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practical ai podcast

by Miss Reina Konopelski IV Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is practical AI?

Practical AI is a show in which technology professionals, business people, students, enthusiasts, and expert guests engage in lively discussions about Artificial Intelligence and related topics (Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, GANs, MLOps, AIOps, and more).

How does podcast AI work?

How AI Happens is a podcast featuring experts and practitioners explaining their work at the cutting edge of Artificial Intelligence. Tune in to hear AI Researchers, Data Scientists, ML Engineers, and the leaders of today's most exciting AI companies explain the newest and most challenging facets of their field.

What is wisdom AI?

February 2021) Artificial wisdom is a software system that can demonstrate one or more qualities of being wise. Artificial wisdom can be described as artificial intelligence reaching the top-level of decision-making when confronted with the most complex challenging situations.

What is the future AI?

AI algorithms will enable doctors and hospitals to better analyze data and customize their health care to the genes, environment and lifestyle of each patient. From diagnosing brain tumors to deciding which cancer treatment will work best for an individual, AI will drive the personalized medicine revolution.

How can I learn machine learning?

Learn Machine Learning in 9 Easy StepsLearn the Prerequisites. ... Learn ML Theory From A to Z. ... Deep Dive Into the Essential Topics. ... Work on Projects. ... Learn and Work With Different ML Tools. ... Study ML Algorithms From Scratch. ... Opt For a Machine Learning Course. ... Apply for an Internship.More items...•

Is a hierarchy in AI?

Abstract. The ISA (is-a) hierarchies are widely used in the classification and the representation of related objects. In terms of assessing similarity between two nodes, current distance approaches suffer from its nature that only parent-child relationships among nodes are captured in the hierarchy.

What does the word wisdom?

1a : ability to discern inner qualities and relationships : insight. b : good sense : judgment. c : generally accepted belief challenges what has become accepted wisdom among many historians— Robert Darnton. d : accumulated philosophical or scientific learning : knowledge.

What is PyTorch Lightning?

PyTorch Lightning is a lightweight PyTorch wrapper for high-performance AI research that lets you train on multiple-GPUs, TPUs, CPUs and even in 16-bit precision without changing your code! In this episode, we dig deep into Lightning, how it works, and what it is enabling. William also discusses the Grid AI platform (built on top of PyTorch Lightning). This platform lets you seamlessly train 100s of Machine Learning models on the cloud from your laptop.

What is the first vector database for machine learning?

Pinecone is the first vector database for machine learning. Edo Liberty explains to Chris how vector similarity search works, and its advantages over traditional database approaches for machine learning. It enables one to search through billions of vector embeddings for similar matches, in milliseconds, and Pinecone is a managed service ...

Why is 90% of AI never made to market?

90% of AI / ML applications never make it to market, because fine tuning models for maximum performance across disparate ML software solutions and hardware backends requires a ton of manual labor and is cost-prohibitive. Luis Ceze and his team created Apache TVM at the University of Washington, then left founded OctoML to bring the project to market.

What is polarity mapping?

Polarity Mapping is a framework to “help problems be solved in a realistic and multidimensional manner” (see here for more info). In this week’s fully connected episode, Chris and Daniel use this framework to help them discuss how an organization can strike a good balance between human intelligence and AI. AI can’t solve everything and humans need to be in-the-loop with many AI solutions.

What is baseten in data science?

Tuhin Srivastava tells Daniel and Chris why BaseTen is the application development toolkit for data scientists. BaseTen’s goal is to make it simple to serve machine learning models, write custom business logic around them, and expose those through API endpoints without configuring any infrastructure.

Why don't AI projects end up creating value in production?

9 out of 10 AI projects don’t end up creating value in production. Why? At least partly because these projects utilize unstable models and drifting data. In this episode, Roey from BeyondMinds gives us some insights on how to filter garbage input, detect risky output, and generally develop more robust AI systems.

When did MLCommons launch?

MLCommons launched in December 2020 as an open engineering consortium that seeks to accelerate machine learning innovation and broaden access to this critical technology for the public good. David Kanter, the executive director of MLCommons, joins us to discuss the launch and the ambitions of the organization.

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