What is the Sheila Zilinsky show?
The Sheila Zilinsky Show® on Apple Podcasts Sheila is joined by Top Researcher and author of 'Bloodlines of The Illuminati' Fritz Springmeier who talks about Ukraine & Russia, the Royal Family, including the Queen, Prince Charles, Justin Trudeau, Canada and so much more -don't miss!
How can I support Sheila Zilinsky Ministry?
Give a donation or subscribe for monthly giving by clicking the button below. Share SheilaZilinsky.TV on your social media and support the ministry! Thank you! 1:17:51 EXPLOSIVE! Steve Quayle, Gary Heavin, and Mike Adams 0:58:58 AMBUSHED AGAIN!
How can I give to sheilazilinsky?
Give a donation or subscribe for monthly giving by clicking the button below. Share SheilaZilinsky.TV on your social media and support the ministry! Thank you! 1:17:51 EXPLOSIVE!

What is the Sheila Zilinsky Show?
The Sheila Zilinsky Show®. The truth behind the headlines, prophecy and the deeper things of God with a focus on spiritual warfare.
Who joins Sheila on a timely word?
Mario joins Sheila on a timely word.
Who is the pastor of HCD?
Pastor Elvis Neuhardt from HCD joins Sheila on a riveting show with prayer.
Is Sheila's content 100%?
All of Sheila's content is completely, 100%, viewer supported and funded. Thank you for your kindness to keep information like this coming.
Episode 779: FREEDOM ROAD Official Convoy
Sheila lays out a powerful show this week FEB 11, 2022.This Week's Brighteon Show: https://www.brighteon.com/33f06f70-61c0-4522-adb2-77c530f88c11Grand Jury Crimes Against Humanity: https://www.bitchute.com/video/pbl2FDKid1ea/Sheila's Brighteon Page: https://sheilazilinsky.brighteonstore.com/Sheila-ZilinskyBrighteon Store collection page: https://www.brighteonstore.com/collections/sheila#convoyforfreedom2022 #truckersforfreedom #truckers #canadaconvoyAll of Sheila's content is completely, 100%, viewer supported and funded.
Episode 778: BREAKING NEWS: Trudeau VS Truckers Convoy For Freedom
STAY IN THE LOOP GET WEEKLY ALERTShttps://sheilazilinsky.comSheila needs your financial help she is out of pocket 5000 dollars for 1 month on the road from BC to Ontario border covering the convoy from the start.HOW TO GIVE:https://sheilazilinsky.com/donate/Last weeks show:https://rumble.com/vthyco-canda-truckers-spark-world-revolution-the-sheila-zilinsky-report-1-28-2022.htmlShow Sponsor ....
Pastor Art Pawlowski from Calgary joins Sheila on the inside story on his latest 2022 arrest If you would like to help PASTOR ARTUR Donations for 'LAWSUIT Against Police', Please WRITE 'LAWSUIT' On PAYMENT You can by using e-transfer, PayPal ...
Episode 628: WARNING! Attack of The Drones SKYNET Is Coming!
Pastor Billy Crone joins Sheila on a powerful show. https://www.getalifemedia.comViewers Choice Rebroadcast All of Sheila's content is completely, 100%, viewer supported and funded. Thank you for your kindness to keep information like this coming. HOW TO GIVE: https://sheilazilinsky.com/donate/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sheilazilinsky ...
Episode 627: DEEP STATE BEAST TECH: Microchips, Digital DNA & Occult Magic
Alex Newman Joins Sheila on an incredible discussion Top 5 Viewers Choice (rebroadcast).All of Sheila's content is completely, 100%, viewer supported and funded. Thank you for your kindness to keep information like this coming. HOW TO GIVE: https://sheilazilinsky.com/donate/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sheilazilinsky ...
Episode 626: Shocking! What Muslims Don't Want You To Know
Leo Hohmann is a veteran journalist and news editor for online news giant WND, with a particular focus on immigration and Islam. He joins Sheila on an amazing show. https://leohohmann.comAll of Sheila's content is completely, 100%, viewer supported and funded. ...
Episode 625: WICKED! The Most EVIL AGENDA On Earth
Wally Patterson FOLLOW HIM: https://www.facebook.com/wally.patterson.7joins Sheila on an incredible show. All of Sheila's content is completely, 100%, viewer supported and funded. Thank you for your kindness to keep information like this coming.