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the happiness advantage podcast

by Colten Davis Jr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The Art of Charm

The Art of Charm is where self-motivated people, just like you, come to learn from the company’s coaches about to how to master human dynamics, relationships, and becoming your best self with the help of Johnny and AJ, the company’s founders.

More About This Show

Shawn Achor is the leading expert on positive psychology; he won over a dozen awards for his teaching at Harvard on this topic (his class was the most popular at the university), he’s also written several best-selling books including The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work, has been featured in The Harvard Business Review, and even had a two-hour interview with Oprah..

Episode 85- Shawn Achor on The Happiness Advantage

Game Changers with Molly Fletcher is our podcast designed to help you maximize your influence and unleash your potential. Each episode, we take you behind the scenes with peak performers to learn what makes them tick and discover how you can apply their lessons to your life.

Episode 85- Shawn Achor on The Happiness Advantage

Most people believe: if you work harder, you will be more successful, and then you will be happy. But if you think the key to happiness is success, you’ve got it backwards. It’s happiness that fuels success. Shawn Achor is one of the world’s leading experts on the science of happiness.


We’ve been taught that if we work hard, we will be successful, and then we’ll be happy. If we can just find that great job, get a raise, lose those five pounds, happiness will follow. But recent discoveries in the field of positive psychology have shown that this formula is actually backward: happiness fuels success, not the other way around.

When we are positive, our brains become more engaged, creative, motivated, energetic, resilient, and productive. This discovery has been repeatedly supported by research in psychology and neuroscience, management studies, and the bottom lines of organizations around the world

Shawn Achor, who spent over a decade living, researching, and lecturing at Harvard University, draws on his own research—including one of the largest studies of happiness and potential at Harvard and at large companies like UBS and KPMG—to share strategies for how to fix this broken formula in The Happiness Advantage.

The Tetris Effect

How to retrain our brains to spot patterns of possibility, so we can see—and seize—opportunities wherever we look.

The Zorro Effect

How to channel our efforts on small, manageable goals, to gain the leverage to gradually conquer bigger and bigger ones.

Social Investment

How to reap the dividends of investing in one of the greatest predictors of success and happiness—our social support network.

About Shawn Achor

Shawn Achor is the New York Times bestselling author of Before Happiness (2013) and The Happiness Advantage (2010).

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