How did Dacher Keltner end his book?
Dacher Keltner: Well Michael, you end your book by talking about how much there is to learn about the mind and how this opened you up and gave you a sense of wonder of what the mind can do. And I wanted to thank you for writing this book. It was a mind-opening experience for me and my family and I suspect for a lot of other people so thank you for the honor.
What is the default mode network?
The default mode network is a very interesting set of structures in the brain that links parts of the cortex including the prefrontal cortex, where our executive function is to deeper older areas of memory and emotion. And it’s actually only been on anybody’s radar for about 15, 20 years. It was identified by a guy at Washington University named Marcus Raychelle.
Who said "It's a striking commitment to the mind"?
Dacher Keltner : It’s a striking commitment to the mind.
What is self reflection based on?
What it appears to be involved with, based on imaging and other modes of analysis , is essentially a lot several functions having to do with the sense of self. Self-reflection seems to take place here, time travel, theory of mind, the ability to impute mental states to others, and the so-called autobiographical self.
Is Dacher Keltner exciting?
That’s very exciting. Dacher Keltner: It is exciting. Michael Pollan: And it suggests that the therapeutic effect that these drugs may have, may have to do with relieving us of the burdens of ego, because the ego can be very destructive. Dacher Keltner: Especially in extreme degrees.
Who discovered that when people describe a full-blown sense of ego dissolution, that they are scattered to the?
And Robin Corhart Harris, the researcher in England who did this work, and I think a brilliant neuroscientist. He noticed that when people describe a full-blown sense of ego dissolution, that they are scattered to the winds, the default mode network is gone offline. That’s very exciting. Dacher Keltner: It is exciting.
Is Dacher Keltner right in default mode?
Dacher Keltner: It’s right in a default mode network. I mean that’s pretty stunning isn’t it?