Podcast FAQ

how to share your podcast

by Camylle Dietrich PhD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How To Share a Podcast Show.

  • Open Spotify.
  • Click on Your Library on the bottom right of your screen.
  • Click on Podcasts, then Shows just beneath it.
  • Select a podcast show you want to share.
  • Tap on the white “…” button under the podcast title and you will see a menu pop up on your screen.
  • Tap on the Share button and you will be directed to a page with multiple sharing options.
  • Click and select the action or app you want to share the show with. A link to the podcast show will be generated automatically.

Social media
  1. Convert your podcast into a YouTube video. ...
  2. Cut that YouTube video into clips. ...
  3. Customize posts to each social media channel. ...
  4. Tease episodes with audiograms. ...
  5. Record a tagline with your guest. ...
  6. Add value on social media. ...
  7. Run giveaways on social media.
Nov 29, 2021

Full Answer

How do I Share my podcast on social media?

For each of these, just head to any podcast, episode, or playlist on your Spotify app, open the Share menu via the “three dots” button (on episode pages, the Share icon is right next to the play button), and select your social media platform of choice. Below, learn more about each sharing option.

How to link to&share a podcast?

How to Link to & Share a Podcast | Keep it Simple, Make it Effective! People share their shows in all sorts of ways. Here's the most effective approach for linking to a podcast! Avoid confusing potential listeners. Send them to ONE place – your own website.

How to make a podcast?

Here are the five main steps required to make a podcast: Planning your Podcast name, topic & aims; Planning your Podcast Episode format; Recording your Podcast with the right gear and software; Editing Your Podcast with the right tools; Publishing to a Podcast Host & the best directories; How to Start a Podcast in 20 Steps

How do I create a listen link to a podcast?

On this page, you’ll find everything you need, from Apple & Google Podcasts buttons, to an “automatic listen link” which adapts to whatever device you’re viewing it from. Simply create a shortlink for that “listen link” (a lot of links, I know…) and you immediately have a smart URL you can give out to anyone.


How can I share my podcast for free?

To keep your podcast hosting free forever, choose Anchor or Acast. For a tool that integrates with services you're already using, choose Buzzsprout or Podbean. To host multiple podcasts without paying a dime, choose Spreaker. For access to a variety of monetization options, choose Podomatic.

How can I promote my podcast?

On this pageLeverage your guest's audience.Promote on social media … in a dozen different ways.Release at least 3 episodes on launch day.Convert the audio to a YouTube video.Submit your podcast to podcatchers and aggregators.Transcribe the audio.Throw a two-week ratings party.Run a giveaway contest.More items...

How do I share a podcast on social media?

How to promote a podcast on social media: 9 hacksFind your audience and choose your platforms wisely. ... Use hashtags. ... Use pull quotes to create images. ... Use sound bites. ... Create video. ... Use social media to build your community. ... Leverage social media to connect with influencers. ... Promote your old episodes.More items...•

How do I publish my podcast?

Once you've chosen a podcast hosting platform and directory, these are the general steps to publishing your podcast:Create a podcast RSS feed on your hosting platform.Submit the RSS feed to your podcast directory.Wait for your RSS feed to be approved.Publish and view your podcasts.

How do you announce a podcast?

To promote your new podcast, it's essential to use a variety of channels and messaging before, during, and after the launch. Channels like your website, blog, email list, LinkedIn, and Twitter should all be leveraged to reach new listeners. Sounds like a lot, I know.

Do podcasts make money?

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

How do I promote my podcast on Instagram?

6 Simple Tricks to Promote Your Podcast on InstagramUse Instagram Stories. ... Insert your episode link in your Instagram bio. ... Announce your guests on your podcast. ... Create your own podcast's hashtag. ... Create a video using Anchor.fm. ... Repurpose content from audio to video.More items...•

Where can I post a podcast?

How To Submit A Podcast To The Most Popular DirectoriesApple Podcasts (formerly iTunes) Apple Podcasts is the biggest podcast directory in the world. ... Google Podcasts. ... Spotify. ... Stitcher. ... Podchaser. ... TuneIn. ... iHeartRadio. ... Pandora.

Can I share a podcast on Instagram?

Can you post a podcast on Instagram? Yes, you can! Even if Instagram it's a visual social media platform, there are a few tricks to use Instagram formats to share your podcast through Stories, Videos and Pictures.

Is it free to upload a podcast to Spotify?

It could cost you anywhere from $50 on up to buy gear to record your show, but the tools for distribution, which used to be costly, are now free, thanks to Spotify's 2019 purchase of the podcasting app and website Anchor.

Which platform is best for podcast?

What are the Best Podcast Hosting Platforms?Fusebox. ... Blubrry Podcasting. ... Spreaker. ... PodcastWebsites. ... Audioboom. Best hosting platform for taking your podcast to the next level. ... Libsyn. The most reliable podcast hosting site. ... Soundcloud. Best platform for audio content creators. ... Podomatic. Best freemium podcast hosting platform.More items...•

Does it cost money to upload podcast to Spotify?

Spotify will include your podcast for free using the above steps. In this way it's similar to other podcasting apps and websites. You'll still need a podcast host, of course, but there are free options for those as well. You even get access to listener totals, demographics, and other analytics.

How do I make my podcast popular?

Tips for Creating Successful PodcastsKeep Your Podcast Focused. ... Picture Your Target Audience. ... Be Consistent.Plan Your Workflow.Use Music Segments, but Don't Infringe on Copyrights.Promote Your Podcast.

How do podcasts get guests?

How to Find Podcast GuestsDo some field research. ... Send a formal invitation. ... Search online on different websites. ... Write an inspiring pitch. ... Ask experts with recent publications. ... Try social media handles. ... Contact experts through directories. ... Meet potential guests in person.More items...•

How do I get sponsors for my podcast?

Here are the four main ways to find podcast sponsors:Reach Out to Sponsors Directly. The simplest strategy? ... Partner With a Hosting Service. Podcast hosting services give your podcast a home on the internet. ... Join a Podcast Network. Some networks let you list your show (sometimes for free) on their platform. ... Use a Directory.

How do podcasts get featured?

How to find and get featured on top podcasts in your industry:Step 1: Find the right podcasts to pitch. ... Step 2: Research the podcast before you contact the host. ... Step 3: Contact the host to request an interview. ... Step 4: Schedule the interview. ... Step 5: Prepare for your interview. ... Step 6: Give a great interview.More items...•

How to activate Spotify code?

To activate the Spotify Code, fans will need to open up the Spotify app, go to search, tap the camera icon, and hover the camera over the code, which will take them directly to your podcast. —Spotify for Podcasters.

Can you share podcasts on Spotify?

Screenshots are (thankfully) a thing of the past. Spotify’s integration with Instagram Stories allows you to share podcasts, episodes, and playlists to your IG stories with a clickable link that directs your followers straight to your content on Spotify. On the share menu, select Instagram Stories. This will open up a page in IG with your chosen ...

Where Should You Share Your Podcasts for Maximum Effect?

You have several dedicated platforms on which people listen to podcasts and where you can share the ones you have created.

How to Share a Podcast?

Various platforms let you create podcasts and share them. So, you can use any of the popular podcast creation tools to create and share your shows across different platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and more.

How to Upload Your Shows to Apple Podcast?

To upload your shows to Apple Podcast, you will need to submit your RSS Feed once you have created the first episode. To submit your shows via an RSS feed to Apple Podcasts:

Things to Avoid When Sharing a Podcast

Sharing a podcast or uploading it on different platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify may be easy. Still, many podcasters tend to make several mistakes.

Final Thoughts

Hosting your podcasts on popular platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts isn’t complicated, especially since most creation tools come with uploading options.

Step 1: Linking to a Place to Listen to Your Podcast

For me, it still all comes back to your website. That’s the mothership. We can talk about smart speakers and fancy new apps till the vegan-version-of-cows come home, but a good proportion of your potential audience will still have no clue what you’re talking about.

Step 2: Linking to a Place to Subscribe to your Podcast

Next, whatever you do, forget about the apps. If you’re saying to Uncle Bert: “Well, if you’re on Pocketcasts, then click this, then…..” you’ve already wandered down the wrong path.

How to Share a Podcast: Bonus Points

While I’d argue it’s worth sending people to your website regardless (what else is the purpose of your podcast…??) here’s a pro move for even seamless…er subscriptions. There are a few services offering dynamic podcasting links, but I love James Cridland’s offering on the Podnews website.

How to Link to a Podcast? Keep it Simple

Mr Cridland’s magic links are ace, but I still, more often than not, guide people towards my website as the first stop. I control exactly what people see there. They can see a description of the show, browse around really easily and, most importantly, it’s an environment everyone understands. Unlike a Podcast app.

What is a podcast host?

Media or Podcast hosts are services that store your audio and allow your listeners to listen, download, and subscribe to your podcast. One common misconception when learning how to start a podcast is that you upload your podcast to places like iTunes. This actually isn’t the case.

What is the point of a podcast?

The whole point of a podcast is that people listen to it, so give them a reason to click on one of your episodes. Make it clear to people what they will get from listening to your show. If you look on any podcast directory you will see shows with titles like “How To…”, “Five Tips For…” etc.

How many episodes of a season of podcast?

When you start a seasonal podcast, each season will usually have a theme. You might create episodes based on that theme or topic for 6-12 episodes, then have a break. After a month or two, you’ll launch a new season (with another theme/topic) and repeat the process.

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