Podcast FAQ

stay at home mom podcast

by Moshe Borer Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What do stay-at-home moms do all day?

A stay-at-home mom works many jobs throughout the day. They're a nurse, chauffeur, chef, teacher, playmate, housekeeper, laundry attendant, accountant, and babysitter all rolled into one.

How do stay-at-home moms feel successful?

7 survival tips for stay-at-home momsLearn to delegate. ... Keep one foot in the working world. ... Go to play group (even if you don't want to) ... Know that you won't always feel lucky. ... Teach your kids to play independently. ... Make peace with the mess. ... Move your needs to the top of your to-do list.

Are there any good parenting podcasts?

Mom and Dad Are Fighting, “Slate's parenting podcast,” focuses on current events and contemporary parenting issues by way of newsy interviews and witty, entertaining banter. Hosts Allison Benedikt and Dan Kois, two editors at Slate, are the “Mom” and “Dad” (but are not a couple).

What is the acronym for stay-at-home mom?

SAHM = Stay At Home Mom.

Are stay-at-home moms unhappy?

But by time of the latest survey wave assessed, 2012, the relationship had flipped: stay-at-home mothers reported slightly higher satisfaction with their work than other mothers. The academic evidence doesn't lend much support to the idea that being a stay-at-home mother will make a woman miserable.

Are stay-at-home moms happier?

WASHINGTON—Mothers with jobs tend to be healthier and happier than moms who stay at home during their children's infancy and pre-school years, according to a new study published by the American Psychological Association.

How do I become a calmer parent podcast?

THE TOP 5 CALM PARENTING PODCASTSDe-Escalate & Discipline A Defiant Child: My Best Podcast Ever. This 30-minute podcast will change how you handle meltdowns, yelling, and discipline in your home. ... Want Respectful, Responsible Kids? Do the Step Back. ... Get Your Strong-Willed Kids To Do Stuff Without the Fight.

How can I be a better mom podcast?

12 Podcasts Every Mom Needs in Her Life Right Nowmotherhood.how to.child development.single mother.back to school.balancing work.co parenting.mental health.More items...•

What are the best pregnancy podcasts?

The Best Pregnancy Podcasts On The Internet1 of 9. Pregnancy Podcast. Host: Vanessa Merten. ... 2 of 9. 40 Weeks Pregnancy Podcast. Host: Vanessa Merten. ... 3 of 9. Birth Stories in Color. ... 4 of 9. The Birthful Podcast. ... 5 of 9. The Birth Hour. ... 6 of 9. Preggie Pals. ... 7 of 9. Pregnancy Confidential. ... 8 of 9. Plus Mommy Podcast.More items...•

What would a stay-at-home mom salary be?

According to 2019 data from Salary.com, if you are a stay-at-home parent and paid for your services, you would be looking at a median annual salary of $178,201.

How often should a stay-at-home mom get a break?

A stay-at-home mom should take a break at least three times a day: once before her kids wake up, once after lunch, and after the kids go to bed. A mom of toddlers or babies should add a mid-morning and mid-afternoon break.

Should a stay-at-home mom do all of the housework?

The majority says “No”. 80.4% of husbands to SAHMs are helping with the housework whether they are doing it on their own or being asked to help. This isn't because SAHMs are lazy either. Most moms would love to get everything done themselves but there just isn't time to do everything.

Do parents listen to podcasts?

In fact, they are likely exposed to the medium through their parents. Parents also listen to podcasts to find information related to their kids. Our study found that 1 in 5 parents listen to podcasts online to find information on things like child development and parenting advice.

What parents know podcast?

What do Parents Know? on Apple Podcasts. Nobody said parenting teenagers was easy. Join Amit Kalley as he interviews professionals in mental health and people with lived experience on a variety of issues that affect 21st century teenagers.

How do I stop my child from screwing up?

10 ways you can stop screwing up your kidsStep 1: Get happy yourself. ... Step 2: Teach them to build relationships. ... Step 3: Expect effort, not perfection. ... Step 4: Teach optimism. ... Step 5: Teach emotional intelligence. ... Step 6: Form happiness habits. ... Step 7: Teach self-discipline. ... Step 8: More playtime.More items...•

Should I have a child podcast?

Should We Have Kids? is a podcast where comedians Laura Grey and Kristy Lopez-Bernal ask their amazing friends who have kids, might have kids, or will never, ever have kids if THEY should have kids. By the end of each episode, they'll figure out a definitive answer to that and, you know, the entire meaning of life.

What is a podcast for moms?

About Podcast A podcast for moms (or anyone) with a focus on health coaching, motherhood, and everything in between. With a variety of fun guests that will feel like your best friend on the other end talking about anything and everything. My favorite topic to chat about is health and wellness- and how we can work together to find whole-body health while rocking being a mama. Victoria has an MBA and left her 15+year career in non-profit management to be a SAHM and is currently enrolled at Duke's Integrative Medicine Health Coach Program. Frequency 7 episodes / year , Average Episode Length 35 min Since Jul 2020 Podcast anchor.fm/victoria-buker#N#Facebook fans 967 ⋅ Social Engagement 1 ⋅ Domain Authority 81 ⋅ Alexa Rank 1.9K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

Who is the host of the podcast Mom School?

About Podcast Mom School is hosted by former People Magazine Correspondent, Kristen Kelly. After a surprise pregnancy turned the once passionate entertainment news journalist into a depressed and overwhelmed stay-at-home Mom, she became determined to challenge all that she'd been taught a 'good mom' looks like.

What is the One of a Kind You podcast?

Wilmington, Delaware, United States About Podcast The One of a Kind You podcast is about motherhood, overcoming obstacles, and healing trauma. This is a show for women who are struggling with their role as a SAHM. It's about discovering the reasons behind the feelings of being unfulfilled, lost, and overwhelm so they can be released. It's a place for guidance and support so we don't have to feel like we are taking the journey along and to know it's ok to not have it all figured out. Frequency 1 episode / week , Average Episode Length 20 min Since Aug 2020 Podcast kimkeane.com/oneofakindyou#N#Facebook fans 70 ⋅ Domain Authority 10 ⓘ ⋅ View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

Where is the podcast Motherhood?

Houston, Texas, United States About Podcast Motherhood isn't about carefully curated images in a social media feed or popularity with your kids. It's a beautiful ride that's also murky and messy. Vanessa doesn't have it all together either, but this pediatrician, stay at home mom, and the author knows motherhood is hard enough, so why fake it behind a mask? In this safe space, you'll find real talk about the motherhood challenges you face, the courage to meet them, and a coach in your corner. Vanessa's degree doesn't mean she knows it all, and this is not a 'how to parent' podcast. Frequency 1 episode / week , Average Episode Length 10 min Since Apr 2020 Podcast vinelifefaith.com/listennow#N#Facebook fans 157 ⋅ Twitter followers 369 ⋅ Domain Authority 9 ⋅ View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

Is Jamie Lynn a mom?

Jamie-Lynn manages to be a mom to 2 boys while traveling and working. She's been through it all and is here to help. Jenna is a stay-at-home mom of 2 and uses her research of all things mommy to share her best tips and tricks!

What is a podcast for moms?

A Podcast for Moms is a podcast for moms, about motherhood - hosted by me, Julia Sparkman. I believe that every mom’s path is unique and that we all share one common bond: becoming and being a mother is radical. Each phase of motherhood radically transforms you. On A Podcast for Moms, we explore how motherhood and the stages of parenting intersect with your identities, your relationships, and how you show up in the World. As both a feminist and a stay at home mom, I believe in the power of c ...

What is the purpose driven mom show?

The Purpose Driven Mom Show is for all moms - stay at home moms, work at home moms, or working moms! The goal is to help you find systems and routines to manage your home, go after your goals, feel less stressed and have more joy in your home and parenting!

Who is Jamie Lynn?

Actress Jamie-Lynn is teaming up with musician Jenna to talk about the hard subjects, embarrassing moments, and sticky situations we all face as parents! Jamie-Lynn manages being a mom to 2 boys while traveling and working. She's been through it all and is here to help. Jenna is a stay-at-home mom of 2 and uses her research of all things mommy to share her best tips and tricks! Welcome to a safe place to confess your worst mommy sins, realize you're not alone, and make you feel like you're k ...

Who is the author of FIA Good Morning?

Whether you are a professional in corporate America, an educator in Academia, an entrepreneur in the marketplace, or a full-time stay at home mom and wife, it’s imperative that you get your day started right! Author, Speaker and Show Host, LaVondilyn Watson San Kitts, will give you one powerful Scripture each work day morning to hold on to throughout the course of your day! "FIA Good Morning" will be your weekday "cup of Jesus". Listen in every morning for a Word that will bless the rest of ...

Who is Morgan Kline?

Morgan Kline is a mother of three, a daughter, a sister, a wife, an entrepreneur, and the COO and Co-Founder of Burn Boot Camp. On “Coffee & Kettlebells” Morgan shares with you some of her favorite things: motherhood, business, mind & body wellness, fitness and interviews with experts.

The Homework to Happiness Podcast, with Sarah Jordan

Sarah is a US-based life coach who creates podcasts for the stay-at-home mom. Her 'Homework to Happiness' podcast is for moms looking for their version of happiness and, who need to realize that happiness does not just 'happen'. She believes in living a life of truth and sharing one's unique gifts with the world.

The Everyday Mum Podcast, with Heidi Fitzpatrick

Heidi started her podcasting journey after having four kids making her life completely chaotic. Just like any typical mom, there was a point in Heidi's life where she was in dire need to keep things organized.

The Free & Fearless Podcast, with Lidiya Kesarovska

This podcast focuses on encouraging those who want to stop settling and start growing. Lidiya releases inspirational podcasts for moms or any women willing to give their lives a second chance.

Because I Can Life, with Alison J. Prince

Alison is a junior high teacher turned multi-millionaire entrepreneur with kids growing at her feet. Her podcast compels women to take charge of their life. It encourages them to take the road less traveled where no one needs permission to start making money.

Forever 35

Through Forever 35 podcasts, two LA-based friends and writers, Doree Shafrir and Kate Spencer dive into their daily routine and share their obsession with self-care.


Transcription Certification Institute was launched in November 2009 by a group of transcriptionists, proofreaders, and transcription company ownership. In the newly launched podcast, uSpeak discusses side hustling women who have started their entrepreneurial venture after leaving their 9 to 5 jobs.


Kriya Lendzion is a mom of an adult son , and a step mom to two teens. She is a published author, licensed clinical mental health counselor, licensed clinical addictions specialist, and a certified prevention specialist and has worked in addition recovery for over 20 years. She is also known as the “Teen Whisperer."

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