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mother the mother podcast

by Quinton Parisian V Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

A Quick Note from Emily

Hi! Just a quick note from Emily this week. And then I play the whole theme song because I know you love it. Learn more about the show at mothermotherpodcast.com . - Questions? Comments? Want to advertise? Contact Emily at i…

Managing Maternal Mental Health with Aparna Iyer, MD

Is it okay to take mental health meds when pregnant? What about breastfeeding? Where’s the line between normal new-mom anxiety and full-blown postpartum anxiety? Or is it all just a big murky swamp? Perinatal psychiatrist Ap…

Happy Enough Ever After with Heather Havrilesky

For this week’s episode, Emily was thrilled to chat with Ask Polly and Ask Molly columnist Heather Havrilesky, whose new book, " Foreverland: On the Divine Tedium of Marriage " is out February 8. Emily and Heather talk paren…

Who is the teacher in Mother the Mother?

In today’s episode of Mother the Mother, McLean is joined by Dara Dubinet. Dara is a teacher and leader in the realms of astrocartography, feng shui, raw foods, and more. She uses her …

Who is Kelly Morris?

In today’s episode of Mother the Mother, McLean is joined by Kelly Morris. Kelly is a world-renowned meditation teacher with over 25 years of experience and the founder of The Infinity Call. Central t…

Who is the doula on Real Talk?

On today’s real talk episode, McLean’s business doula Sam Oliver is on the show! Sam curated a gorgeous Q&A session for you all with questions that are relatable, expansive, and as always, McL…

Women and Gossip

Listen here: iTunes |Spotify |Stitcher When we gossip, we’re sharing information about someone that’s not public knowledge…if they wanted you to know it, they’d share it themselves.

Setting Your Hormones Straight with Angie Tolpin

Listen here: iTunes |Spotify |Stitcher When left unchecked, the seasons of a woman’s body and her ever changing hormones can often lead to discouragement, spiraling emotional and physical crashes, and a shadow loneliness.

The Husbands Speak

Listen here: iTunes |Spotify |Stitcher For nearly four years now, you have tuned in to hear us chat about all the pieces of motherhood–marriage, childbirth, mothering, discipleship, faith, friends–all the many parts that we, moms, carry each and every day. But the truth is, we don’t do it alone. Our lives are a team effort and we’re Read More …

Am I a Helicopter Parent with a Child-Centered Home?

Listen here: iTunes |Spotify |Stitcher The term helicopter parent was derived from some parents’ literal and continuous hovering over their children’s every move. It is a fitting term for moms and dads who choose to oversee every detail of their children’s lives.

Find Your Awesome with Dr. Kathy Koch

Listen here: iTunes |Spotify |Stitcher Feelings of discontent sometimes feel unavoidable in this digital age, because unlike in the previous generations when the temptation to compare only came from face-to-face interaction or the occasional hand-written note in the mail, we have the blessing and burden of peering into the lives of others all the livelong day.

Unfulfilled Motherhood with Laura Booz

We know that motherhood makes high demands. Yet we know it’s worth it. Some days we may feel like no one sees us or question if our daily investments are even making a difference. Because let’s be honest, motherhood is not glamorous. Days and weeks can go by without an ounce of appreciation, without any Read More …

100 Tips, Tricks, and Ideas to Make Life Easier

Listen here: iTunes |Spotify |Stitcher As moms, we are always on the lookout for ideas and shortcuts, tips and tricks to make life easier. Today, we have lots of fun and practical tips we think will help you mother well today. We have gathered loads of ideas, categories, some helpful links, and much more to inspire you. Read More …

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