Podcast FAQ

rust game podcast

by Kyra Will Jr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Why learn rust with hands-on Rust?

If you know what a variable and a loop are, Hands-on Rust has everything else you need to make learning Rust an enjoyable experience.

How can I get a 40% discount on Rust?

Use the coupon code RUSTBRAINCOMPLETE on pragprog.com to receive a 40% discount in celebration of the release. Rustacean Station have recorded a wide-ranging, hour-long interview with me. It covers everything from traits to game design, publishing to why I love Rust.

How can I get 40% off hands-on Rust ebooks?

Use the code "turkeysale2021" at PragProg.com for 40% off Hands-on Rust, Rust Brain Teasers and other PragProg ebooks. Bonus content for Hands-on Rust!


What is hands on rust?

Hands-On Rust includes a FlappyBonus project, extending Flappy Dragon/Flappy ASCII to include tile-based graphics, smoother movement and a flapping animation for the dragon. This article explains how to transition from the book project to the bonus content.

What is the fifth beta of Hands-On Rust?

The fifth beta of Hands-On Rust is now available. It includes the new chapters Combat Systems & Loot, Finishing Touches and a Rust Cheat Sheet. This chapter delves into data-driven design; define your game objects in external data files and map them into the game's Entity Component System. This lets you quickly enhance the game without needing to recompile.

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