Podcast FAQ

mom writes podcast

by Ms. Stephania Considine Jr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is season 3 of Mom Writes about?

Season Three of Mom Writes is all about pitching your completed manuscript to agents! Book coach Jennie Nash walks me, Abby Mathews, through the process of pitching my middle grades novel in hopes of finding an agent, and in turn, a publisher.

What is Pitmad on Twitter?

As some of you may know, PitMad is on Thursday. PitMad is a Twitter pitching contest. Now, as some of you may also know, I’ve sworn I will never participate in a Twitter pitching contest. Mostly because I’m not that good at The Twitter.


Two writer moms and a book coach meet each week for coffee and chat about writing and parenting. Follow along as veteran book coach Jennie Nash of Author Accelerator helps writer-moms Abby Mathews and Melanie Parish write a book from start to finish, along the way sharing the dirty laundry behind writing with kids.

Season 3, Episode 14: PitMad Pitching with Lidija Hilje

Twitter pitching. I always said I’d never do it. And then my friend Lidija Hilje, the Pitching Queen, talked me into it. Lidija also helped me put the final polish on my query letter, so since she also said she would help me polish my Twitter pitch, I agreed.

Season 3, Episode 13: The (Professional) Agent Nudge

We had a really great question come in from my friend and fellow writer, Mindy. She wanted to know about “the nudge.” She wanted to know when it was okay to nudge an agent who has your manuscript. (Side note, Mindy has been working her butt off querying agents while writing her second book.

Season 3, Episode 12.1: An Invitation to a Live Mom Writes Episode on PitMad Pitches

This is not a full episode. This is an invitation. I’ve decided (very spontaneously, mind you) to do something a wee bit different this week. As some of you may know, PitMad is on Thursday. PitMad is a Twitter pitching contest. Now, as some of you may also know, I’ve sworn I will never participate in a Twitter pitching contest.

Season 3, Episode 12: The Sting of Rejection

My first rejection is in the bag! Actually, my first two. Jennie made me promise to screen record opening my first response from an agent. So this episode starts with me (actually) opening and reading my first rejection and Jennie’s response to it. The theme of today’s episode is don’t take it personally.

Season 3, Episode 11: Good Attitudes and Personalizing (More) Queries

Today Jennie and I talk about the toxic “Pick Me!” attitude that many writers have towards querying. We look at the different types of energy we as writers bring to the pitching process, and how feelings of desperation hurt more than help. As I look to continue to query, I know I need to personalize each one for the agent it’s being sent to.

Season 3, Episode 10: What Agents Might Be Doing When You Don't Hear Anything

This episode actually made me feel a zillion times better about querying, and it gave me some patience with the process. It’s really no surprise that after only a single week (we’re talking not even seven full days) I’ve heard nothing from the one (ONE!) agent that I exclusively queried. It’s very easy to take this personally.

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