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peter wehner podcast

by Ike Sipes Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Where can I listen to the Wehner podcast?

Subscribe now on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever else you find your podcasts! Peter Wehner is a New York Times contributing Op-Ed writer covering American politics and conservative thought and a popular media commentator on politics.

Who is Peter Wehner and what is he known for?

Peter Wehner is a New York Times contributing Op-Ed writer covering American politics and conservative thought and a popular media commentator on politics. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and veteran of three White House administrations.

Is Wehner a darling of the establishment media?

He has become a darling of the establishment media, which is always up for a little Christian-on-Christian rhetorical violence. Wehner, even though he sees himself as a very civil and temperate fellow, is always happy to oblige the media’s appetite for such conflict.


When the Main Point of Politics Is Vengeance

The Republican Party is now about knife fights and justifying just about anything -- like Peter Navarro laying out a clear description of the attempted Trump coup. Still, there are 2021 bright spots. Peter Wehner joins guest host Mona Charen on today's episode.

Peter Wehner: Faith Has Become a Hood Ornament

With many evangelicals spending hours a day watching Fox News and OANN, but just 25 minutes a week listening to a sermon, political culture has overwhelmed the culture of the church. Peter Wehner joins Charlie Sykes on today's podcast.

Peter Wehner on the Road to Political Violence

On today’s Bulwark podcast, Peter Wehner joins Charlie Sykes to discuss the GOP’s current politics and the the road to political violence. Plus, a discussion on America’s growing racial divide, and the catastrophizing mindset.

Peter Wehner on Threats to Democracy

On today’s Bulwark podcast, Peter Wehner joins Charlie Sykes to discuss his most recent item: The GOP Is a Grave Threat to American Democracy.

Peter Wehner on the Politics of Demonization

On today's Bulwark Podcast, Peter Wehner of the Ethics and Public Policy Center joins host Charlie Sykes to discuss his recent item in The Atlantic: "Are Trump’s Critics Demonically Possessed?"

Peter Wehner on the Risk of Congressional Inaction

On today's Bulwark Podcast, Peter Wehner from the Ethics and Public Policy Center joins host Charlie Sykes to discuss the mobster mentality of the Ukraine call, and Congress's response.

Peter Wehner on How to Heal Our Republic

On today's Bulwark podcast, Peter Wehner from the Ethics and Public Policy Center joins host Charlie Sykes to discuss his new book, "The Death of Politics: How to Heal Our Frayed Republic After Trump."

Trump Is Obsessed With Being a Loser

His electoral defeat has pulled him into a deep, dark place. He wants to pull the rest of us into it as well.

Biden Undermined Faith in Elections

The president is heightening the distrust in democracy that he promised to reduce.

The Gospel of Donald Trump Jr

The former president’s son told a crowd that the teachings of Jesus have “gotten us nothing.”

Tucker Carlson Is Completing the Work That Trump Began

There was a time when someone like Alex Jones would have been too toxic to embrace.

Trumpism Has Entered Its Final Form

In today’s Republican Party, Trump is becoming what was once unthinkable—conventional, unexceptional, even something of an establishment figure.

The Scandal Rocking the Evangelical World

The sudden departure of Russell Moore is forcing an overdue conversation about the crises of American Christendom.

NIH Director: We Need an Investigation Into the Wuhan Lab-Leak Theory

Francis Collins calls for a “thorough, expert-driven, and objective” inquiry, and shares what most surprised him about the virus.

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