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podcast guest pitch template

by Gregg Jones Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How do you pitch a podcast as a guest?

How Do You Become a Guest on a Podcast?Craft a clear message.Know your audience.Build up your thought leadership.Make a list of shows you want to pitch.Listen to the shows you're pitching.Interact w/ the host on social media.Create a media kit.Nail the pitch.

What should a guest say on a podcast?

Keep your answers concise As a podcast guest, you indeed want to tell good stories, but wherever possible keep your answers punchy and tight. This gives the host(s) air time and allows them to ask more questions and get to their standard segments, etc. without running short or having to rush the show.

How do you write a pitch letter to a podcast?

How can I effectively pitch myself as a guest to podcast hosts? Lead with value, then make a meaningful request while offering credibility. Don't forget to mention that you'd like to share the episode with your network. And end the pitch by making it easy for the podcast host to say no if you're the wrong fit.

What makes a great podcast guest?

Cliche messages are perfect for posters, coffee mugs, and T-shirts, but not for podcasts. We want juicy details, riveting stories, and real emotion. If all of your answers sound like one schmoozy elevator pitch, we won't trust you. TIP: If you want to understand the audience, just ask the host.

How do you interview a podcast for a guest?

Podcast Preparation For HostsBe Clear About Your Podcast Format. You can't host a successful interview without being clear about how you want the interview to run. ... Send a Pre-Interview Survey. ... Research Your Guest. ... Read the Book. ... Create Set Recording Times. ... Minimize Distractions. ... Listen to the Podcast. ... Offer an Angle.More items...

How do you email a guest podcast?

I'm [first and last name], a/an [your job title/company and city/state]. I'm writing to introduce myself as a possible guest on [name of podcast]. Note: Explain at the top of the email what you want. Don't make the person hunt around for it.

How do you write a podcast proposal?

But before you get started, you need to decide who will see your plan when it's done....You'll want to write up:A quick overview of what your show is about and how it's presented.Outline the hosts, producers and other personnel involved.Create the mission, values and goals of the podcast.

How Do You Pitch Yourself as a Guest on a Podcast?

To pitch yourself as a guest on a podcast, you should have the following:

Podcast Guest Pitch Template (From the Guest)

With all the information you’ve collected about the podcast, you should be able to fill in the pitch template below.

The Podcast Guest Checklist

There’s a lot to take in here. That’s why we’ve boiled down this whole post down into a simple podcast guest checklist.

How to write a media pitch?

In each media pitch, your email should include: 1 The reason why you are sending the email 2 Why the person’s audience should care 3 Why you are the perfect person to talk to about this topic 4 The next steps you want the person to take (like book you as a guest on his or her podcast) 5 End with a short 1-2 sentence bio that includes some authority or credibility

Why is it important to follow up with media pitching?

Remember, there is a lot happening in those inboxes, so it’s important to follow up with people to ensure you’re catching them at a right time, you have something timely they need to jump on now, etc.

1. Find a Contact Email

You can usually find an email for the host or show producer by performing a simple Google search. Search by the podcast name, host’s name and try adding show name +email. LinkedIn is another helpful tool for finding contact details and connecting with people who work on the show.

2. Include 1–3 Episode Pitches in Your Email

Brainstorm a few different ideas and explain how they benefit the audience and show. If your topic has been covered before, acknowledge this outright and point out how your content is different.

1. Do your research!

Before you randomly start emailing or DMing people, look them up. Even if they seem like a good fit at first, they might be in a totally different phase of business, or might not even appear on podcasts. The most important thing to consider at this stage is whether or not their stories or expertise are relevant to your audience.

2. Build a relationship

I’m not a fan of random cold emails. I get them a lot (usually for those SEO backlink requests), and it’s so obviously careless that I just delete them right away. Then there’s the PR push.

3. Personalize the pitch

I made you a template! You can use it! But if you don’t personalize it I swear I will take this off the internet SO FAST. This template is designed for you to get started, it’s not a one size fits all, and it 100% is not complete. With great power comes great responsibility and whatnot.

4. Create mutual benefit

BUT WHY DON’T THEY WANT TO BE ON MY SHOW?! I feel like this is typically a panic response when people start complaining that no one wants to guest on their podcasts. It’s not enough to just say “be on my show, only talk about this, and you’re not allowed to plug anything.” Frankly, that’s why everyone does any kind of media circuit.

5. Close that pitch!

It’s closing time baby! Prove that you know that this is a win-win, and remind them that you’re in their corner and want to support them! Give them an ego boost, and use language that makes them take action.

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