Podcast FAQ

lynn lyons podcast

by Santiago Hartmann Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is Lynn's advice for college?

In honor of May 1st's deadline for many college bound seniors to make their choice, Lynn shares really relevant advice from her perspective over the last few decades of watching her adolescent clients to college and struggle with anxiety. Parents struggle knowing how to support academic success for their kids in a healthy way, so Lynn offers advice…

What does Lynn mention in the episode of the Arc of Diagnosis?

Lynn references the three prior episodes on the arc of diagnosis in anxiety and depression and what to notice in your child and what to do if you have a diagnosis and helping your child get the best treatment. 3:02 Robin mentioned in one of our first episodes the powerful that when children see us being playful, it’s telling them that they are safe…

What is Chrissy Metz about?

Chrissy tells Maggie about growing up in Japan, her journey as an actress and the road to self-acceptance, and the time she had brunch at Oprah’s house. Emmy and two-time Golden Globe nominee Chrissy Metz stars on the award-winning NBC series This Is Us .

More About This Show

Is it our imagination, or does there seem to be a blossoming epidemic of anxiety in the world today?

Starve Anxiety by Shifting out of Avoidance and into Action with the Three EXes

So instead of feeding anxiety, what do we do? Teaching both adults and kids how to tolerate and expect uncertainty and discomfort as a normal part of development is essential for families. Once families have simple, straightforward information about what works and what doesn’t, change happens.


If you enjoyed this session with Lynn Lyons, let her know by clicking on the link below and sending her a quick shout out at Twitter:

When Anxious Kids Deny They're Anxious

When anxious kids can't see that they are anxious or refuse therapy, anxiety expert Lynn Lyons talks about options parents have in helping their kids. We also discuss a listener question where a daughter denies she's anxious or has OCD tendencies.

Managing Anxiety in Children: A Guide for Parents

This self-paced course covers the core tools a family needs to manage their anxiety, the same principles Lynn teaches to families in her private practice.

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A Reminder for Silliness and the Power of Play

In this quick check-in for the New Year, anxiety expert Lynn Lyons reminds parents that silliness is just about the healthiest energy in a house, and that the power of play is very, very real.

Managing Anxiety in Children: A Guide for Parents

This self-paced course covers the core tools a family needs to manage their anxiety, the same principles Lynn teaches to families in her private practice.

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The best advice for handling difficult family members

On this busy Christmas Eve, we offer a very short episode, but a very powerful piece of advice for the holiday season. Don't visit the relatives without hearing this first. Anxiety expert Lynn Lyons shares the best advice she ever received from her mentor on taking things personally.

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