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steve turley podcast

by Adaline Bahringer Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago


For decades, the world has been dominated by a process known as globalization, a secularizing economic and political system that hollows out and erodes a culture’s traditions, customs, and religions, all the while conditioning populations to rely on the expertise of a tiny class of technocrats for every aspect of their social and economic lives. Until now.


Highlights: “If Biden was an insurance policy, his press conference would have been called an Act of God. It was akin to a literal natural disaster!”“Even CNN was honest, at moments, at least, Van Jones said that Biden was quote ‘foggy and meandering’ during what appeared at points to be a never-…


Resources: JOIN ME and DON TRUMP JR in HOUSTON on JAN 29! Sign-up NOW and get an EXCL USIVE INVITATION to our LIVE Q&A!!! A Special Invitation from Dr. Steve Turley (turleytalks.com)It’s time to CHANGE AMERICA and Here’s YOUR OPPORTUNITY To Do Just That! https://change.turleytalks.com/Ep. 823 F…

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