skills. ... Logical Consequences. ... Natural Consequences. ... Rewards for Good Behavior. ... Praise for Good Behavior.

How do you raise peaceful children?

Five tips to help parents raise a peaceful childBe aware of your actions. Model the behaviors that you want them to copy. ... Encourage them to look at things in a not-so negative way. Always start and end your day with gratitude. ... Acknowledge their feelings. ... Be mindful. ... Practice non-judgment.

Who are the hosts of Entrepreneur Podcast?

You’re going to hear real stories from real people all in 15-30 minutes time - perfect for your commute. On this podcast, your hosts, Josh Elledge and Jen Amos encourage entrepreneurs to share not only their expertise but their stories and their hearts. We believe that every person has a unique message ...

Who are the hosts of the Lang and Leblanc podcast?

The Lang & LeBlanc Podcast features co-hosts by Avery Leblanc & Brady Lang. It's a made-for-the-province podcast, speaking to some of Saskatchewan's finest, along with discussing topics across the prairies.


You have a strong-willed child who is bright, but not academically motivated. He wakes up with his own agenda and wants to do things on his own terms…so there are power struggles over everything. You find yourself saying, “If you would just do what I ask, you would be done in 7 minutes.


Celebrate Calm Founder Kirk Martin Kirk has given almost 1,000,000 parents and teachers in 19 countries very specific, practical strategies to stop the yelling, defiance, and power struggles. He understands you and your child like no one else because for over a decade, his family invited 1,500 strong-willed kids into their home.


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