Podcast FAQ

no compromise podcast

by Marlene Dare Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

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About the show

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Meet Lisa Hagen

Lisa Hagen is a public radio reporter at WABE in Atlanta, GA and co-host of the NPR investigative podcast: No Compromise. The limited-run series explores fractures within the world of American gun rights activism that have steadily pulled gun culture to the far right.

Meet Chris Haxel

Chris comes to KCUR as part of Guns & America, a reporting collaboration between 10 public media stations that is focused on the role of guns in American life. Hailing from Springfield, Illinois, Chris has lived in seven states and four counties. He previously served in the Army, and reported for newspapers in Kansas and Michigan.

When is no compromise available?

No Compromise, available September 8, is a limited-run investigative series about a movement of gun rights advocacy to the right of the National Rifle Association, one that's more absolutist and gaining momentum in the gun rights world.

Where did the No Compromise movement originate?

Through the story of brothers Aaron, Chris and Ben, No Compromise traces both the movement's origins and the family's roots in anti-public education, anti-gay and anti-abortion efforts in the Upper Midwest.

What is NPR reporting?

NPR's rigorous reporting and unsurpassed storytelling connect with millions of Americans every day — on the air, online, and in person. NPR strives to create a more informed public — one challenged and invigorated by a deeper understanding and appreciation of events, ideas, and cultures.

Who are the hosts of the Dorrs podcast?

New episodes of the limited-series podcast will publish each Tuesday. Hear a trailer now. Hosts Lisa Hagen and Chris Haxel first heard the Dorrs described as charlatans by the type of long-time gun rights activists who lobby state legislatures.


A new investigative series that takes you deep into the most uncompromising corner of the gun debate.

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