Podcast FAQ

stuff you should know podcast tour

by Dr. Luciano Romaguera Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What do you put into a podcast?

Step #7: Prepare and make a recording

  • Preparing a plan. The first thing that you need to do is to figure out a plan for your content. ...
  • Creating an episode script. Podcasters often do not agree on the process of writing a script for a podcast. ...
  • Recording equipment. To record a high-quality podcast, you require the best podcast recording equipment. ...
  • Recording and editing software. ...
  • Getting music. ...

What is Your Favorite Podcast?

favorite podcast is Ologies. Start with this episode about trees! You'll never look at them the same way again. 2021-08-12 11:03 PM HELLO! I'm podsandfood because my favorite things are podcasts and food.

What you missed in history class podcast?

A free podcast app for iPhone and Android

  • User-created playlists and collections
  • Download episodes while on WiFi to listen without using mobile data
  • Stream podcast episodes without waiting for a download
  • Queue episodes to create a personal continuous playlist

How frequently should you podcast?

  • Develop your strategy up front, and determine how you will measure success BEFORE you even begin
  • Commit to a certain number of episodes from the start, and no matter what hit that number before making any major changes.
  • Make it as EASY on your self to succeed as you possibly can. Even if it means just one episode a month to start. ...
  • Listen to some of


What is stuff you should know?

stuffyoushouldknow .com. Stuff You Should Know, often abbreviated as SYSK, is a podcast and video series published by Stuff Media and hosted by Josh Clark and Charles W. "Chuck" Bryant, both writers at HowStuffWorks. Since debuting in 2008, the podcast is consistently ranked in the Top 10 on iTunes and is one of the most popular podcasts in ...

When did HowStuffWorks podcast start?

The podcast was launched on April 17, 2008, with Clark as the solo host. Bryant made his debut a month later on May 13, 2008. Bryant became the permanent cohost on July 15, 2008. The podcast, which was named by Clark, began as an attempt to re-purpose some of the written content on HowStuffWorks.com. Clark had never listened to a podcast before he recorded his first episode in 2008. Jesse Thorn has held the name up as a model of how a podcast should be named saying "it's like daring the listener not to listen to it."

How much did the A Stuff You Should Know team raise?

A Stuff You Should Know team had raised $150,000 by the middle of 2010, and more than $2.75 million by November 2014. In 2009 they challenged Stephen Colbert to see whose team could raise $100,000 first and they "beat the pants off of" him, reaching that goal in three months.

What is Josh's favorite book?

His favorite books include 1491 and 1493 by Char les C. Mann which he frequently quotes and/or references in the SYSK podcast. Josh is also a fan of The Simpsons, Firefly, Dollywood, and Quentin Tarantino. He attended Sprayberry High School and studied history and anthropology at the University of Georgia.

How long is the show "Stuff You Should Know"?

The show included a pilot and 10 episodes each 30 minutes in length. The series was produced by production company School of Humans.

When did the 1000th episode of Stuff You Should Know come out?

On October 26, 2017 , Stuff You Should Know released their 1000th episode. Several episodes have been recorded during live events, including two during their World Tour of Canada in September and October 2014.

Who wrote the theme song for the show "Stuff You Should Know"?

The shows were directed by L.C. Crowley with a theme song and score composed by The Henry Clay People, the "unofficial house band" of Stuff You Should Know. Guests on the show included John Hodgman, Sarah Silverman, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Rufus Wainwright, and Michio Kaku.


What's commensalism? Sort of nature's way of sponging off something, but that something doesn't mind. If that doesn't make sense, take 12 minutes to listen and find out for yourself.

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If you can never get enough true crime... Congratulations, you’ve found your people.

Where Should I Start Stuff You Should Know?

As a jack-of-all trades, master-of-none sort of person, I love learning, but my patience has its limits. I can be utterly absorbed by an introductory course (or an eight-episode Netflix docuseries), but the thought of studying something for as long as it takes to get a Ph.D. makes me want to run screaming into the night.

Best Episodes & Fan Favourites

How Meth Works (Ep. 478, Nov 2012): This is my personal favorite episode. It’s an alarming, fascinating and compassionate look at what methamphetamines do to human beings. Recommended especially for those who have loved ones who have struggled with addiction.




The podcast was launched on April 17, 2008, with Clark as the solo host. Bryant made his debut a month later on May 13, 2008. Bryant became the permanent cohost on July 15, 2008. The podcast, which was named by Clark, began as an attempt to re-purpose some of the written content on HowStuffWorks.com. Clark had never listened to a podcast before he recorded his first episode in 2008. Jesse Thorn has held the name up as a model of how a podcast should be nam…

Josh & Chuck

Stuff You Should Know is hosted by two podcasters who first met while working as senior editors at HowStuffWorks.com, Josh Clark and Charles Wayne "Chuck" Bryant.
Clark was a host of the show since the beginning, and before Bryant took over the co-hosting duties Clark was joined by several other editors. The chemistry between the two was immediately apparent, and Bryant became a permanent co-host. Bryant started working at HowStuffWorks a…


Stuff You Should Know also has a YouTube channel, but stopped updating it regularly in 2017. Animated shorts are released on Mondays, This Day in History videos are released on Tuesdays, and Clark's series Don't Be Dumb airs a new episode on Thursdays. In addition, the pair also offers live shorts and movie reviews.
In "Don't Be Dumb," Clark explains a topic while wearing a tweed jacket and bow tie. His posture, …

TV show

A full-length Stuff You Should Know TV show premiered on January 19, 2013 on the Science Channel, which was owned by Discovery Network, the then-parent company of HowStuffWorks. The show included a pilot and 10 episodes each 30 minutes in length. The series was produced by production company School of Humans.
Described as the "love child of the British version of The Office and an overheard conversation ab…

Outside activities

As with the other podcasts offered by HowStuffWorks, Stuff You Should Know has its own blog updated daily by its hosts and often featuring the same type of material found in the podcasts, often with show follow-ups. There is also both a Twitter account and Facebook page for SYSK. Clark and Bryant were the co-hosts for the Science of Cyborgs event hosted by the Science & Entertainment Exchange.


The show is downloaded more than 1 million times per week and is consistently on the iTunes Top 10 podcast rankings, peaking at #1. It is "one of the most downloaded podcasts on the planet." The show won the 2014 People's Voice Webby Award in the Mobile – Podcast division. and a place in Podcast Awards's Education category. At live events the demographics of the audiences are "all over the map. There are some geeks here and there, but also super cool people, and fami…

External links

• Official website
• SYSK blog
• Link to iTunes listing
• Stuff You Should Know on Twitter
• Official YouTube channel

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