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podcast bad with money

by Rene Heller Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago


In response to MANY emails from you all, Gaby delves into the classist and racist background of the work dress code.

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You Can Be Good With Money

Do you avoid checking your balances—because it’s just easier not to know? Skip the shame, no one is born knowing how to handle money. It’s a muscle you can build.

We Are Here to Help You

Ready to write a new money story? We won’t shame you, guilt you, or force you to eat ramen. Here’s how it works.

Practical Tools For Managing Money

It all starts here with the YNAB Method. Hannah will teach you the first rule you need to know to get your money under control.

See Real Budgets of People Gaining Total Control

St. Clair would tell you he was terrible with money. Then he woke up one day and decided to change it. See how he set up his budget.

Recommended Resources

Do you feel like you’re bad with money and always will be? I’ve been teaching people how to budget for about ten years, and if there’s one theme that permeates nearly everyone’s financial story, it’s shame—shame about credit card debt. Shame about spending patterns. Shame about not, yet, hitting financial goals. And even budget shame. …

You Can Start Fresh! Right Now! For Free!

It doesn’t have to stay like this. You can change the way you think, spend, and save money. So what do you have to lose? (Other than all that debt and stress, of course…)

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