Podcast FAQ

podcast outreach template

by Rosendo Moen Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What are outreach templates and how do they work?

These outreach templates provide you with the structure for emails that can yield benefits from your prospects, your customers, and the people you’ve identified as authorities in your industry. Keep in mind, however, that these templates only provide you with a structure for how an email with a specific goal should be written.

How do you write a guest post in an outreach email?

Here’s an outreach email template you can use to introduce your expertise and offer a guest post. I wanted to follow up on the [content] I recently sent you. I’m happy to put together an original post on [topic] if that makes sharing easier for you. Here’s an example of a post I’ve written on [topic].

How do I prioritize my podcast outreach target list?

Now you should have a pretty healthy list of options in your spreadsheet, let’s prioritize. Step 1: Eliminate - first let’s get rid of all the people that won’t help you grow your business. Here are characteristics of a good outreach target. If a podcast doesn’t match these, toss them out:

How to pitch yourself as a host on a podcast?

But doing great work is not enough. You have to get your name out there by writing a special email wooing the host to feature you. Pick a good show where your audience hangs out and get started. First up is the subject line. Your subject line makes or breaks your pitch. If your subject doesn’t compel your host to open the email, that’s the end.


How do you do a podcast outreach?

Podcast Outreach in Detail First, you have to find relevant podcasts. Then, you have to get contact information for those podcasts. And then you have to craft a personalized pitch email to make them want you to appear on their podcast.

How do you write a podcast invitation?

One line with your name, your Podcast's name and brief description of your mission is enough. Include a hyperlink to the Podcast. Next, include a short, personal, and unique reason you're inviting them to the show.

How do I invite guests to my podcast?

Let's jump right into the 6 simple steps of booking great guests for your podcast.Create a Short-List of Potential Guests. ... Send the Initial Invite. ... Send A Follow-Up. ... Prepare For The Interview. ... Send A Reminder. ... Send A “Thank You”

How do I reach a potential podcast guest?

How to Find Podcast GuestsDo some field research. ... Send a formal invitation. ... Search online on different websites. ... Write an inspiring pitch. ... Ask experts with recent publications. ... Try social media handles. ... Contact experts through directories. ... Meet potential guests in person.More items...•

How do you announce a new podcast?

Introducing a Brand New Podcast: [Podcast Name] [Podcast Name] isn't your average [industry] podcast. Host [host's name] interviews the industry's leading professionals to bring you… You'll also hear about [additional details about the show]. Be the first to get the latest on [industry].

How do I create a podcast newsletter?

Let's go through the five basic steps.Step 1: Choose an email marketing tool. Unfortunately, you can't send a podcast newsletter from your Gmail account. ... Step 2: Collect email addresses. ... Step 3: Design a podcast newsletter template. ... Step 4: Design your content. ... Step 5: Build some automations.

Do you have to pay podcast guests?

Typically, podcasts do not pay their guests. Their “Payment” comes from exposure to the audience as well as highlights to their services, e-books, products, etc. Even if a podcast is small now, there is an assumption by host and guests that the show will grow, and the exposure will increase.

What should I send to my podcast as a guest?

6 things you should provide your podcast guest before recordingCasual get to know you session. ... Your show's format details. ... Confirm their bio/intro. ... Prepped questions and topics. ... Tech details for recording. ... Practice recording session.

How do I promote my podcast?

On this pageLeverage your guest's audience.Promote on social media … in a dozen different ways.Release at least 3 episodes on launch day.Convert the audio to a YouTube video.Submit your podcast to podcatchers and aggregators.Transcribe the audio.Throw a two-week ratings party.Run a giveaway contest.More items...

How do I increase the audience of my podcast?

So, to help increase your podcast listeners, below are six crucial tips that can help people find you.Create a Podcast trailer.Use Call to Actions.Promote your Podcast on social media.Repurpose your Podcast content.Podcast SEO.Invite guests and star as a guest.

How do you pitch a podcast in an email?

My 10 step guide as to how to write the perfect podcast guest pitch email are as follows;Subject line.Personalise it.Introduce yourself succinctly.Reference their podcast.Why you would make a good guest.Suggest potential topics to talk about.Proof.Give more background.More items...

How do you ask a question on a podcast?

What are three movies you'd recommend to my audience and why? What are three other podcasts you'd recommend to my audience and why? What's one question you wish I'd asked you, and how would you have answered? Where can listeners find you online?

Want to get placed on the podcasts that your buyers listen to?

Let me ask you this: what if you — weekly — were speaking to an audience of 50, 500, or 5,000 ‘dream clients’ for your business by being interviewed on podcasts? What impact would that have on your business, marketing, and promotion?

Presenting, Podcast Outreach

Podcast Outreach gives you answers to your most pressing questions about how to get on podcasts. It’s a book, email template library, and video interview library that will teach you how to talk the talk and walk the walk of placing yourself on podcasts through email outreach. You’ll learn how to:

How to make a podcast look good?

It will make you look good to your audience by offering them more content that they might be interested in, and the host will appreciate people you know being exposed to their podcast.

How long does it take to write a podcast?

A good article usually takes at least five hours to write and edit, and a great longform article like the kind featured on Sumo takes at least ten and sometimes twenty hours. An hour long podcast on the other hand only takes an hour.

How many podcasts did Dorie Clark do?

Author, speaker and consultant Dorie Clark did over 150 podcast appearances in 2015, the year her most recent book Stand Out was released, and also said it was her number 1 channel for driving book sales.

What is the best USB mic for podcasts?

If you are planning on doing podcast interviews, the biggest upgrade you can make is getting a decent USB mic. Podcast expert and host of Cashflow Podcast, Ben Krueger, recommends the ATR 2100 as the best value mic. It sounds almost as good as the $250 options and it’s usually around $50 on Amazon.

Is podcasting a Renaissance?

Podcasting is having a Renaissance for the same reason people flooded into adwords a decade ago. It’s a relatively uncrowded, high growth, highly converting marketing channel. It’s perhaps 10x more effective than a similar, proven channel: guest posting. Let’s take a look at the data and see if that statement holds up.

How to get a guest on a podcast?

1. Leverage your network. One of the easiest ways to land a guest on your podcast is by reaching out to your connections. People who personally know you are much more likely to reply to your pitch and join your show.

What is Salesforce podcast?

Salesforce hosts a marketing podcast called The Marketing Cloudcast, where myself and Tina Rozul interview guests about relevant topics in marketing. Since we’re in pivotal times right now, they are working on a short mini-series covering how brands are leading the way during this change.

Who is the co-host of 3 clips?

According to Jay Acunzo, Founder of Marketing Showrunners and Co-Host of 3 Clips, a crucial first step is telling your guests why your show exists. “You need a clear premise that aligns with the guest’s beliefs,” Acunzo says.

What to do when emailing a podcast?

When you’re emailing the podcast, you want to do a minimum amount of research. That means you’ve identified: The podcast’s name. The host/contact person’s name. The name and topic of a recent episode of the podcast (ideally, an episode relevant to what you’re pitching) That’s the minimum you need to research and identify about the podcast.

Why do people appear on podcasts?

Appearing as a guest on podcasts helps you build your reputation as an expert, get more traffic for your business, attract more leads, and convert more customers. However, there are a lot of elements that go into appearing on a podcast: Researching your audience, to identify the best types of podcasts to focus on.

What does it mean to be a guest on a podcast?

On top of that, when you’re a guest on a podcast, you add to your library of marketing assets. The podcast episode, like an article in a magazine or a white paper, becomes something that you can share with your audience, cementing your status as an expert in their mind. Podcasting lets you develop your authority and expertise.


Yes, we all hate sending out cold emails, but sometimes they are a necessary evil. Plus, they make it easier to send warm emails to your target audience. The three email examples you see here can help you craft a cold email, a slightly less cold email, and a warm email.


Phone prospecting is right near the top of the list of things marketers hate to do, but the personal connections you can make with your customers is invaluable. Below are two types of phone prospecting: one to help you set up a phone call, and the other to follow up after a phone call has taken place.


Creating a positive customer experience has become one of the most important goals for any business that wants to thrive in the cutthroat world of digital marketing.


Whether you have an existing blog, or are you are about to launch a new blog, you need to create awareness of that blog. The following two templates can help you achieve that goal…

Blog Promo Outreach After You Publish It

There is a chance, unfortunately, that none of the influencers you reached out to will respond.


There are many ways to skin the branding cat, but one of the best is to create quality written content that builds awareness throughout your industry. Two effective means of promoting your content are to become a columnist for a highly reputable blog, or to guest post on an authoritative site that wields significant influence.


Product reviews can help generate positive word-of-mouth about your company, and boost your referrals. There are two types of product review emails you can send:

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