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we've got issues podcast

by Barry Kreiger Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Why do American police agencies have veto power over investigations into dirty cops?

This week, Joshua Holland gets a thing or two off his chest about the widespread belief that you can just wish away a historic public health crisis that is very much ongoing, and about the press's discomfort blaming right-wing propaganda for drawing out the Coronavirus pandemic.

The eye-opening humiliation of being a young fascist

Joshua Holland kicks off this week's show laying out why he's ultimately bullish on American democracy--if decent people stay engaged.

How America can avoid a new civil war

Joshua Holland kicks off this week's show with a couple of developments in the quest for accountability for the MAGA coup attempt.

Researcher finds largest divide ever between whites and Blacks over fear of police

This week, Joshua Holland kicks off the show with a look at the first sedition charges filed in relation to the January 6 coup attempt, and stunning new charges that Republican officials submitted forged election documents in an attempt to keep Trump in power.

Ex-US prosecutor believes DOJ will prosecute Trump for coup attempt

Joshua Holland kicks off this week's show with a look at several efforts to sue the Proud Boys and other violent extremist groups into oblivion.

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