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podcast script outline

by Nova Bogisich Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How do you write a podcast outline?

Create a visual outline to guide each podcast episodeFirst, map out the key topics. Start by laying out the major topics or questions you know you want to cover. ... Add talking points. ... Get the sequence right. ... Add imagery or video. ... Share with your co-host or guest.

Is there a template script for podcast?

The simplest intro template looks like this: “Welcome to [podcast name], where we discuss [podcast topic or tagline]. I'm [host name], and with me is [co-host name]. Today, we'll be talking about [episode topic] with our special guest, [guest name].

How do you write a podcast ad script?

Podcast Ad Script GeneratorStart with an attention grabbing introduction. ... Explain how your product or service fixes the problem. ... Give social proof or reasons why you're the best. ... Special offer for listeners and give them a clear call to action.

What are 5 elements of a podcast?

5 elements of a good podcastFocus on a central idea.Play to an audience.Regular schedules.Show structure.Authenticity.

What should my first podcast say?

How to structure your intro episodeAddress your audience, welcome them to the show.Introduce yourself as the host of the show. Include your name. ... Mention what inspired you to start your podcast. ... Talk about the release schedule. ... Explain the podcast's structure. ... Say goodbye and share where people can find more:

What is a podcast format?

What is a Podcast Format? Podcast formats are ways to organize your show's content. They are delivery methods that give your podcast a structure. The right format will keep your content organized and make it accessible to your listeners. Without a strong format, your show will seem disjointed and messy.

Should you script your podcast?

When you're new to podcasting it's natural to want to script everything because having words on paper can feel like a warm security blanket. But reading from a script on your podcast immediately distances you from your audience. Why? Because you're more focused on the page than you are on them.

How do you make a podcast flow?

Explain that by engaging with the podcast further, your listeners will help it grow and allow others to find valuable content that your listeners already get so much from....8 Tips For A Perfectly Flowing PodcastThe Teaser. ... The Intro. ... The Episode Intro. ... The Disclaimer. ... The Content. ... The Wrap-Up. ... The Outro. ... The Call To Action.

What should a podcast include?

Here's what YEC community members had to say:Pain Points. “Right at the start, they should mention a pain point or issue that their audience is experiencing. ... A Teaser from the Presentation. ... A Few Key Takeaways. ... The Value Add. ... A Good Question. ... A Quote from the Interview. ... Statistics. ... A Tagline Summarizing the Channel.More items...•

What makes a bad podcast?

Bad audio quality. Too many ad reads or annoying/irrelevant ad reads. Lack of preparation or planning.

What makes a podcast stand out?

Engaging with your listeners is the best way to make your podcast stand out. It provides priceless insights to the audience. It gives them a chance to overcome their pains and struggles. Thus, making you more relatable to them.

How long should podcasts be?

The length of your podcast also depends on your subject, industry or genre. It could be that around 15-20 minutes perfect for your listeners. But maybe your specific audience wants more in-depth, exploratory information; in which case, 45-90 minutes would provide more value.

How do I make a podcast intro?

These tips are tried and true lessons in how to make the best podcast intro ever.Keep Your Script Short. When writing your intro's script, try not to go overboard. ... Be Picky About The Music. ... Put Your Call To Action At The End. ... Change Your Intro Up. ... Have Your Brand Ready. ... Keep It Legal. ... Have A Consistent Pattern.

How do you write a podcast intro?

Podcast Intros: 10 Tips to Get Your Listeners HookedIntroduce Your Podcast.Start With a Question. ... Set the Tone for Your Podcast. ... Choose the Right Music. ... Create a Tagline. ... Write Your Intro Beforehand. ... Mention a Website or Call to Action. ... Include Disclaimers When Needed. ... More items...•

How do you make a podcast episode?

How to Plan Podcast Episode Structure in 10 Easy StepsPlan for the length of your episodes.Have a theme for an episode.Use three-acts for engaging podcast episode structure.Plan podcast episode pacing.Introduction, back sell and greet the audience.Raise some early questions you want to address.More items...

How do you make a podcast flow?

Explain that by engaging with the podcast further, your listeners will help it grow and allow others to find valuable content that your listeners already get so much from....8 Tips For A Perfectly Flowing PodcastThe Teaser. ... The Intro. ... The Episode Intro. ... The Disclaimer. ... The Content. ... The Wrap-Up. ... The Outro. ... The Call To Action.

How to script a podcast?

3. Co-Host show podcast script 1 Interrupting one another. (“This is important and I want to mention it before you move on.”) 2 Making the same argument your co-host made a moment ago. 3 Talking so long people forget your co-host is on the show. 4 Transitioning abruptly from one point to another.

Why do podcasts need scripts?

Writing a podcast script is a key way to ensure your audio is clear, tight, and valuable for your listeners. You don’t have to write out every word you intend to say, but it’s important to have notes for each episode to keep you on track, especially if you’re new to podcasting.

What is the biggest challenge of writing a podcast script?

The biggest challenge of writing a podcast script is keeping it conversational. If you aren’t careful, reading a podcast script can lead to a flat, monotone delivery. A lot of podcasters find it useful to speak their script (like a rehearsal for their recording) with a speech-to-text tool open to dictate their words.

What are the notes in a podcast script?

These are notes within your script that indicate pauses, emphasis, laughs, sighs, and other dramatic effects. These elements breathe life into your podcast script so it feels natural.

What is podcasting medium?

Podcasting is an audio medium, which means our audience doesn’t have any visual cues. If you refer to something, like an image, person, or video, make sure to describe it well so your listeners can picture it in their mind. Your descriptions should be detailed and vibrant.

What is an outro?

Your outro is your opportunity to thank your guests for participating, recap what you discussed (and the value you gave your listeners), and thank your audience for their time, and announce upcoming episodes, events, or promotions.

Can you edit a podcast script before recording?

Allow for some riffing. Just because you write a podcast script before your recording doesn’t mean you are bound to it. It’s quite alright to go off script during your recording if you think of something important or valuable on the spot. If you decide you don’t like it, you can always edit it out later.

How to outline your story in 6 easy steps

A podcast outline (or script) is the roadmap for your episode. It helps you map out your talking points and plan the sequence of topics you plan to cover. It's a simple, flexible technique to help all types of podcasters stay organized and produce compelling shows.

1. First, map out the key topics

Start by laying out the major topics or questions you know you want to cover. A great place to start is with the traditional storytelling structure of beginning, middle, and end. Don't worry too much about the order or details yet, just get the main parts out of your head. This is a quick flexible way to brainstorm the centerpieces of your show.

2. Add talking points

Next, add a sentence or a bullet point for each talking point or question you might cover. There are no rules for how much detail to add, do what works best for you. You'll be referencing these as you record your podcast, so try and keep them short, snappy, and easy to scan as you're talking.

3. Get the sequence right

Seeing your episode at this level lets you make connections between themes and concepts you might otherwise miss if you wrote a script in a word document. Re-read your outline so far. Look for points that feel out of place. Perhaps your transitions need some tweaking or a topic appears without a proper introduction.

4. Add imagery or video

While imagery probably won't make an appearance in your podcast, this is a great technique for kickstarting new ideas. Experiment by adding images or video clips that relate to your topics. You can have them on-hand and reference the details when recording to tell a more vivid story.

5. Share with your co-host or guest

With any creative technique or project, it’s important to be open to constructive feedback. Now that the first version of your outline is done it's time to ask for specific feedback on the sequence and talking points from your co-host or team. Make sure you stay open to suggestions and improvements and try not to take criticism personally.

You're ready to record!

Now that you've finished your outline, you can start recording, confident that your episode has a strong foundation. If you're starting a new show right now, use the free outline template below to start mapping it out or read our full guide on How to plan a podcast.

What is a podcast script?

A podcast script is basically a roadmap for your episode — and you can decide how many details you need to make it from point A to Z. A well-done script gives structure, direction, and conciseness to your podcast episode. Having an outline and a written direction for your show can help you feel more at ease and focus on the here and now, ...

Why do podcasts need scripts?

While creating a podcast script can have a varying process depending on your format and preferred style, the fact remains: a script will help you create an organized, structured, and efficient podcast recording.

What is the most intimidating part of starting a podcast?

Podcasting. One of the most intimidating aspects of starting a podcast is writing the podcast script. After all, you’re probably getting into podcasting because you like to talk, not write, right? But as all seasoned podcasters know, producing a podcast without a script is a lot like starting a road trip without GPS.

What is a bullet point outline for podcasts?

Many podcasters simply create a bullet-point outline for their episodes. They may have years of experience under their belt, or they may just be really good at talking eloquently off- the-cuff. Either way, minimalist hosts may need a template as simple as this one:

What do podcast sponsors do?

Some podcast sponsors send word-for-word scripts that you simply need to read, then insert into your podcast episode. Other sponsors simply give you a set of talking points that you and your co-host are expected to discuss in a way that matches your show’s style.

What is the most popular podcast format?

The most popular podcast format is the conversational/interview show. Audiences love the easy-going nature of conversations, where listeners feel that they’re simply sitting in on a talk between friends (whether the content is comedic, educational, or simply friendly banter).

What is a segue in podcasts?

Segue. Since your episode will likely have several different components, it’s important to plan out your transitions to make the podcast flow naturally and cohesively. You can approach these transitions (or segues) in several ways, including with a jingle, sound effect, or a spoken phrase.

Episode intro

Your intro can be the most scripted part, as it's arguably the most important section of your show. The first few minutes can be when your listener decides to commit to the whole episode or switch to another podcast. It's got to be engaging, give a clear outline of what is going to be talked about on the podcast and leave the listener wanting more.

Guest intro

Obviously, this only applies if you have a guest on your show. Often in these shows, the host will ask the guest to "tell the audience a little about yourself" or "can you talk us through your backstory" - try to avoid this if you can.

Sponsor slot

Another optional section of your script depends on if you have sponsors or not and your agreement with them. Some like to have the same ad slot for every episode, in which case you'll only have to script it once. Where others like to break up the monotony of a sponsor slot and get creative with it for each episode.

Talking points

This is usually the main section of your show. Often this can go on for over an hour, so there is no need to script this. Unless, of course, you have a narrative show or tightly produced episodes that require a narrative structure. But for most podcasts, they'll only need talking points or questions.


This is not essential by any means, but some shows like to have some kind of segue into another component of the show that is used to break up a long interview. This could be a series of questions that are asked in the middle of every episode, or an interesting fact or anecdote interjected at a certain point.


It's good at the end of every episode to finish off with an outro, instead of the conversation finishing abruptly. This could contain a summary of the episode with key takeaways and a call to action telling people where they can find out more about what was discussed in the episode.


So that's an outline of the components of a podcast script along with some real examples to get you started. A podcast script is not what you might traditionally think a script to be, more a guide to keep the episodes on track. You can mix and match different components which will be different depending on your unique format.

What is a podcast script?

Podcast Script (Template) 1. Opening: A quick musical jingle or your brand’s sonic logo. 2. Introduction: A monologue-style intro outlining your guests and what you plan to talk about on your show. 3.

How to make a podcast?

Brainstorm Podcast Topics: Make a list of subjects that you’re both passionate and knowledgeable about, take a look at what’s already out there, and determine how your podcast will function as an extension of your content strategy. 2.

What is a topic break in podcasts?

These topic breaks are typically described as bumpers or sweepers, giving your listeners the time they might need to digest the content you just presented. Since each podcast is inherently different, each show should have its own themes, topics, and lengths to set episodes apart from each other.

What should the first segment of a podcast be?

The first segment should be the most interesting in order to sustain listeners’ attention. This segment should appeal to the entire audience. Broad content is encouraged to serve the majority. News and current events related to your podcast subject matter are often of interest to an entire audience.

What are the two voice over styles for podcasts?

There are two voice over styles for recording your podcast that you should keep in mind when writing your podcast script. These include polished and freestyle: 1. Polished Podcasting Scripts. A polished, professional- sounding podcast, is similar to what you might hear in a newscast or documentary.

What is freestyle podcast?

Freestyle is an ad lib, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants recording style that can be an unpredictable and engaging voice. This style may work best for podcasts with a high energy or witty host or when there is more than one host on the podcast, highlighting their dialogue skills and spontaneity.

When will podcasts be released in 2021?

February 9, 2021. It may seem like everybody is launching a podcast nowadays, but that doesn’t mean that each new podcast you hear about just materializes out of thin air. In fact, behind every good podcast is a whole lot of podcast planning. So, if you’ve ever wondered how to start a podcast of your own, you’re in luck.

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