Podcast FAQ

podcast guest guide

by Elinor Towne Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How to Be a Great Podcast Guest: A Guide for Authors

  • Preparation. Double check your call time. Everybody’s in different time zones, so clarify what time the call is...
  • Get the tech right. Read through any tech instructions the host gives you. Many podcasts send you a document or email...
  • Measure response and capture readers. Check your stats (sales, subscribers, website).

Full Answer

How do I find podcasts to be a guest on?

There are a lot of podcasts out there to be a guest on—and several ways to find the best ones for you.Meet people. ... Make your “80/20 list” of podcast targets. ... Explore other places to find podcasts that fit. ... Look outside your niche (but not too far) ... Build rapport. ... Make the ask. ... Suggest some topic ideas. ... Show your value.More items...•

What should a guest say on a podcast?

Keep your answers concise As a podcast guest, you indeed want to tell good stories, but wherever possible keep your answers punchy and tight. This gives the host(s) air time and allows them to ask more questions and get to their standard segments, etc. without running short or having to rush the show.

How much do you get paid to be a guest on a podcast?

Typically, podcasts do not pay their guests. Their “Payment” comes from exposure to the audience as well as highlights to their services, e-books, products, etc. Even if a podcast is small now, there is an assumption by host and guests that the show will grow, and the exposure will increase.

What makes a great podcast guest?

Be serious about it. Don't think all you have to do is be on your phone and it's all good. Going on a podcast and being ONLY on the phone and walking around or being in some place that is super noisy is like you showing up to have a business meeting straight out of bed without even brushing your teeth.

How do you introduce yourself as a guest on a podcast?

Here are five possibilities on how to introduce yourself on a podcast or panelist interview.Start with how long you have been doing something. ... Begin with your current title and area of expertise. ... Begin with prestige. ... Go for approachable or understated. ... Focus on the thing you're selling.

How do you write a guest bio for a podcast?

Write The Guest's Bio For Them It sometimes includes a plug for their latest book, project, or product. If you ask your guest something like “Can you tell our listeners what you do?” or say “Tell us about yourself,” they'll give you their prepared bio. In some cases, these bios are long and boring.

Do guests get paid for interviews?

Like radio talk shows, TV news talk shows usually won't pay guests for showing up. In both cases, the financial results – if there are any – are generally longer term. Gaining more awareness will lead to more people discovering what they do, buying their products or services, and so on.

Do podcasts charge a fee?

Music fans who are used to purchasing songs through iTunes may be accustomed to paying a dollar or more per song, but podcasts are almost always completely free.

How long does it take for a podcast to make money?

Relying on the experience of Marc Clair, a podcast host, and producer, it may take as long as 18 months before you start seeing results. That's if you produce a show weekly. In his words, things can be faster than stated if you have luck, a marketing budget, and irresistible content.

What questions do you ask on a podcast?

What are three movies you'd recommend to my audience and why? What are three other podcasts you'd recommend to my audience and why? What's one question you wish I'd asked you, and how would you have answered? Where can listeners find you online?

How can I be a good visitor?

8 Tips On How To Be A Good House GuestBring A Gift. ... Be Respectful Of Their Schedules. ... Let Them Know When You're Arriving and Leaving. ... Ask About The Rules. ... Help Wash The Dishes. ... Offer To Pay For A Meal. ... Leave Your Space Cleaner Than Before. ... Make Sure To Say Thank You!

How do you talk on a podcast?

How to Speak on a Podcast: 4 Tips for a Better Recording - MovoWrite a Script Ahead of Time. The best way to nail all of your lines for your show is to have a plan of what you will say throughout the episode. ... Plan Your Interview Questions. ... Slow Down Your Speaking Speed. ... Use Pauses for Emphasis.

How can I be a good visitor?

8 Tips On How To Be A Good House GuestBring A Gift. ... Be Respectful Of Their Schedules. ... Let Them Know When You're Arriving and Leaving. ... Ask About The Rules. ... Help Wash The Dishes. ... Offer To Pay For A Meal. ... Leave Your Space Cleaner Than Before. ... Make Sure To Say Thank You!

How do you ask a question on a podcast?

What are three movies you'd recommend to my audience and why? What are three other podcasts you'd recommend to my audience and why? What's one question you wish I'd asked you, and how would you have answered? Where can listeners find you online?

How to increase your chances of being a guest on a podcast?

Create high value content and hope that a podcaster sees it. This is a very low probability method, but creating high quality content that, if referenced on a podcast, is sure to increase your chances at being a guest.

Why do you want to do a guest interview on a podcast?

Guest podcasting allows you to speak directly to new podcast listeners in your target audience. Additionally, guests on podcasts reap all the upside of a podcast’s exposure, without requiring you to create your own podcast.

How many people listen to podcasts in 2023?

Forecasts suggest that the the number of podcast listeners will surpass 160 million in 2023 after increases of around 20 million each year. AudienceProject data shows that the share of people saying they listen to podcasts on a weekly basis rose across all seven of the markets in which it conducted its 2020 survey.

How to get invited to a podcast?

Appear as a guest poster or offer a quote to an online publication. Many podcasts are looking for a constant stream of new guests, and subject matter experts (as indicated by being published giving a quote in a relevant article) can increase your chances at being invited onto a podcast as a guest.

Why do podcasts have interviews?

Podcast interviews are a fantastic way to get more of the right people to know, like, and trust you. That includes podcasters looking to grow their own audience.

How to find a media doppelganger?

For instance, if you are a blogger who discusses passive income strategies, find other well-known authors or thinkers on that topic and go to the media page of their website and see which podcasts they’ve already appeared on. They’ve essentially done the sourcing for you. You know those podcasts hosts are interested in negotiation as a topic, so you can add them to the outreach list.

What is Podchaser Connect?

Connecting creators is still a work-in-progress for the podcast community, but Podchaser Connect is a massive step toward making the process simple and effective. You can create your Podchaser profile to centralize your show, give credit to creators, sell merchandise, and network with the community.

What is podcast guesting?

Podcast guesting is also a brilliant networking tool. You can build relationships with influencers, mentors and up and comers in your industry without having to shell out loads of money attending conferences. Plus guesting gives you awesome content for your audience that you can repurpose over and over again.

What are the categories of podcasts?

Apple Podcasts has a huge directory of podcasts with a number of categories: business, health, technology and more.

What happens if you do a good job on a podcast?

If you do a good job, the traffic and leads will follow. If you do a bad job, the host might not even release your episode and everyone’s time is wasted. Most podcast hosts want guests with a compelling story and clearly defined message. Take the time to craft them.

How long should I listen to a podcast?

You don’t necessarily have to listen to the entire episode right now, but I do recommend listening to at least 10 to 15 minutes to get a feel for the podcast host’s style. When you’re happy with your list, it’s time to contact the podcast and pitch.

Do podcasts publish every week?

Check the dates and make sure that they have recently published episodes. Some podcasts do produce seasonal podcasts so might not publish every week or month so keep that in mind.

Is a podcast interview a pitchfest?

A podcast interview is not a pitchfest.

Is a host your ideal client?

Depending on your industry and your goals, the host might even be your ideal client.


Double check your call time. Everybody’s in different time zones, so clarify what time the call is scheduled for. I’ve had clients who got the time wrong or the host got it wrong. Put the call on your calendar, set a reminder, and show up a bit early and ready to go.

Get the tech right

Read through any tech instructions the host gives you. Many podcasts send you a document or email that tells you what to expect and has instructions for how to set up the technology for recording. Some hosts will even send you a microphone. Make sure that you read, understand and follow their instructions.

Measure response and capture readers

Check your stats (sales, subscribers, website). Just before the episode airs, check all of your stats. See how many subscribers you have and how many books you’ve sold. See how many website visitors you have had. These numbers will give you a snapshot of where you are before the episode.

During recording

A podcast is really just a conversation. Concentrate on connecting with the interviewer and you can’t go wrong, but here are some things it can be helpful to think about while recording.

After the show

Now that it’s over, resist the urge to dwell on any small missteps and do these things instead:

Check your stats

Check your stats again to see what impact being on that podcast had. You can determine if this is the kind of audience who really appreciates what you bring.

Send another pitch!

Finally, send another pitch as quickly after your guest spot as you can. You don’t want to think of any one podcast as a golden ticket that means you don’t have to do this anymore. On the flipside, if it was a disaster, you needn’t think “Now I’m doomed to failure and can never do this again.” Just keep pitching.

What is the power of podcasting?

The power of podcasting is the conversation. It’s the dynamic back and forth. So, make sure you treat it like that, rather than a monologue.

Why are questions important in a podcast?

Questions make you more interesting, more dynamic, and they make your content better because you can take much more guidance from the host of the show.

What is the job of a podcaster?

Your job is to establish credibility (your subject experience and successes), to establish a rapport (the personal story, your values, perhaps some failures) and to signpost some interesting things to delve into later. If you can, when you go on a podcast, you’ll tailor the story a little for that particular audience.

Is content king?

Content is king, sure, but no one wants to listen to half an hour of crappy quality audio. Bad vocals make you sound amateur. They don't make the best use of the time you’re investing in this interview. If you’re hunched over your laptop, barking into a crappy internal mic, it shows, and your amazing insights are lost in a sea of strained, distorted voice.

Is it easy to be invited to a show?

It's easy to be invited on to a show, and turn up with little more than a general idea of the show's name and topic. You know your stuff after all – you've crafted your general answers above, so you'll fly through it, right?

Do you have to prepare for a podcast interview?

No doubt you know it’s a good idea to prepare when you're running a podcast interview. Unless you're Mark Maron, a lack of prep is just plain lazy. But, what if you're on the other end of the mic? Are there things you can do to be a great podcast interviewee? Do we have any podcast guest tips to help you sound your best when being interviewed on a podcast?

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