Podcast FAQ

promote my podcast

by Alexandrine Schultz Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

  • Podcast Promotion Starts With Your Existing Audience. The first point – and the most important one at that – is knowing exactly who you want to reach. ...
  • Optimise Your Website. A great podcast will suffer from having a poor website associated with it. Many podcasters limit their show’s growth by overlooking some low-hanging website-based fruit.
  • Podcast Promotion Through Advertising. If you’re a traditionalist, you might see podcast promotion as simply paying to get it in front of some new eyeballs.
  • Collaborate. If there are other podcasters out there covering similar topics to you, you don’t need to see these shows as your competition.
  • Create Content for (Or About) Others. This follows on from the collaboration angle, and is also based around creating shareable content. ...
  • Visibility Through Financial Support. Just like the traditional advertising route of podcast promotion, you might be in a position to dedicate a small budget towards gaining extra visibility.
  • Create Shareable Videos. Audio is notoriously hard to “go viral” because it’s longer form and non visual content. ...
  • In-Person Podcast Promotion. Believe it or not, it’s possible to do your podcast promotion away from the screen! ...
  • The Podcast Promotion Guide. Hopefully, that’s given you plenty ideas and tips for drawing up your own audience growth plan. ...

🤑 Podcast marketing
  1. Encourage reviews from your listeners. ...
  2. Share your podcast on social media. ...
  3. Repurpose your podcast as a YouTube video. ...
  4. Prepare three episodes for your podcast launch. ...
  5. Host a contest to get reviews and subscribers. ...
  6. Collaborate with other podcasters. ...
  7. Enroll in HARO. ...
  8. Buy paid ads.
Jan 6, 2022

Full Answer

How do I market my podcast?

The 80-20 Podcast Marketing

  1. Publish new episodes at least 3 times a week in the first 8 weeks. ...
  2. Juicy Titles & Widely Applicable Themes After 8 weeks of throwing marketing ideas against the wall, I did a deep dive on my episode analytics. ...
  3. Get Guests to Promote You In Their Email Lists

How do you promote your podcast?

This follows on from the collaboration angle, and is also based around creating shareable content. A popular way to promote your podcast is to do a guest post on a site with a similar target audience. With a guest post, you're creating insightful and helpful content for their readers, and in turn, are able to link back to your own content.

How to promote your podcast with a website?

Your contributions will allow us to continue to have a real and full-time presence in keeping this website, and it’s podcasts, going. Three answers and three questions from Real Madrid’s draw with Villarreal A look at some of the talking points from ...

How do I produce my podcast?

Host Teri Barr talks about the connection between your money and your emotions with Sara Rathner, Travel and Credit Card Expert for NerdWallet. Sara shares information on recent surveys indicating ...


How can I promote my podcast for free?

On this pageLeverage your guest's audience.Promote on social media … in a dozen different ways.Release at least 3 episodes on launch day.Convert the audio to a YouTube video.Submit your podcast to podcatchers and aggregators.Transcribe the audio.Throw a two-week ratings party.Run a giveaway contest.More items...

Can you pay to promote your podcast?

You can either purchase the main advertisement slots on the homepage which are usually between $1,000-2,000 USD or you can buy an ad slot in a specific podcast category. Podcast Addict will indicate the categories that you're able to advertise within based on your podcast's RSS feed.

How do I get more listeners for my podcast?

So, to help increase your podcast listeners, below are six crucial tips that can help people find you.Create a Podcast trailer.Use Call to Actions.Promote your Podcast on social media.Repurpose your Podcast content.Podcast SEO.Invite guests and star as a guest.

What is the most effective way to promote a podcast?

How to Promote a PodcastStart by making great content. ... Know your target audience. ... Create a podcast website or landing page. ... Do a giveaway contest. ... Take advantage of email marketing. ... Promote your podcast on social media platforms. ... Encourage word-of-mouth promotion.

How do I make my podcast viral?

In SummaryBecome an early mover in a niche.Release frequent content.Use all distribution networks.Create a separate website that captures leads and makes the podcasts available.Grow your mailing lists.Interview guests and send them links to their episodes.Send guests links to their episodes.More items...

How do I make my podcast popular?

🤑 Podcast marketingEncourage reviews from your listeners. ... Share your podcast on social media. ... Repurpose your podcast as a YouTube video. ... Prepare three episodes for your podcast launch. ... Host a contest to get reviews and subscribers. ... Collaborate with other podcasters. ... Enroll in HARO. ... Buy paid ads.More items...•

How do I get 1000 listeners for my podcast?

3 Tips for New Podcasters To Help You Quickly Reach 1,000...How to reach the first 1,000 listeners? ... Build your podcast audience. ... Give your listeners excellent value on any topic, and they'll always come back for more. ... Bring fresh value and excitement in each episode.More items...

Why is my podcast not growing?

So if your show isn't growing, look first to the premise, because it's the first interaction your audience will have with your podcast. If it's too vague or undifferentiated (i.e., “a show about [industry]”), you can't expect listeners to select it.

How do I drive traffic to my podcast?

Social mediaConvert your podcast into a YouTube video. ... Cut that YouTube video into clips. ... Customize posts to each social media channel. ... Tease episodes with audiograms. ... Record a tagline with your guest. ... Add value on social media. ... Run giveaways on social media.

How do podcasts get featured?

How to find and get featured on top podcasts in your industry:Step 1: Find the right podcasts to pitch. ... Step 2: Research the podcast before you contact the host. ... Step 3: Contact the host to request an interview. ... Step 4: Schedule the interview. ... Step 5: Prepare for your interview. ... Step 6: Give a great interview.More items...•

How long does it take a podcast to grow?

How long does it take a podcast to grow? You should start to see podcast growth within the first 30 days of your launch, and your podcast growth should continue indefinitely month over month, even if it's a small amount. Slow and steady growth is a good thing in the podcasting space.

How do I promote my podcast in 2022?

19 Podcast Marketing Strategies for 2022Understand Your Why. ... Create Great Content. ... Take Time to Craft Your Titles and Descriptions. ... Launch With a Few Episodes. ... Start or Update Your Website. ... Optimize for SEO. ... Start an Email Newsletter. ... Submit to Podcast Directories.More items...•

How to get more listens to podcast?

The allure of free stuff and discounts can be a powerful motivator to get more listens to your podcast. And here’s the clincher: Ask for a review on iTunes as part of the entry requirements for your giveaway. This will hopefully earn you more reviews, which will boost the social proof on your podcast and get iTunes to take notice.

What does it mean when you mention a business in a podcast?

If you mention any businesses or brands in your episode, this provides an opportunity to reach out to those brands afterward to give them the good news of being featured.

What is a podcatcher?

Podcatchers — a pretty cool name, right? — are simply apps that play podcasts. The most popular one is the main podcast app in iOS; it’s the one with the purple icon and a picture of a microphone.

How much of a podcast is on iTunes?

iTunes is responsible for as much as 70% of a podcast’s listens and downloads. In the process of researching how to promote a podcast, much of the advice kept centering on iTunes as the key channel for growth and attention. I hadn’t realized just how key iTunes really was!

What is reciprocal effect in blogging?

This strategy has roots in content marketing where there’s often a reciprocal effect when you mention a business in a blog post. You’ll often find that business then mentions your post on their social channels.

Do podcasts have transcripts?

A lot of highly successful podcasts offer a full transcript of the entire show. We’re choosing to take a slightly different route with this, pulling out highlighted portions of the transcript and including these in the show notes.

How to promote a podcast?

A popular way to promote your podcast is to do a guest post on a site with a similar target audience. With a guest post, you're creating insightful and helpful content for their readers, and in turn, are able to link back to your own content.

What is podcast promotion?

Podcast promotion is something that's on the minds of many podcasters, even before they've launched their first episode. It's true that the best way to grow an audience is to create great content. But it's rarely as simple as that. If you never do any podcast promotion, then it's unlikely your show will fulfil its true potential.

Why do podcasters ask for reviews?

Many podcasters ask for reviews, because they think this'll help the podcast to grow. Reviews are nice, but they're not overly important when it comes to increasing listenership. Instead of urging your audience to review your podcast every episode, try some other calls to action that could make more of an impact.

What do podcasters want their audience to do?

Podcasters want their target audience to hit subscribe, and stay with the show beyond one episode. If you don't know your audience though, how will you get your content in front of the right people?

What to ask listeners on a podcast?

What topics do they like you covering? Give them a place to tell you all their likes and dislikes, and then tailor your content around that data going forward. It's a lot better than trying to guess what your listeners want!

How to create content that'll be well shared?

You can also create content that'll be well shared by reviewing a product or service you like. For example, if you do a cooking podcast and use a certain type of whisk, you could review it on an episode, then get in touch with the company who makes it and let them know. The chances are, they'll share it with their own audience, many of whom will be interested in your show.

How to make audio more shareable?

A good way to make your audio more shareable on platforms that cultivate short attention spans, is to turn it into short video clips. The most popular way of doing this is with Audiograms. You can also use video recordings of interviews to create ‘ micro-content ‘. Perhaps the most innovative and fun approach here, though, is to have a clip from your show turned into a cartoon!

How to grow a podcast?

If you’re starting from zero ( as in, no promotion at all), pick just three to five and implement them consistently over the next six months. Start with the ones that feel most appealing to you and then build them into your workflow and track your results. Growing a podcast is a notoriously arduous effort — podfade is a real thing. So adjust your mindset for the long term, invest your effort in a few of these approaches and then adjust or add more as you get comfortable and start seeing results.

How to get people to listen to your podcast?

When a new episode goes live, email your list and tell them about it. Whether your list is big or small, email is one of the easiest ways to drive audience to your episode. Neil Patel and Eric Siu relied heavily on email when they were just starting their podcast, Marketing School. After two years, they were hitting 750,000 downloads per month.

What is audiograms in podcasts?

Take snippets of your podcast conversation and turn them into shareable “audiograms,” which is basically a static image that has been converted into a video optimized for social media. According to one test, audiograms generated 5x the traffic when compared with a static image.

How to pick up new listeners?

This is probably the best, most organic way to pick up new listeners: find shows that cover similar topics and pitch yourself as a podcast guest. Here’s a comprehensive and worthwhile resource of why being a guest on podcasts is so effective.

How to get in front of a live audience?

Getting in front of a live audience is a great way to make an impression and boost your podcast visibility. This isn’t just for the A-list keynote speakers of the world. Find local events (or organize one yourself) and pitch yourself as a speaker. You can deliver a workshop, speech, or moderate a panel that aligns with the topic of your podcast. Meetup and Eventbrite are good first places to find events and event organizers to connect with.

How to share podcasts in newsletter?

For your podcast to be shareable in a newsletter, ideally you’ll have devoted episodes pages on a website and have text supporting and even adding to the audio. Offering edited transcripts or solid show notes that at least summarize the main points of the show makes it easier for others to write about your podcast. This podcast started getting picked up in a major industry newsletter after it added edited transcripts for each episode.

How to write a podcast pitch?

Write a personalized, thoughtful pitch explaining why you’re a fit for the show and outlining the topics you can discuss. You can include your very own podcast one sheet, a useful resource to help communicate why you’d be a great guest and to make it easier for the host to prepare for your interview. You can also add yourself to paid directories like PodcastGuests.com or AwesomeGuests .

What podcast does Mozilla put on their homepage?

Mozilla puts their podcast, IRL, on their homepage that gets millions of readers:

What is the most important factor in ranking higher in Apple Podcasts?

Sounds simple but new subscribers are the most important factor in ranking higher in Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes).

Where is the podcast ID number on Apple Podcasts?

Just replace the parts in all caps with your info. Your podcast ID number can be found at the end of your Apple Podcasts URL:

How to help someone on Facebook?

Join relevant Facebook Groups or forums to help others. If you have an episode that relates to a question someone has, it can be useful to mention it along with your answer.

How can having guests on your show help?

If it makes sense, having guests on your show can help by leveraging the existing audience of your guest.

Why is being a guest on other shows good?

Being a guest on other shows with a similar audience is a great way to get exposed to new people and make new connections.

Is it easier to share a blog post?

Share-ability – it’s still easier to share a blog post instead of a proprietary Apple or Google podcast link. SEO – written word (blog posts, for example) are still king on Google. That may change at some point, but for now you need to write.

A Podcast Website

Podcasting platforms usually offer a basic webpage to showcase your podcast series.

A Free Anchor Account

Anchor is a 100 percent free application that will automatically distribute your podcast. Creating an Anchor account takes seconds and $0. Next, upload your recorded audio files to Anchor. One mouse click gets Anchor busy spreading your podcast episode across numerous channels.

An Apple Smart Banner

Setting up a podcast website was a great first marketing step. Now, optimize your business website for attracting podcast listeners too. Apple Smart Banners advertise your podcast to your regular online traffic.

A Subscription Form

Podcast marketing depends on accruing a solid list of loyal listeners. You can’t promote your podcast like a pro without any subscribers. Code your podcast website to create a subscription form.

Convert and Monetize Your Website Traffic

Stop losing visitors! Instantly grow your email list, get more leads and increase sales with the #1 most powerful conversion optimization toolkit in the world.

Social Media Promotions

Getting listed on all the right podcast directories isn’t sufficient. Today’s podcasters need to engage in social media actively. Find out where your target podcast audience hangs out online. Adult listeners might be frequent flyers on Facebook and LinkedIn. Teen listeners may be more tuned into TikTok and Instagram.

An Influential Guest List

Podcasts aren’t meant to be one person droning on like a college lecture.

Email Your Rolodex

It’s simple, but if your closest friends and family don’t know your podcst even exists, can you really expect others to listen? Start by telling everyone you know about your show. But don’t overthink this.

Create Sharable Clips

The vast majority of podcasts are structured with an interview format. You, the host, has a chat with a friend, industry expert, celebrity, comedian, etc… or you simply rant with a co-host or two.

Create Playlists

This is a huge opportunity to both engage existing listeners and attract additional ones.

Activate Your Listeners

So, now you have listeners. But family, friends, and hardcore podcast junkies will only get you so far. It’s time to activate the listeners you’ve worked hard to earn and those that have turned into true fans.

Transcribe Your Episodes

Okay, this one may not be entirely free because you need a website to put the audio transcription on, but it’s worth the mention here for one specific reason;

Activate Your Guests

The best audience for your podcast is going to be people who listen to other, similar podcasts. You already know they’re comfortable with podcasting as a format, and they’re interested in your subject matter. So why not partner with a guest to grow your audience?

Make Sure You Can Be Heard Everywhere

When Joe Rogan signed an exclusive deal with Spotify for over $100 million, millions of people signed up for Spotify. Clearly, this demonstrates that people will go wherever your content is!

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