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sorry partner podcast

by Mrs. Izabella Dicki Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago


A podcast about bridge (the card game) and all things interesting to bridge players, presented by bridge partners and besties, Catherine Harris and Jocelyn Startz. Each week, we interview expert players from around the globe, discussing anything and everything from top tips to the funniest thing that’s ever happened at a game.

David Berkowitz is Rooting for You

American champion David Berkowitz joins us to discuss the evolution of his partnership skills and cleaving to what you know. Plus, he shares his top tip for developing players. But first we kibitz!

Sandra Rimstedt Plays to Win

Swedish/American champion Sandra Rimstedt joins us to discuss holding your own at the table and learning from your mistakes. Plus, she shares her top tip for developing players. But first we kibitz!

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