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the stories of mahabharata podcast

by Mrs. Libbie Schulist II Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Who abducts Subhadra in Mahabharata episode 13?

Arjuna Abducts Subhadra This is the thirteenth episode of the stories of Mahabharata. We have progressed quite a bit, but we have a long way to go. In this episode we hear couple of fascinating stories. In the first story, Arjuna rescues the five Apsaras from their curse.

What is episode 60 of the Mahabharata?

Each episode tells a story from the great Indian epic, "The Mahabharata". Mahabharata Episode 60 – Day Ten of the War – F… Yudhistir and his brothers beg Bhishma for his life.

What is the message of the Mahabharata?

Drona takes his revenge on DrupadaThe stories of Mahabharata are not only about kings and gods and demons. It is also a tale of ethics, morality and politics. The needs and conflicts that drive each character are the same that drives us today.

Which episode of Mahabharata is the flaming house of varanabata?

The Flaming House of VaranabataThe stories of Mahabharata continues with this eighth episode – The Flaming house of Varanabata. With the advice from Shakuni, Duryodhana comes up with a devious plan to kill the Pandavas. Dhritarashtra sends the Pandavas to Varanabata to attend a festival. But …


Who begs Bhishma for his life?

Yudhistir and his brothers beg Bhishma for his life. Bhishma obliges by giving them the only strategy that can kill him. Arjun, with a heavy heart, follows his instructions. He uses Sikhandi as …

Who has the upper hand in the Kurukshetra battle?

The Kurukshetra battle continues for the seventh and eighth day. Pandavas clearly have an upper hand. Bhishma, Drona, Kripacharya all try their best but Arjun, Bheem and the other Pan…

What happened in the Battle of Kurukshetra?

As the great battle of Kurukshetra continues, both the Pandavas and the Kauravas suffer huge losses. Great warriors are killed. Thousands of soldiers lost their lives. Bhurisraba kills ten sons of…

Who is the author of The Stories of Mahabharata?

The Stories of Mahabharata Retold by Sudipta Bhawmik Each episode tells a story from the great Indian epic, "The Mahabharata". Audio Engineering and sound design by Avi Ziv

What episode of Mahabharata is the Battle of Kurukshetra?

Jan 18, 2021. Mahabharata Episode 59 : The Battle of Kurukshetra – Day Nine. On day nine of the Kurukshetra war, Bhishma unleashed his fury like never before. The Pandavas suffered severe losses and realized that if Bhishma continued his rampage in this form, nobody could prevent their defeat.

What episode does Yudhistir die in?

Mahabharata Episode 40: Yudhistir and the Crane. The four Pandava brothers, Bheem, Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev die while trying to fetch water from a lake. When Yudhistir finds the lake, he meets a mysterious crane who claims to have killed his brothers. The crane challenges Yudhistir to ….

What episode does Yudhistir walk towards the Kaurava army?

Mahabharata Episode 55: The Battle of Kurukshetra – Day One. After Krishna returns with Arjuna to the Panadava formation, Yudhistir dismounts from his chariot and walks towards the Kaurava army to seek blessings from his gurus. Bhisma, Dron, Kripa, and Salya wish them victory. Then, with the blowing of the ….

What episode does Yudhistir beg Bhishma to kill him?

Mahabharata Episode 60 – Day Ten of the War – Fall of Bhishma. Yudhistir and his brothers beg Bhishma for his life. Bhishma obliges by giving them the only strategy that can kill him. Arjun, with a heavy heart, follows his instructions. He uses Sikhandi as his shield and attacks Bhishma on the ….

What episode does the battle of Kurukshetra take place?

Mahabharata Episode 58 : The Battle Of Kurukshetra – Days Seven and Eight. The Kurukshetra battle continues for the seventh and eighth day. Pandavas clearly have an upper hand. Bhishma, Drona, Kripacharya all try their best but Arjun, Bheem and the other Pandava warriors seem indomitable.

What episode does Arjuna return to Indra's palace?

Mahabharata Episode 31: Arjuna Returns and Nahusha’s Curse. Arjuna returns from Indra’s palace in the heavens back to his brothers and his wife Draupadi in the Gandhamadan mountains. He tells them the stories of his conquests against the Nibata Kabacha demons and the demonesses Paulam and Kalaka’s army. ….

What is the story of Satyavan and Savitri?

The story of Savitri and Satyavan is one of the most popular tales of the Mahabharata. Savitri, a princess, marries Satyavan knowing that her husband had a short lifespan. As per Narada’s prediction, Satyavan dies one year after their marriage. ...

What happens after Abhimanyu and Uttara's wedding?

After Abhimanyu and Uttara’s wedding, the Pandavas get busy planning to claim back their Kingdom. They knew, Duryodhan wouldn’t give back their due without a fight. They begin to seek alliances of powerful kings . To fight the Kauravas they need ...

Why did Arjuna visit the heavens?

Arjuna visits the heavens to acquire more weapons from his father Indra. Apart from acquiring the skills in using the divine weapons, Arjuna also begins taking lessons in music and dance from the Gandharva Guru Chitrasena. There he meets the ...

How many times did Lord Vishnu appear on Earth?

According to the Hindu scriptures, Lord Vishnu appeared on earth nine times to purge the earth of evil (his 10th appearance is yet to happen). Parashurama was the sixth incarnation. In this episode, Rishi Lomasha tells the Pandavas the story ...

What happened to Krishna after failing to negotiate a peace deal with the Kauravas?

After failing to negotiate a peace deal with the Kauravas, Krishna tries a different route. He knew, if by some means he could convince Karna to switch his allegiance to the Pandavas, Duryodhan would give up his ambition to win ...

Why is Rishi Ashtavakra crooked?

The young Rishi Ashtavakra was born crooked at eight parts of his body. The deformity was caused because of his father’s curse. But later Ashtavakra saves his father from his ill fortune. Listen to this story and the stories of ...

How long did the Pandavas stay in exile?

The Pandavas complete their twelve years in exile. Now, as per the agreement, they have to go into hiding for the thirteenth year. It is quite a challenge since the entire Bharata knows the five gallant brothers and their beautiful ...

Mahabharata Episode 1: Beginnings

Ganga, Devabrata and ShantanuThe first episode of the Stories of Mahabharata podcast series has been missing for a long time. The episode was not added because it did not have the production quality that we have been striving for. After a long break, we finally found some time to rerecord this epis…

Mahabharata Episode 3: Birth of the Kuru Princes

Pandu Hunts the Deer Couple.The stories of Mahabharata continues. In this episode we learn about the birth of the Kuru princes, the Pandavas and the Kauravas. We also learn about the tragic death of King Pandu caused by a curse from the dying sage Kindama.Audio engineering and sound design by Avi Z…

Mahabharata Episode 4: The Conflict Begins

Young Bheema fight with the NagasThe stories of Mahabharata continues. The conflict between the Pandava brothers and the Kaurava brothers began at an early age. In this episode we learn of the first attempt by the Kaurava brothers, primarily Duryodhona and Duhsashana, to eliminate their arch rival…

Mahabharata Episode 5: The Guru Arrives

Drona tests his studentsIn this episode, Guru Dronacharya arrives in Hastinapura and awes the Kuru princes with his skills. Bhishma retains him as the royal arms and weapons trainer for the Pandava and Kaurava brothers. Arjuna excels in archery. Ekalavya, a tribal boy, comes to Drona to learn from …

Mahabharata Episode 6: A Show of Arms

Kunti and KarnaIn this episode of the stories from Mahabharata, Drona arranges for a grand show where his students, the Kuru princes demonstrate their prowess with arms. Arjuna dazzles the audience by his prowess with a variety of arms and weapons. But suddenly Karna enters the arena and the story …

Mahabharata Episode 8: The Flaming House of Varanabata

The Flaming House of VaranabataThe stories of Mahabharata continues with this eighth episode – The Flaming house of Varanabata. With the advice from Shakuni, Duryodhana comes up with a devious plan to kill the Pandavas. Dhritarashtra sends the Pandavas to Varanabata to attend a festival. But …

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