Podcast FAQ

top podcast topics

by Letha Keeling Sr. Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

25 Original Podcast Topics You Should Try.

  • 1. Your favorite topic. The first podcast idea is also the most obvious. A podcast about something you find enjoyable. This could be your favorite ...
  • 2. Your trial and errors.
  • 3. Small town news.
  • 4. He said, she said.
  • 5. That one horrible boss or job.

According to Statista's 2021 reports, the top 5 podcast topics include comedy, news, true crime, sport, and health/fitness.Dec 26, 2021

Full Answer

What are the Best Podcast topics?

Four Questions To Ask Yourself When Deciding On A Podcast Topic

  1. Who is your audience? News flash: You are NOT podcasting for you, you’re podcasting for your audience! ...
  2. What’s your personal interest? The most important thing you should consider is how much do you care about your podcast idea. ...
  3. What’s your differentiator? ...
  4. Can it be monetized?

How to find a good topic for a podcast?

Summary: Choosing Podcast Topics

  • You need to think about why you want to podcast. ...
  • You have to weigh up your podcast ideas, and decide on your overall podcast topic – that's the general subject matter your show is built around.
  • Even if your goal is to market a product or service, you still need to be interested or passionate about your chosen topic.

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How to find topics for your podcast?

If you’re struggling to come up with ideas, here are some things to think about:

  • What are your interests and hobbies?
  • What are you comfortable talking about at length?
  • What do you care most about?
  • What are you an expert on?
  • What do people come to you for advice on?

What are the top five podcasts?

Top 5 Podcasts

  • 51 Line of Sight loswarmachine.com Subscribe Unsubscribe. Line of Sight offers top-quality Warmachine and Hordes commentary on every aspect of the game. ...
  • 1 The Film Vault AndersonAndBryan.com Subscribe Unsubscribe. ...
  • 1 Call To Action Giles Edwards Subscribe Unsubscribe. ...
  • 1 Culture Bucket Culture Bucket Subscribe Unsubscribe


What are some good podcast topics?

100+ Podcast Topic ideasBehind the scenes of an industry. ... Take your listeners on a journey - Personal podcast ideas. ... Clueless newbie & Podcast ideas for beginners. ... Tell the same story from different points of view - Podcast story ideas. ... Documentary. ... Deep dives. ... A day in the life of... ... Mystery theme.More items...•

How do I pick a podcast topic?

How To Find Good Podcast TopicsStart with your interests and hobbies. It's important that you choose a podcast topic that you're genuinely interested in; otherwise, your audience will be able to sense your disinterest. ... Evaluate your goals. ... Establish a focus. ... Consider planning for guests. ... Decide what sets you apart.

What are the most popular podcast topics 2022?

10 Popular Podcast Trends for 2022True Crime. From books and movies to documentaries and TV shows, true crime has cemented itself as the top binge-worthy genre – and podcasts aren't exempt. ... Chat Shows. ... Global News. ... Sports. ... Food. ... Paranormal Activity. ... Mythbusting. ... Arts and Culture.More items...•

What is the most popular podcast genre?

comedyIn October 2020, it was found that the most popular podcast genre in the United States was comedy, with 22 percent of respondents to a survey stating that they were very interested in podcasts designed to make them laugh. News podcasts and those based on true crime were also popular choices, as well as sport and health ...

How do podcasts make money?

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

How do I find my podcast niche?

Steps to Finding a Podcast NichePick a Subject You Love. Before you consider anything else, think about what you truly enjoy. ... Concentrate on Your Strengths. ... Select a Topic That People Will Enjoy. ... Avoid Niches With Too Much Competition. ... Consider How You Can Broaden the Topic in the Future.

What are future trends for podcasting?

Podcast chat shows will remain a leading trend for podcasts in 2022 and investing in a chat show format for your business podcast will help you educate and entertain your audience while building trust for your brand.

What do podcast listeners want to hear?

74% of podcast listeners tune in to learn new things, while others listen regularly for entertainment, to keep up to date, to relax, and for inspiration.

How do I make my podcast unique?

Top Ways to Make Your Podcast Unique and SuccessfulGet Unique Experts to Chat.Select Music Carefully.Engage Personally With Your Audience.Be Yourself.Consider the Episode Length.Always Leave With Value.Find Your Content Niche.Stay Passionate About the Content.

How often do podcasts fail?

Less than 20% of the podcasts that have launched this year will make it to next year. Most podcasts fail. If you've launched a podcast or are thinking about launching one, you don't want to put in all that work just to see your experiment get canned in a few months.

Are podcasts still popular 2022?

Yes, podcasts are still popular in 2022. The number of active podcasts and podcast listeners is increasing daily. As of April 2021, there are a total number of 850,000 active podcasts with more than 48 million episodes in total.

What is the most listened to podcast?

The Top 10 Most Popular Podcasts:THE JOE ROGAN EXPERIENCE. Hosted by Joe Rogan.CRIME JUNKIE. Hosted by Ashley Flowers & Brit Prawat.CALL HER DADDY. Hosted by Alexandra Cooper.MY FAVORITE MURDER. Hosted by: Karen Kilgariff & Georgia Hardstark.THE BEN SHAPIRO SHOW. ... THE DAILY. ... OFFICE LADIES. ... POD SAVE AMERICA.More items...•

What should my first podcast be about?

The first reason is really to introduce the show to first-time listeners. In a podcast episode zero, you can lay out the kind of things your audience can expect from the show. Here, you want to make it predominantly about them. This is where persuasive communication comes into play.

How do you start a podcast with no audience?

20 step guide for starting a podcast with no existing audiencePick an idea (ideation)Create a listener persona (marketing)Pick an angle for your show (ideation)Define your brand idea (marketing)Choose your recording gear.Draft or script coherent c.a. 5 episodes.Record your episodes and cut your material.More items...

How do I make a creative podcast name?

✅ Road, Air, and SeaAim for 4 words or less.Choose a name that aligns with your content.Keep it succinct and intriguing.Try to avoid the words “The” and “Podcast.”Avoid special characters, misspellings, abbreviations, and punctuation.Your name should be easy to spell and pronounce.More items...•

What is the least popular podcast genre?

Storytelling/drama. Despite the popularity of shows like Serial, scripted drama is still the least popular podcast genre. Keep in mind narrative storytelling typically requires heavy production, but the options in this category are endless if you're for a little extra post-production.

What age group listens to podcasts?

Entreprenuer & Soloprenenuership. Millennials ages 18-34 listen to podcasts more than any other group, and nearly 30% of millennials have a small business or side gig . If you're an entrepreneur or business owner, podcasts are an excellent way to reach like-minded people and share your expertise.

What does it mean to be a podcaster?

Podcasting in the education space can mean anything from teaching your listeners a skill or educating them about a cause for which you're passionate. Whichever direction you go, remember to scout out the competition and find ways to set yourself apart.

Is fitness a popular genre in 2021?

Health and fitness is a popular genre in 2021 and will likely stay that way. Standing out in this category might take some imagination, but it's doable with the right approach.

Do podcast hosts have to be experts?

Expert interviews. As a podcast host, you don't have to be the expert or guru of your topic. As long as you're a good interviewer and have a genuine interest in your topic, you'll have something of value to offer your audience.

What is a podcast show?

Podcast for specific places or people. This could be a podcast show designed for specific places like the gym, the salon, or an eatery. You can also make a podcast for particular groups like parents or teachers to talk about their challenges. 2. Talk about books and movies as a critic.

What is a preparation podcast?

A preparation podcast. A preparation podcast describing how you or people, in general, prepare for any type of event. It could be preparing for dinner, a big business meeting, an event, a birthday, or any of your daily activities. 12. A point of view podcast.

What is a podcast about your neighbors?

A podcast where you talk about your experiences with your neighbors. You could include events you’ve attended with them and how the neighborhood has changed in your time living there.

Why do people start podcasts?

Podcasting is not about what you like but what your audience likes. The reason you want to start a podcast is to get people to listen to you, either by solving their problems, helping them overcome a challenge, appealing to one of their passions or improving their knowledge and skill base.

How to talk about movies and books?

You can add a twist by talking about movies and books before watching and reading them, talk about your expectations. 3. Talk about podcasting.

When will podcasts be released in 2021?

April 8, 2021. As a seasoned podcaster or a podcast newbie, it is often tricky and challenging to come up with podcast ideas. Before launching your show, you have to think about what it will be focused on. Several factors influence this, and you must get them right as they could determine how successful your show will be.

Can you make a podcast for specific times?

Time-specific podcasts. You can make a podcast for specific times like the night time. A sleep-aid podcast will help send people to sleep. You can also create an energetic podcast for the morning time. There is also scope to make podcasts for different seasons. 5.

1. Local news

Sometimes you don’t need to look further than local news events. Think of it as a type of news roundup. While it’s a pretty straightforward podcast idea, the trick is to keep it balanced. You don’t want to focus too much on issues facing locals at the expense of exciting happenings taking place and vice versa.

2. Global news and politics

If you’re not interested in keeping it local, you can expand your content to international news headlines that have dominated the week. You can also offer political commentary. In fact, one of the top-earning creators on Patreon, Chapo Trap House, is an American political podcast.

3. Product reviews

Creating a product review is one of the top ideas for blog posts and can just as easily be turned into a regular segment on your podcast. Listeners love it as it helps them with their purchasing decisions.

4. Listicles

If you like the idea of product reviews but don’t want to limit yourself to only one or two items at a time, you create Top 10 lists instead. People love listicles. Counting down to number one creates suspense which will help to motivate your subscribers to listen to the very end of each episode.

5. True crime

The top Patreon creator is True Crime Obsessed, a podcast that takes a look at true crime documentaries. Considering that true crime events have all the elements for a great story, the appeal behind this genre makes sense.

6. Music

Whether you want to zoom in on an individual artist or explore a specific genre, you’ll have more than enough content. If you’re always searching for someone to share your enthusiasm for musicals, this can be the answer. In addition to discussing your new music discoveries, you can also try to interview emerging musicians to jazz things up.

7. Books

Instead of making your focus music, you can follow a similar approach to the one discussed in the previous point and explore books. You can, for instance, share curated reading lists or personal favorite reads.

101 Podcast Topic Ideas

Starting your process to think up podcast ideas can feel intimidating, but don’t worry; you have a lot of options. Get your ideas flowing with these 101 topics to talk about on a podcast.

How to Find Topics for a Podcast

Ultimately, your content ideas won't get far without a solid understanding of your target audience and what they want to hear. And how well your ideas land once you choose them is heavily dependent on getting this step right.

Keep the Podcast Episode Ideas Coming

Now you have a ton of podcast ideas to get you started and the steps you need to keep the good ideas flowing.

How to find a good podcast idea

To start brainstorming podcast ideas, you should consider your voice and what interests you. Also, think about your audience and the kind of conversation you’d like to have with a listener.

Which podcast types are the most popular?

As you’re coming up with good topics for podcasts, another consideration is which formats work the best:

20 podcast ideas

Ask listeners to write and send you questions before the show, then answer them in a podcast. You can even broadcast your Q&A live every once in a while to promote your show. To keep up this format long-term, try asking one deep question and answering it for every episode.

How to make a podcast?

1. Behind the scenes of an industry. Try making a podcast that explores the unknown side of something you’re familiar with, whether it’s the movie industry (or even the making of a particular TV show), the publishing industry, or the goings-on at a particular Silicon Valley startup. 2. Take your listeners on a journey.

Who is the host of the Rideshare Guy podcast?

Create a podcast specifically designed to entertain Uber drivers. Take a leaf out of The Rideshare Guy Podcast host Harry Campbell ’s book and interview delivery drivers and ask them for their best industry tips.

What to do when you're a budding standup comedian?

People love to laugh! If you’re a budding standup, put your comedy chops to use with a new podcast. Invite different guests to try your jokes on, or discuss current events with a comedic twist.

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