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the last podcast on the left cast

by Stacy Aufderhar Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

The Last Podcast on the Left is a weekly podcast on the Last Podcast Network featuring comedian and podcast host Ben Kissel, podcast producer and researcher Marcus Parks, and comedian and actor Henry Zebrowski, all of whom are longtime friends.

Did Marcus Parks leave last podcast on the left?

Marcus currently hosts several podcasts including Last Podcast on the Left, No Dogs in Space which he hosts with his now-wife Carolina, Sex and Other Human activities that he hosts with Henry's sister, Jackie Zebrowski.

How tall is Ben from last podcast on the left?

6'7 tallBen Kissel is the 6'7 tall lead host of The Last Podcast on the Left. Proud of his Germanic heritage, Ben regularly takes vacations with immediate family who, for no reason other than the climate, live permanently in remote areas of Argentina. He currently owns two dogs named Puffin and Jerry.

Why did they name it last podcast on the left?

“Last Podcast on the Left” began in 2011 as a conversation between friends who love horror movies. The name was inspired by horror movie “The Last House on the Left.” The podcast's discussions, hosted by Ben Kissel, Marcus Parks and Zebrowski have delved into topics including aliens, cryptids and other macabre topics.

How successful is last podcast on the left?

Clocking in at nearly 500 episodes and counting, it's safe to say The Last Podcast On the Left is one of the most successful horror podcasts ever.

How old is Henry Zebrowski?

38 years (May 1, 1984)Henry Zebrowski / Age

Who is Marcus Parks?

Marcus Parks is an actor and writer, known for Last Podcast on the Left: Live in Chicago (2018), Last Podcast on the Left Animated: Ladies Love Son of Sam (2018) and MacLeod: There Can Be Only One (2021).

Who is the main narrator in last podcast on the left?

The Last Podcast on the Left is a weekly podcast on the Last Podcast Network featuring comedian and podcast host Ben Kissel, podcast producer and researcher Marcus Parks, and comedian and actor Henry Zebrowski, all of whom are longtime friends.

How many siblings does Henry Zebrowski have?

Jackie ZebrowskiHenry Zebrowski / Siblings

How did the guys from last podcast on the left meet?

We'd all met in the comedy world when Ben Kissel had moved in with my writing partner, Holden McNeely, into this little hole of an apartment. We sort of turned that into a rehearsal studio for our first sketch group, Murderfist. Ben and I were on a radio show that Marcus hosted and we all started hanging out.

Is the last podcast on the left true crime?

The Last Podcast on the Left Hosts Break Down the Art of True-Crime Comedy. Before Serial and Criminal and other more serious, journalistic true-crime podcasts came to dominate the conversation, there was The Last Podcast on the Left.

What happened to the last podcast on the left?

According to the Los Angeles Times, the deal with Stitcher will have hosts Marcus Parks, Ben Kissel, and Henry Zebrowski producing a live weekly radio show on SiriusXM's Faction Talk. Stitcher Premium subscribers will also get the show ad-free. The Last Podcast on the Left is currently available to stream on Spotify.

Where was the last podcast on the left filmed?

In 2018, they filmed their first live show at Thalia Hall in Chicago, IL. In 2019, they filmed their second live show in New Orleans, LA. The hosts have toured extensively in the US and internationally for live events.

What is the episode of The Last House on the Left about?

Episodes have explored the topics of serial killers, conspiracy theories, UFO sightings, ghosts, and readings of fan-submitted creepypastas. The name is a reference to the 1972 horror movie The Last House on the Left .

When will the last book on the left be released on Spotify?

On November 19, 2019, it was announced that the show was moving exclusively to Spotify for ad sponsored episodes. In 2020 , Houghton Mifflin Harcourt released The Last Book on the Left, written by Kissel, Parks, and Zebrowski, and illustrated by Tom Neely.

How many seasons of The Last Stream on the Left are there?

The episodes typically consist of commentary of a selection of videos found by the hosts. There are currently 8 seasons and a total of 145 episodes available on the Adult Swim website.

Weird question-- When re-listening to a podcast, can anyone else remember exactly where they were originally at each part of the podcast when they listened to it originally?

I don't re-listen to podcasts often, but whenever I do, I get flashbacks to exactly where I was/what I was looking to when I hear parts/lines that I remember from listening to it originally.

Podcasts without banter?

It's hard to describe what I mean, but I'm looking for podcasts that aren't just a bunch of friends shooting the shit. Podcasts like Freakonomics, The History of Rome and Strangeville where there's almost a narrative and the podcast is structured end edited.

I just got rehired at my pre-pandemic job. That means I get to listen to podcasts all day again. What are some of your favorite podcast series or episodes of the last year and a half?

I haven't been paying attention to new podcasts since I lost that job in March 2020. I like stuff like 20,000Hz, Radiolab, Darknet Diaries, and anything that tells a story. I'm open to all suggestions though! Even if I don't like the sound of your suggestion, someone reading this thread might.

If there was just ONE podcast you could erase from your memory....

Im fairly recently getting into podcasts. I've often thought about being able to clean my mind of memories of my favorite shows (Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, etc) so I could go back and rewatch them.

In case anyone may have missed it, HBO Max have released a Band of Brothers podcast

I love the complimentary podcasts HBO puts out for some it's shows - Chernobyl and Raised by Wolves were great audio experiences in addition to being awesome tv shows IMO.

Suggestion for comedy podcasts

Going through tough phase at college, can y'all suggest some podcast to have a good laugh to deviate mind. Like a story telling so something. Thanks!

Podcasts like My Dad Wrote a Porno?

Almost constantly listen to MDWAP on a loop but want to take a break. Anyone any suggestions of something in a similar vein ? Thanks !



Soul Plumber

Soul Plumber is a DC horror comic which includes adaptions of Last Podcast on the Left hosts Ben Kissel, Marcus Parks and Henry Zebrowski. The hosts worked with artist John McCrea of DC Comics on the project. The plot follows Edgar Wiggins, a former seminary student who works at a gas station. Wiggin's left seminary school in disgrace but joins a group called the Soul Plumbers out of the desire to continue saving souls. The comic is a six-issue series.


Episodes explore real and imagined horror, with a typical runtime of one to two hours. The show releases two episodes weekly, a main episode and a side story episode.
The opening theme of the podcast features snippets from serial killers, such as Jeffrey Dahmer who utters the line, "That's when the cannibalism started." It also includes the line and subsequent advertisement transition "Rise from your grave!" uttered by Zeus from the Sega action game Altere…


The podcast was launched in 2011. “Last Podcast on the Left” began in 2011 as a conversation between friends who love horror movies. The name was inspired by horror movie “The Last House on the Left.” The podcast's discussions, hosted by Ben Kissel, Marcus Parks and Zebrowski have delved into topics including aliens, cryptids and other macabre topics.
In 2017, The Last Podcast on the Left received the People's Voice Webby in the Podcasts & Digita…

Last Stream on the Left

The Last Stream on the Left is a spin-off show hosted on the Adult Swim website. The episodes typically consist of commentary of a selection of videos found by the hosts. There are currently 8 seasons and a total of 145 episodes available on the Adult Swim website. The program was moved to the show's Patreon page after the closure of the Adult Swim streaming platform, with the video uploaded to their YouTube account after the live episode airs. The live stream show aired its fina…

Open Lines

Open Lines is a live radio talk show available exclusively on Sirius XM's, Faction Talk. The show consists of listeners calling in to tell personal accounts on a previously established topic. Topics are usually related to themes covered in the podcast such as paranormal encounters, cryptozoology, and true crime. The weekly live show airs on Monday's at 7pm ET and listeners can participate by calling 855-355-4741.

Side Stories: Excerpts

Side Stories: Excerpts is a short video series hosted on YouTube. As the name suggests, the videos consist of short excerpts of the full length Patreon exclusive video. The first Side Stories video recording of their March 8th 2022 episode was uploaded on March 11th 2022. The full length Patreon exclusive video is uploaded every Wednesday and the 10 minute YouTube excerpt episodes uploaded on Friday's.

See also

• Horror podcast
• List of American crime podcasts

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