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scrum master toolbox podcast

by Hailie Cartwright Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is the tips from the trenches – scrum master edition audiobook?

The Tips from the Trenches – Scrum Master edition audiobook includes hours of audio interviews with SM’s that have decades of experience: from Mike Cohn to Linda Rising, Christopher Avery, and many more. Super-experienced Scrum Masters share their hard-earned lessons with you. Learn those today, make your teams awesome!

What is the role of a scrum master?

As Scrum Masters, we are responsible for helping progress all kinds of changes. Personal, team or organizational level changes. Perhaps the Scrum Master role is one of the few roles that specifically dedicates itself to helping organizations change. After all, it is one of our Agile Values (Responding/adapting to change over following a plan).

What kind of change can a scrum master handle?

Personal, team or organizational level changes. Perhaps the Scrum Master role is one of the few roles that specifically dedicates itself to helping organizations change. After all, it is one of our Agile Values (Responding/adapting to change over following a plan). This year’s Scrum Master Summit is all about change.


What is the Scrum Fieldbook?

In The Scrum Fieldbook: A Master Class on Accelerating Performance, Getting Results, and Defining the Future, by JJ Sutherland, Ademar learned that Scrum is not only made for software, it can work in any industry and organization. In this segment, we also refer to Coaching Agile Teams, by Lyssa Adkins.

Who wrote the book Essential Scrum?

In Essential Scrum by Kenneth S. Rubin, Raj found a simple and welcoming description of Scrum for newcomers. The book goes through what is scrum and is easy to understand even if you don’t have a long background in Agile.

What is the book Lean Software Development?

Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit by Mary and Tom Poppendieck is one of the foundational books for Lean applied to software. Although many have followed the Poppendieck’s, their book still has many learnings on how to apply Lean to software development.

Who is Mustafa in Scrum?

Mustafa is an experienced Scrum Master. He has a passion for helping individuals and organizations see their potential and make things better. His current focus is on improving teams' performance through insightful facilitation. Mustafa is always eager to learn, share his experience with others and enjoys seeing people succeed.

How long has Tomo been in the industry?

Tomo has 20 years experience in project management, both waterfall and Agile. A few years ago he was at David Anderson's first Kanban Conference and has been a fanatic ever since, even though he has lost several jobs as a result of it. Tomo became then an advocate for projection over guessing, and reactive planning.

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