Podcast FAQ

last podcast on the left hot topic

by Cydney Labadie Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Was David Berg a manipulator?

Cultist David Berg was a magnificent manipulator of the hippies. It’s unclear if that had to do with their taking too many drugs and being susceptible already, or if he was really just that good. Well, since it begged an investigation, LPOTL took up the mantle and examined the profits of the prophet of the Children of God. This episode is gross. And raucous. And creepy. So creepy.

Does comedy work?

As the listener, you want the LPOTL material to be so farcical, so absurd, that any attempt to find reason fails. But that isn’t the case.

True to size - LOVE IT

I was worried about the fit, but it is perfect! Very good quality and has not shrunken at all!

Last Podcast Shirt

Shirt was exactly what I wanted. It has quickly become my favorite shirt I own. So comfortable and arrived earlier than expected!

Episodes 323-325 - "The Men In Black"

The paranormal phenomena of "Men In Black" has become a staple cliche of the conspiracy science fiction genre. However, in their three-part series about the "Men In Black," Last Podcast explored the modern mythology of the phenomena as well as the historical references to similar sightings.

Episodes 352-354 - "Skinwalker Ranch"

The notorious parcel of land in the American west known as Skinwalker Ranch has become a bastion of paranormal activity and is the source of numerous books and podcasts.

Episodes 335-337 - "The West Memphis Three"

Though Last Podcast On The Left has covered their fair share of true crime stories over the years, few were as uniquely frightening as that of the West Memphis Three. The three-part series covers the events of a real life murder in West Memphis Arkansas and three teenage boys who were railroaded into prison for a crime they didn't commit.

Episodes 169-170 - "Betty And Barney Hill"

Usually, the UFO stories covered on Last Podcast have a rather innocuous feeling. Though the supposed witness is shaken by their experience, they are largely left unharmed, but the case of Betty and Barney Hill was different. The two-part series covers the experiences of a real life couple whose supposed abduction ruined their lives.

Episodes 50-60 - "BTK"

It took a while for Last Podcast to find its footing but their BTK series was the first glimpse of what the show would become in the future. While most of their early series were brief explorations of topics, their two-part series on the BTK killer showed a new depth of research for the fledgling podcast.

Episodes 331-332 - "The Donner Party"

Over the years, Last Podcast On The Left has shown growth as a show and has progressed into more historical topics. One of their first forays into history was their harrowing two-part series on the Donner Party and the various calamities that befell the travelers.

Episodes 300-304 - "Jonestown"

One of the other areas explored by Last Podcast is the strange and terrifying world of cults. In their extensive five-part series, Last Podcast tackled one of the world's most famous cults, the People's Temple, and followed the story from the humble beginnings to the gruesome end.

What is the last podcast on the left?

The Last Podcast On The Left ( LPOTL) is a Webby Award-winning comedy/true crime/horror podcast host ed weekly by Ben Kissel, Marcus Parks and Henry Zebrowski. LPOTL was launched in 2011; a massive library of over 300 episodes is available to listeners at no cost, ranging in subject matter from 9/11 conspiracy theories to the love life of H.H. Holmes and everything in between. In addition to true crime, LPOTL covers urban legends, ghost stories, historical lore, aliens, creepypasta selections from the internet, bizarre stories provided by the show’s listeners and more. If it’s strange, macabre or gruesome, the odds are the hosts have talked about it.

Who is the half of the Hillside Stranglers?

Speaking of Ken Bianchi, one half of the infamous Hillside Stranglers, Bianchi apparently listens to LPOTL, or was at least made aware of it after a series on the Hillside Stranglers, allegedly comprised of Bianchi and his cousin, Angelo Buono, was released.

What TV shows did Zebrowski appear in?

Zebrowski, for example, was featured in The Wolf of Wall Street, starred in his own special on Netflix called “The Characters,” and also appeared in several TV shows including “Heroes Reborn” and “Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell.”. Zebrowski’s full filmography can be found here.

What is the transcript of Ray's kidnapping?

A transcript of an audio recording that Ray used to force the women he kidnapped to listen to is read by the hosts. The transcript is extremely brutal and difficult to listen to; detailing the rape and torture that the victims of Ray’s crimes were subjected to.

What do LPOTL fans share?

Fans share art inspired by LPOTL, they discuss the books referenced on the podcast, they review music, movies and TV and, of course, they talk about the podcast. For many fans, the groups and the live shows have proven to be an important way to meet and connect with other fans.

Is the podcast for everyone?

The podcast is intended for mature listeners and with good reason; more often than not, it’s explicit. As a result, the podcast is not for everyone.

Does LPOTL have a Patreon page?

As with many podcasts, LPOTL has a Patreon page where listeners can submit money to the podcast or sign up for a paid subscription in order to access bonus content, have first dibs on tickets to live shows and receive merch and other goodies in exchange for their subscription/donation.

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