Is there a podcast about Shanann Watts?
See more episodes This is the story of Shanann, Bella, and Celeste Watts in Frederick, Colorado. This horrific crime occurred on August 13, 2018. This podcast contains graphic information on the deaths of children.
Are there any podcasts about Chris Watts?
Watts Up? (Chris Watts Family Murder) on Apple Podcasts. A detailed analysis of every aspect of the Chris Watts case from all the key players, to the night of, the confession, the conspiracy theories and the insane notion that he could even get a trial and acquitted and released from jail.
What were Shanann Watts last words?
The texts revealed in American Murder show that Shanann had no idea that her husband would soon kill her. ″Finally on plane and about to take off,″ she wrote in her last text to Chris. ″Thank God! Prayers for a safe flight.
What did Chris Watts do to Shanann Watts?
Watts killed his entire family in August 2018. The narrative established through investigator interviews and court documents is that he first strangled his wife Shanann, who was 15 weeks pregnant with their son, inside their Frederick, Colorado home before smothering their young daughters, Bella, 4, and Celeste, 3.
What happened to crime junkie podcast?
Popular 'Crime Junkie' Podcast Removes Episodes After Plagiarism Accusation. The show announced that it removed “several” episodes because of sourcing concerns after a journalist and others accused the hosts of using their work without credit.
How many watts is a murder?
And in the U.S. as a whole. Data from the Los Angeles County coroner's office compiled by The Times tally 22 homicides in Watts from January through November, nearly double the number for the same period a year earlier.
What were Bella and Cece last words?
Before burying his wife's body in a shallow grave, Watts suffocated his youngest daughter Celeste in the backseat. After dumping her tiny body, he returned to suffocate Bella who asked in a low voice: "Is the same thing gonna happen to me as Cece?' " before uttering her last words, "Daddy no!"
Where is Bella Watts buried?
Bethesda CemeteryShanann Watts, 34, her daughters Bella, 4, Celeste, 3, and unborn son Nico are at their final resting place at Bethesda Cemetery after services on Sept. 1, 2018 in Aberdeen, North Carolina.
How did Chris Watts put his daughters in the oil tank?
It was later discovered that Watts was having an affair with a fellow co-worker at the oil company. He dumped the bodies of his children in two oil tankers, where he worked.
What did Nichol Kessinger do?
Chris Watts' mistress Nichol Kessinger told the police that he lied to her when she asked him if he had murdered his pregnant wife and two young daughters in newly released footage.
How did Chris Watts smother his daughters?
So, Chris continued, he wrapped Shanann's body in a sheet and put her in the backseat of his truck on the floor, Bella crying as he dragged her lifeless mom down the stairs. He put Bella and Cece in the backseat, too, then drove them to the oil site, where he smothered Cece with her own blanket.
What were Chris Watts daughters last words?
Bella's last words were “Daddy, no!” Watts told police, according to the report. Watts told investigators he hears those two words every time he closes his eyes. Watts told police he dropped Bella's body into a separate oil tank before burying his wife's body, the report said.
What is the patch Shanann is wearing?
Shanann Watts sold products for THRIVE by Le-Vel, a multi-level marketing company. Chris Watts told investigators that Shanann had him wear patches the company sold in videos to market them, and that he hated the way they made him feel, noting that they raised his heart rate and kept him awake.
How old was Shanann Watts when died?
34 years (1984–2018)Shanann Watts / Age at death
What day was Shanann Watts found?
The authorities located the bodies of the Watts family on the Anadarko Petroleum site on August 16. The girls' bodies were found in crude oil storage tanks, while Shanann was buried in a shallow grave nearby.
How old are Chris Watts' daughters?
In this week’s episode, we give you our take on the case of Chris Watts who murdered his wife Shanann and their two young daughters, 4-year- old Bella and 3-year old Celeste.
Did Chris Watts kill his wife?
Chris Watts confesses to this father that he killed his wife. Surveillance footage shows Chris Watts loading track after murdering his wife & children. A Secret Mistress Comes Clean & a Suspicious Bed Sheet Spotted from the Sky: How Chris Watts was Caught.
Review of Cellmates Secrets
Breakdown of the Lifetime episode of Cellmates Secrets featuring who else??? Watts, of course. The episode depicts the perspective of those who got to know him behind bars and a snapshot of the man behind this infamous tragedy.
Summary of Netflix Documentary (Part 4 of 4)
The Netflix documentary about this story was excellent in my humble opinion. Even if you know little to nothing about this case this will give you a very clear understanding of what happened without having to go all the way down the rabbit hole.
Netflix Documentary Summary (Part 3 of 4)
Part 3 of a 4 part summary of the Netflix Documatry “An American Murder, the Family Next Door”.
Netflix Documentary Part 1 of 4
Part 1 of a 4 part summary of the incredible Netflix documentary, An American Murder, the Family Next Door. The story is told creatively through a series and exchange of text messages between Shanann Watts and friends and Shanann Watts and her husband.
The Third Baby, The Final Jenga Piece
Shanann and Chris had 2 adorable daughters; Bella and Celeste (Cece). When things were good they discussed having a third child. Every mom wants a daugthter, ever dad, a son (or so it would seem). Shanann was thrilled to learn she was pregnant and that she can give Chris the son she believed he wanted.
The 111 Minute Call
On August 12th, 2018 Chris Watts and his girlfriend Nicole kessinger spoke on the phone for 111 minutes. The call ended a little after 11pm. The call coincided with Shanann’s trip as she headed back home from a business trip in Tuscon, AZ. Shanann arrived back to her home at 2825 Saratoga Trail in Frederick, CO. never to be seen alive again.
House of Games
Chris Watts had had the Frederick Police waiting for him at his house only a few short hours after the bodies were discarded. He had to immediately put on a major game face from this moment onward to present the illusion that he had no idea where they might actually be. He did not visibly show any emotion whatseover.
Why didn't Shananne give convincing answers to the questions?
It was disappointing. She couldn't even give convincing answers to the two questions the host kept asking throughout the show: 1) why not just divorce her and 2) why kids. About the former, she said something to the effect that it's because Shananne doubled down on her demand for his obedience despite all the cues he had sent that he wanted out. On the latter, she basically channeled CW - he panicked and he wasn't thinking - plus, of course, it's because of the all-explaining narcissism.
Who is Chris Watt's mistress?
If you could quote ONE thing Chris Watt's mistress NK (Nichol Kessinger) said or did that was memorable to you...for whatever reason, what would that be? I know finding just one quote, sentence, phrase, whatever that she said or did throughout this whole case and subsequent interviews can seem daunting and possibly over played...but I want to see what you all come up with.
What is the Watts sub?
This sub is for factual information, mourning, and speculative discussion only - no harassment of the victims or family members.
Did Chris and Shannan plan their pregnancy?
She has basic facts wrong. The biggest, even Chris admits they planned the pregnancy. It was actually his idea. It's stated several times in the discovery, Shannan says it in her videos and Chris tells the cops that it was planned.
Would you live in the Watts house?
If you could? I mean it’s a pretty house on the inside. But I could never forget what happened there and I’d be anxious at nights. Even if all that paranormal stuff isn’t true - i‘d still listen and freak out when it’s just some normal things making normal sounds lmao