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podcast episode outline

by Barrett Jaskolski Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How to Outline a Podcast Episode in 4 Steps (w/ Examples)

  • Do keyword research to find topics..
  • Do research on your guest..
  • Schedule a pre-interview to determine main talking points..
  • Use the notes from the pre-interview to outline the Introduction, Transition, Interview, & Conclusion.. We’re going to...

A podcast outline (or script) is the roadmap for your episode. It helps you map out your talking points and plan the sequence of topics you plan to cover. It's a simple, flexible technique to help all types of podcasters stay organized and produce compelling shows.

Full Answer

How to plan your podcast episode?

You can allow your attendees to introduce themselves, share their favorite podcast episodes with the group and then ask for ... One strategy that worked well for me when I would plan meetups was collaborating with other entrepreneurial podcasters for ...

How to outline a podcast?

Podcast Planner Tool #1: The Outline

  • Text-Based Outlining. You can use any text editor or word processor to create an outline for your show. ...
  • Pen & Paper Outlining. Some of you might prefer the old fashioned ‘pen and paper’ approach. ...
  • Mindmaps. This is my personal favourite outlining tool. ...

How to storyboard a podcast episode?

You can find their stories here, or subscribe to the podcast and don't miss an episode. Nathan Adrian ... a Harvard University graduate and a track star would sum up her life story. You'd be wrong. In fact, that barely scratches the surface.

How to start a podcast?

You can find podcasts related to your industry by searching any of the following platforms:

  • YouTube,
  • Apple podcasts,
  • Spotify,
  • Stitcher.


What is the layout of a podcast?

There are three basic podcast segments every episode should have, no matter what. An intro, the main content, and an outro. You could also include special segments, like rapid fire questions, or fun games that you play with your guests from time to time!

How do you layout a podcast script?

If you want to script your podcast in more detail, you can organize it similarly to this:Topic 1 Header (Duration) Main Point. Supporting Point. Supporting Point. Supporting Data/Reference. Case Study/Example/Anecdote. ... Segue.Topic 2 Header (Duration) Main Point. Supporting Point. Supporting Point. Supporting Data/Reference.

What makes a good podcast episode?

1. Talk about things you're interested in. This may sound obvious but choosing a topic you like talking about is the cornerstone of podcasting. It not only helps you produce engaging content but it also is a key factor in consistently creating new episodes for your audience to enjoy.

How do you structure a podcast story?

The Three Act Podcast StructureAct 1: Setup. In the first act of the episode, your goal is to establish a setting, introduce the characters and their relationships, and build the world they live in. ... Act 2: Confrontation. The second act is the part of the story that raises the stakes. ... Act 3: Resolution.

Is there a template script for podcast?

The simplest intro template looks like this: “Welcome to [podcast name], where we discuss [podcast topic or tagline]. I'm [host name], and with me is [co-host name]. Today, we'll be talking about [episode topic] with our special guest, [guest name].

How do you introduce a podcast episode?

Podcast Intros: 10 Tips to Get Your Listeners HookedCreate a Unique Intro for Each Episode. Mix up what you say in each intro.Be Concise. ... Introduce Your Podcast. ... Start With a Question. ... Set the Tone for Your Podcast. ... Choose the Right Music. ... Create a Tagline. ... Write Your Intro Beforehand. ... More items...•

What makes a bad podcast?

Bad audio quality. Too many ad reads or annoying/irrelevant ad reads. Lack of preparation or planning.

How do you write an episode description?

A podcast episode description (or just podcast description) is a short bit of text that tells listeners what to expect when they play your episode....Do:Include keywords (guest names, locations, topics) to enrich your description.Keep it concise (three sentences, max)Ensure your title and description work well together.

What is a podcast synopsis?

A podcast description (often also called podcast summary) is a brief blurb of text that describes your show. You can use it to tell listeners anything you want, which makes it a powerful tool to convince people to listen. Think of your podcast description like the synopsis on the back of a book or inside the jacket.

What are the kinds of episode formats?

Your Guide to 8 Popular Podcast Episode FormatsSolo Episode. Strong connection to listeners, Keeps things fresh. ... One-On-One Interview. More exposure, Meet more people. ... Panel Interview. More perspectives, More exposure. ... Co-Host Conversational. ... Non-Fictional Storytelling. ... Fictional Storytelling. ... Repurposed Content. ... Hybrid.

What are segments in a podcast?

Podcast shows are usually divided into segments. The different segments helps show your audience that you're able to deliver a valuable and cohesive show. Segments provide the perfect opportunity for you to break up your content, discuss new topics, and bring more fun to the show.

What are elements of a podcast?

5 elements of a good podcastFocus on a central idea.Play to an audience.Regular schedules.Show structure.Authenticity.

What makes a popular podcast?

Keep the topic simple. A podcast with focus is going to be much easier for potential listeners to understand. You might think a wide appeal will get a wider audience but more often a narrow appeal means there's less likelihood others are doing the same thing. And the listeners you get will be very excited to find you.

How do you make a successful podcast?

Tips for Creating Successful PodcastsKeep Your Podcast Focused. ... Picture Your Target Audience.Be Consistent.Plan Your Workflow.Use Music Segments, but Don't Infringe on Copyrights.Promote Your Podcast.

What makes a good podcast host?

A good host knows when they're heading toward the right direction, largely thanks to their audience. If your listener base cares a jot about you, they will gladly chime in if you ask them for feedback. Feedback is crucial for evolving your podcast, so if something isn't working and your audience is telling you, LISTEN.

How can you ensure your podcast content initiates action?

How can you ensure your podcast content initiates action? Select all that apply.Include your CTA link in the show notes.Increase the volume when mentioning the CTA.Shorten your URL to keep CTAs concise.Consider mid-roll CTAs.

What is podcast outline?

A podcast outline (or script) is the roadmap for your episode. It helps you map out your talking points and plan the sequence of topics you plan to cover. It's a simple, flexible technique to help all types of podcasters stay organized and produce compelling shows.

How to get ideas for podcasts?

While imagery probably won't make an appearance in your podcast, this is a great technique for kickstarting new ideas. Experiment by adding images or video clips that relate to your topics. You can have them on-hand and reference the details when recording to tell a more vivid story. Try saving images from Google Images, Pinterest, or Milanote's built-in image library.

How to start a show?

Start by laying out the major topics or questions you know you want to cover. A great place to start is with the traditional storytelling structure of beginning, middle, and end. Don't worry too much about the order or details yet, just get the main parts out of your head. This is a quick flexible way to brainstorm the centerpieces of your show.

What is a detailed episode outline?

Detailed episode outlines are a great in-between option for hosts who want more structure than bullet points can offer, but don't feel the need, or have the time, for a word-for-word script.

How long is a podcast?

Most podcasts cover a lot of information in one 45 minute episode, so your listeners will likely appreciate if you reiterate the key points. You can use this section to make announcements, give a teaser for your next episode, or share resources available in your show notes to help listeners.

What is the importance of introduction script in podcasts?

Listeners appreciate a bird's eye view of the podcast up front, and your introduction script helps you ensure that you capture your audience's attention from the beginning.

Why are podcasts so successful?

But the truth is, creativity needs structure to thrive, and the top podcasts are successful because of good preparation and quality scripting. Think of a script as an outline for your podcast, a fully customizable skeleton of your share that makes it tight, clear, and primed for success. It's helpful to choose a podcast script style ...

What is the importance of podcast scripts?

Podcast scripts and outlines are an essential part of creating a successful podcast. The best, tightest, most captivating shows usually don't wing their episodes; the creators put in hard work on the front end so things run smoothly.

Why do podcasts need scripts?

No matter your show's style or format, script writing allows creativity to flourish by keeping show hosts focussed, and it frees up brain space so you can deliver your message more effectively. While the word "script" might conjure up ideas of stilted word-for-word reading, your own podcast script can be as structured or casual as you decide.

Why is it important to have loose episode structure?

As a bonus, a loose episode structure makes for easier editing since the "mistakes" naturally fit with the style of your show. Just keep in mind less structure means more opportunity to forget important points, ramble, get side-tracked, etc.

What should your podcast's main themes be?

Building Relationships w/ Potential Customers: Your podcast’s main themes should be focused on your ideal customer’s expertise and challenges.

How many podcast formats are there?

There are eight episode formats you can ultimately choose from. But, if you’re starting a B2B podcast, we suggest going with one of the following formats:

Why is it important to give your podcast a structure?

Giving your B2B podcast a structure based on your larger business goals makes the whole show’s premise 1000x stronger. People will look forward to you releasing new episodes because they know they can count on meaningful content.

How to create demand for your brand?

If your goal is to create demand for your brand or to pass on organizational information, try either solo or co-host conversational episodes. If you want to build relationships or reduce churn, it’s best to focus on interviews.

What is the goal of a podcast?

ABM: The goal with your podcast is to meet potential customers.

Why is it important to plan out your podcast?

Planning out the structure of your podcast will make your show stronger and save you a ton of time in the end.

How to grab the listener's attention right away?

To grab the listener’s attention right away, introduce the main topic in quick succession to the guest. Also, go through the list of talking points that you plan to cover in the interview. This way, listeners will know immediately if they want to keep listening.

What should the first segment of a podcast be?

The first segment should be the most interesting in order to sustain listeners’ attention. This segment should appeal to the entire audience. Broad content is encouraged to serve the majority. News and current events related to your podcast subject matter are often of interest to an entire audience.

How to make a podcast?

Brainstorm Podcast Topics: Make a list of subjects that you’re both passionate and knowledgeable about, take a look at what’s already out there, and determine how your podcast will function as an extension of your content strategy. 2.

What is a podcast script?

Podcast Script (Template) 1. Opening: A quick musical jingle or your brand’s sonic logo. 2. Introduction: A monologue-style intro outlining your guests and what you plan to talk about on your show. 3.

How long should the intro be for a podcast?

In other words, your listeners will hear it a lot, so it’s likely best to keep it short, say 10 or 15 seconds. That way, the podcast intro won’t get skipped over with the +30 skip setting on most podcast players.

What to say in an outro for a podcast?

In the outro of your podcast script, you will want to make sure you thank all of the guests that were on your show and recap a bit about what was discussed.

What is a topic break in podcasts?

These topic breaks are typically described as bumpers or sweepers, giving your listeners the time they might need to digest the content you just presented. Since each podcast is inherently different, each show should have its own themes, topics, and lengths to set episodes apart from each other.

How to write a good show?

Your writing style should be conversational and friendly, limiting the use of jargon or industry-specific words in order to accommodate your listeners (you can use our sample scripts for inspiration).

What is a podcast script?

A podcast script is meant to structure the ideas of any given podcast episode and ensure that a clear, concise narrative is conveyed to the audience. It’s not enough to know what a podcast script is or why you need one to make a good podcast. Knowing how to craft a podcast script that strikes the right chord with your audience is key ...

What is the midpoint of a podcast?

The midpoint is where a podcast shifts from reacting to the problem to taking active steps towards fixing it. This usually involves raising the stakes by highlighting an attempt to solve the issue, most often met with failure.

What are the different types of podcast script structures?

When I was younger, I was fascinated by the prose writing process and devoured every word I could find from my favorite authors on the subject. The general consensus is that there is a spectrum of writing styles, most notably tied to the prep work done by the author.

Why is a podcast script important?

No matter if you’re a Professor, and Architect, or a Gardener, a good script is an essential roadmap to help ensure the success of each and every episode of your podcast. Identify what style of scripting works best for you and start making the stories that people will want to hear.

What are the three acts of a podcast?

A podcast episode, like any narrative medium, can be broken down into three “acts” that serve to capture your listeners: the inciting incident, the midpoint, and the resolution. This structure is one of the most basic in storytelling.

Why is it important to have a cohesive podcast?

A cohesive narrative is the most important part of a podcast. Without it, your audience won't be able to form an emotional connection with the information you want to convey.

Do podcasts fail before the host hits record?

Some podcasts fail before the host ever hits record.

How many stories can you tell on a podcast?

You can tell one story per episode or span your story across an entire series. Or you could simply report the news. This is an excellent podcast format for listeners who like to learn more about our world. You have the opportunity to expose people to new ideas, concepts, and events.

How long does it take to talk on a podcast?

It’s a lot of talking. Speaking for 30 to 45 minutes is tiring. And that’s only if you record it perfectly the first time. Realistically, you’ll talk for an hour or more for each episode.

Why is it important to have a good podcast format?

The right format will keep your content organized and make it accessible to your listeners. Without a strong format, your show will seem disjointed and messy. Podcast formats also create consistency for your listeners. When you stick to a format, your listeners will know what to expect when they open each new episode.

What is repurposing content?

Repurposing content is when you take content that already exists and transform it in a way to get more value out of it. You might add to it, split it up, or transpose it to a new medium. Some bloggers simply take existing written content and repurpose it into a podcast for an audio experience.

How to set yourself apart from the crowd on an interview podcast?

For instance, if everyone in your niche is using an interview podcast format, you might try using a panel of guests to set yourself apart. Your might opt to use a format that’s traditionally hard for your niche because you know you’ll be the only one doing it. Or you could get really weird and turn your lessons into stories using the podcast theater format. That would be so unusual that people would have to check it out.

What is a fictional podcast?

Also know as Fictional Storytelling podcast format, these are fictional stories told across multiple episodes, similar to dramatic television. Some are narrated by a single voice. Others use multiple voice actors, sound effects, and other audio elements. Just like TV shows, these podcasts use tension, climaxes, and cliffhangers to tell their stories.

What is panel podcast?

A panel podcast is similar to an interview podcast, but with more people. Each episode has a single host and a group of guests. For your listener, it feels like overhearing an organic conversation between friends.

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