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new discourses podcast

by Miss Maryse Collins III Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is the new discourse podcast about?

In this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, James Lindsay walks through the idea of elite overproduction to focus in on the operant problem that it leads to , bourgeois overproduction, and posits that this problem is the seat of the Woke menace and many of the large-scale ills that have arisen in similar form over the past few centuries in prosperous societies.

What does "woke" mean in the New Discourses podcast?

In this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, James Lindsay walks you through more pieces of the Woke, neo-Marxist, and Marxist literature to make the case that when the Woke are calling for "democracy," they mean something that demands a very radical agenda along with it.

Does Critical Pedagogy understand education?

OnlySubs: Critical Pedagogy Doesn’t Understand Education. Critical Pedagogy is the name for the Critical Theory of education, meaning both applying Critical Theory to education and applying it in education, as in teaching students to adopt Critical Theory methodologies and ways of thinking.

The Proximate Ideological Origins of Critical Race Theory

In the second of these insightful lectures, Lindsay takes us into the "proximate ideological roots" of Critical Race Theory.

What is Critical Race Theory?

What is Critical Race Theory? What does it believe? Where does it come from? How does it work? And what can we do about it? These are core questions to understanding our times.

The Theology of Marxism

In this groundbreaking episode of the New Discourses Podcast, James Lindsay dives into the Marxian literature, including the writings of Karl Marx himself, to show that Marxism should be thought of as a theology by clarifying how this theology works.

The True History of Intersectionality

Intersectionality is usually credited to Kim Crenshaw, who coined the term as well as "Critical Race Theory" in 1989. It has an older history, however.

Groomer Schools 3: The Creation of an American Red Guard

Here, in the third part of the series, Lindsay puts these two pieces together, explains their purpose, and illustrates how Critical Race Theory works alongside Queer Theory (grooming) for a blatantly Maoist purpose: to create an American Red Guard meant to overthrow our society and start all over from a new Year Zero.

A Brief History of Identity Marxism

The ideology that is most conveniently identified as "Wokeness" is much more accurately described by the phrase Identity Marxism.

Groomer Schools 1: The Long Cultural Marxist History of Sex Education

In this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, join James Lindsay as he explains the long history of the sexual grooming that has come into our schools through Critical Gender Theory and Queer Theory as they have crept into educational programs.

When was Peter Boghossian's new discourses?

Peter Boghossian: The Way Forward. New Discourses convened in October of 2019 in the National Liberal Club of London for a day-long conference titled Speaking Truth to Social Justice.

Who is the host of the InTerminable podcast?

New Discourses founder James Lindsay sits down with Matthew Garnier, host of the InTerminable podcast, to discuss the roots and relevance of the corruption of scholarship in the Critical Social Justice academic literature.

Who is the host of Thinking Out Loud?

On this episode of the Thinking Out Loud Podcast, James Lindsay joins host Vincent Freeman and two other guests, Bruce and Sara, to discuss the mindsets and ideologies of Critical Social Justice and the radical anarchy activist group Antifa (putatively: “anti-fascist”).

Who is James Lindsay?

James Lindsay joins the 'That's BS' podcast to discuss the purpose and reaction to his Grievance Studies papers, his book with Peter Boghossian on how to disagree better, and Twitter trolls.

How many books has James Lindsay written?

An American-born author, mathematician, and political commentator, Dr. James Lindsay has written six books spanning a range of subjects including religion, the philosophy of science and postmodern theory.

What is critical race theory?

I've talked about what Critical Race Theory is a bunch of times and written about it all over the place, but maybe the simplest expression is that Critical Race Theory is the study of some phenomenon it names "systemic racism."

Counter Wokecraft: An Executive Summary

What has been missing is a unified presentation of the phenomenon, the strategies and tactics used to entrench it, and those that can be used to defend against it; in a word, a guide. The purpose of Counter Wokecraft is to play this role.

A Call for a Defense of Parenting Act

I propose a national “Defense of Parenting Act” to formally clarify that all physical, medical, and therapeutic choices concerning a child are to be conducted by the parents or guardians of a child, and never the school.

How Activism Shapes Ideology

In recent years, there has been an ongoing controversy about the origins of currently fashionable social justice ideology. Terms like Cultural Marxism and postmodernism have been used and subjected to sometimes fierce attacks.

History Killers: New Historians Ignore Anti-capitalist Arguments by Southern Slavers

Facts counter to a particular narrative are dismissed and surface-level evidence is amplified. Enter: the new historians of capitalism.

Five Ugly Truths About Critical Race Theory

Critical Race Theory is currently getting a ton of attention on the national and international stage, which is long overdue, but there are also many misconceptions about it.

A Manifesto for the Based

The based aren’t about to live by ridiculous lies because they’ll be too busy laughing the bottom out from under them.

Land Acknowledgment Statements: The Cultural Violence of the Academic Elite

Imported from countries like Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, where Postcolonial Theory is more prominent than in the US, Weapon X in the rhetorical arms race that pervades academic wokeness has reached American shores: it is called the “Land Acknowledgement Statement.”

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