Podcast FAQ

podcast strategy template

by Enola Mitchell I Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How do I create a podcast episode plan?

Open the Podcast Episode template The Podcast Episode Plan template is the central hub for your project. It includes the key parts of your creative process: Your ideas, research, and outline for an episode. There are also checklists for your workflow so you have everything in one easy-to-access place.

Why do you need a written podcast marketing plan?

A written podcast marketing plan ensures that everyone has access to it and has the opportunity to voice their opinions. It kills the friction that stands in the way of your team finishing the marathon. PODCAST MARKETING PLAN TEMPLATE: Want to jumpstart your own podcast marketing plan? Copy this free template from Google Docs to get it done fast.

How to create a successful podcast?

Brainstorm Podcast Topics: Make a list of subjects that you’re both passionate and knowledgeable about, take a look at what’s already out there, and determine how your podcast will function as an extension of your content strategy. 2.

How do I create a schedule for my podcast?

Choose the Podcast Schedule template. Each new board gives you the option to start with a beautiful template. Find the Character Profile template, then choose "Use this template". 7. Move episodes through the schedule This template maps out your process from raw idea to published episode.


How do you write a podcast strategy?

How Do You Develop a Podcast Strategy?#1. Set Clear Objectives. ... #2. Determine Your Target Audience. ... #3. Learn About Your Competitors' People-Attraction Strategies. ... #4. Choose Channels for Communications. ... #5. Develop a Content Plan. ... Frank Hamilton has been working as an editor at online essay writing service review.

What podcast marketing strategy?

Podcast marketing is a strategy that implies promoting and selling your product or service through audio content. It helps reach new audiences, tell the brand's story, build authority, and encourage word-of-mouth marketing.

How do you structure a podcast?

The Three Act Podcast StructureAct 1: Setup. In the first act of the episode, your goal is to establish a setting, introduce the characters and their relationships, and build the world they live in. ... Act 2: Confrontation. The second act is the part of the story that raises the stakes. ... Act 3: Resolution.

How do you create a podcast marketing plan?

19 Podcast Marketing Strategies for 2022Understand Your Why. ... Create Great Content. ... Take Time to Craft Your Titles and Descriptions. ... Launch With a Few Episodes. ... Start or Update Your Website. ... Optimize for SEO. ... Start an Email Newsletter. ... Submit to Podcast Directories.More items...•

How do I get more listeners for my podcast?

So, to help increase your podcast listeners, below are six crucial tips that can help people find you.Create a Podcast trailer.Use Call to Actions.Promote your Podcast on social media.Repurpose your Podcast content.Podcast SEO.Invite guests and star as a guest.

How do I make my podcast viral?

In SummaryBecome an early mover in a niche.Release frequent content.Use all distribution networks.Create a separate website that captures leads and makes the podcasts available.Grow your mailing lists.Interview guests and send them links to their episodes.Send guests links to their episodes.More items...

Is there a template script for podcast?

The simplest intro template looks like this: “Welcome to [podcast name], where we discuss [podcast topic or tagline]. I'm [host name], and with me is [co-host name]. Today, we'll be talking about [episode topic] with our special guest, [guest name].

How do you layout a podcast script?

If you want to script your podcast in more detail, you can organize it similarly to this:Topic 1 Header (Duration) Main Point. Supporting Point. Supporting Point. Supporting Data/Reference. Case Study/Example/Anecdote. ... Segue.Topic 2 Header (Duration) Main Point. Supporting Point. Supporting Point. Supporting Data/Reference.

What are the five considerations when producing podcasts?

Here are five considerations to take into account when evaluating if a podcast is right for your brand:Audience: Find Your Focus. Audiences consume content differently. ... Format: Develop a Consistent Approach. ... Material: Curate Compelling Content. ... Frequency: Commit to a Cadence. ... Distribution & Access: Build Your Strategy.

How do I promote my first podcast?

Here's a quick recap:Build an email list or outreach list before your podcast launches. ... Record 3-5 podcast episodes before you launch.Pick a launch date. ... Create assets like images, clips, and shareable quotes.Launch day!Message your list to ask them to listen and review.Keep publishing new episodes consistently.

How do you engage a podcast audience?

How To Create Interesting Podcast EpisodesTalk about things you're interested in. ... Focus on your target audience. ... Tell lots of stories. ... Help your audience take the next step. ... Ask your listeners questions and report their responses. ... Stay on topic and don't wander too much. ... Invite unique experts onto your show.More items...•

How do I drive traffic to my podcast?

Social mediaConvert your podcast into a YouTube video. ... Cut that YouTube video into clips. ... Customize posts to each social media channel. ... Tease episodes with audiograms. ... Record a tagline with your guest. ... Add value on social media. ... Run giveaways on social media.

Are podcasts a good marketing strategy?

Well, podcasts are content goldmines. They drive high levels of engagement, build loyal audiences, and are easy to repurpose into written or video assets. Podcasts can also work in unison with other types of content to build a stronger overall content marketing strategy for your business.

Do podcasts work for marketing?

A survey found that ad revenues for podcasts in the U.S. alone neared $1 billion in 2020. It can take a while for podcasts to gain the popularity and listenership to warrant advertisements, but once it does, it can be another avenue for revenue.

How do I promote my podcast 2020?

How to promote a podcast:Upload podcast on iTunes.Leverage your guests' audience.Share your podcast on social media.Record lots of content.Create a cohesive visual brand.Leverage word-of-mouth advertising.Transcribe the audio and publish the text.

How do I advertise on podcasts?

Monitor your progress.Consider podcast demographics. ... Understand standard podcast ad pricing. ... Look for podcasts that relate to your brand or industry. ... Use your competitors for inspiration. ... Purchase multiple ads for small shows rather than one for big podcasts. ... Advertise on multiple podcasts within the same network.More items...•

How to make a podcast?

Brainstorm Podcast Topics: Make a list of subjects that you’re both passionate and knowledgeable about, take a look at what’s already out there, and determine how your podcast will function as an extension of your content strategy. 2.

What should the first segment of a podcast be?

The first segment should be the most interesting in order to sustain listeners’ attention. This segment should appeal to the entire audience. Broad content is encouraged to serve the majority. News and current events related to your podcast subject matter are often of interest to an entire audience.

What is a podcast script?

Podcast Script (Template) 1. Opening: A quick musical jingle or your brand’s sonic logo. 2. Introduction: A monologue-style intro outlining your guests and what you plan to talk about on your show. 3.

What is a topic break in podcasts?

These topic breaks are typically described as bumpers or sweepers, giving your listeners the time they might need to digest the content you just presented. Since each podcast is inherently different, each show should have its own themes, topics, and lengths to set episodes apart from each other.

What are the two voice over styles for podcasts?

There are two voice over styles for recording your podcast that you should keep in mind when writing your podcast script. These include polished and freestyle: 1. Polished Podcasting Scripts. A polished, professional- sounding podcast, is similar to what you might hear in a newscast or documentary.

What is freestyle podcast?

Freestyle is an ad lib, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants recording style that can be an unpredictable and engaging voice. This style may work best for podcasts with a high energy or witty host or when there is more than one host on the podcast, highlighting their dialogue skills and spontaneity.

When will podcasts be released in 2021?

February 9, 2021. It may seem like everybody is launching a podcast nowadays, but that doesn’t mean that each new podcast you hear about just materializes out of thin air. In fact, behind every good podcast is a whole lot of podcast planning. So, if you’ve ever wondered how to start a podcast of your own, you’re in luck.

Podcast Strategy: The Ultimate Guide

This article will provide you the ultimate guide to the best podcast strategy.

The Best Podcast Strategy

Let's get started and uncover the best podcast strategy your brand needs to reach the set goals.


Creating a podcast, just like all other content marketing campaigns, doesn't have to be overwhelming, but at the same time, it does require a reasonable investment in time and resources to make things right.

Execute Your Plan

Once you have committed to begin podcasting, you’ll find there are a plethora of tasks to complete before you can get up and running. Then, once you have your brand established, there are the regular tasks of sourcing guests, carrying out interviews, writing scripts, editing episodes, tagging your files, the list goes on and on.

Link information

The main table view provides you with complete oversight of the process. Then, click on an individual line and upload files, link to documents, make notes, in fact, do everything you need in order to achieve podcasting success, right there, within the template.

Organize your podcast episodes in one place

Starting a new podcast episode can be an exciting but daunting moment. It's the beginning of the creative process—where your mind is overflowing with ideas, inspiration, and plans.

How to use this template

Grab the free Milanote template above and follow this step-by-step guide to learn the modern process of organizing your podcast episodes in Milanote, a free tool used by top creatives.

1. Open the Podcast Episode template

The Podcast Episode Plan template is the central hub for your project. It includes the key parts of your creative process: Your ideas, research, and outline for an episode. There are also checklists for your workflow so you have everything in one easy-to-access place.

2. Begin researching your topic

Whether your podcast is a true-crime thriller or an interview series, research is a crucial step in the early creative process. It's a springboard for new ideas and can add substance and authenticity to each episode. As author Robert McKee says "when you do enough research, the story almost writes itself.

3. Save articles, data and video

Wikipedia, blogs, and news websites are a goldmine for researchers. It's here you'll find historical events and records, data, and opinions about your topic. We're in the 'collecting' phase so just save links to any relevant information you stumble across. You can return and read the details at a later stage.

4. Create an outline (or script)

A podcast outline (or script) is the roadmap for your episode. It helps you map out your talking points and plan the sequence of topics you want to cover. It's a simple, flexible technique to help all types of podcasters stay organized and produce compelling shows.

5. Map out your talking points

Start by laying out the major topics or questions you know you want to cover. A great place to start is with the traditional storytelling structure of beginning, middle, and end. Don't worry too much about the order or details yet, just get the main parts out of your head.

What is the second component of a podcast?

The second component of your podcast marketing plan should be deets on the audience your show is targeting. The content of your show should be molded around your ideal listener.

What is the purpose of the cover art on a podcast?

The cover art conveys the vibe or personality of your show. As people search for new podcasts in their preferred podcast player, they judge each result by the name and the cover art. Make sure your cover art appeals to your ideal buyer and stands out among other similar shows.

What is the first part of an ABM strategy?

The first part of your ABM strategy as it relates to your podcast is to come up with an initial target list. Now, if you’ve been taking an ABM approach for any time at all, you probably have a list of your target accounts. This list can also be used for your podcast marketing plan.

Why is it important to write out your target demographics?

The more specific you get within your podcast episodes, the better. Writing out your target demographics helps to flesh out the topics you cover in your show. Keep in mind that the target demographics in your podcast marketing plan might differ a little from your company’s overall target demographics.

Can you name your podcast after yourself?

Just like with a real human baby, what you name your podcast is essential to its success. Although, while you can name your kid after you, you do NOT want to name your show after yourself or even your company.

How to finance a podcast?

A smart way to finance a podcast, or even a career, is to secure sponsors or advertisers. This can be tricky, however, without an existing podcast and listeners to sell against. Consider investing in the start-up costs and hosting a half-dozen foundational shows before reaching out for investment.

How affordable is podcasting?

Podcasting is affordable, relatively easy to produce, and provides access to an engaged listener base. According to Edison Research, 80% of users listen to most of each episode, averaging 7 per week, while 69% of listeners agree that podcast ads make them aware of new products or services.

When was the first podcast created?

Let’s get started. Podcasting as a marketing channel. Podcasting technology dates to the early 2000s. The first shows were created in late 2003, and the term itself was coined in 2004 by combining “iPod” with “broadcasting.”.

Is content good for a show?

Content is only as good as the format in which it’s delivered. Make sure you’ve created a structure that works for the host (s), guests, marketing, and the production team. Based on your overall objective, host talent, and resources, you’ll need to finalize show format, frequency, and duration. Format.

What Is a Podcast Content Strategy?

A podcast strategy is a set of rules and recommendations that determine which communication channels are most effective for engaging the target audience through the podcast. The podcast content strategy should include a detailed audio publishing plan so that you know what and when to publish.

Why Do I Need a Podcast Content Strategy?

A podcast content strategy defines your marketing objectives and assists you in achieving them more efficiently. It streamlines your team’s work by assigning clear and understandable tasks for creating and releasing content, defining goals, and providing measurable metrics for analyzing efficiency.

How Do You Develop a Podcast Strategy?

The following steps are included in the development of a podcast content strategy:


Working on the podcast’s development takes a significant amount of time. Keep track of your audience’s behavior and learn which topics are most popular, what people are interested in right now, and what they would like to hear about in future releases.

What is the purpose of a podcast?

Identifying your overarching purpose is the first step in identifying your target audience. For small businesses and entrepreneurs, starting a podcast is one small part of a much bigger marketing strategy. Your show - much like your blog - has a job. Its job is to increase your brand awareness, generate leads, promote your products and services, ...

What is the purpose of identifying your target audience?

Its job is to increase your brand awareness, generate leads, promote your products and services, connect you with your ideal clients and customers, and even help you build a community around your brand. That said, identifying who your target audience is can help you narrow down and hone in on the topics you should create .

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