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joey watkins podcast

by Thomas Langosh Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

When did Joey Watkins take the Kingston Tower Drive test?

Joey Watkins Cell Records, Jan. 10 - Jan 11, 2000 Kingston Tower Drive Test, from Dr. Paul Steffes Testimony of Mark Bahn - Watkins Trial Testimony of Paul Steffes - Free Trial Testimony of Paul Steffes - Watkins Trial S2 Addendum 20 - The Road Not Taken Undisclosed S2 A20 The Road Not Taken [transcript]

What does the habeas court’s decision mean for Joey Watkins?

The habeas court’s decision contravenes settled Georgia law, disregards significant public policy considerations, and upholds the conviction of an innocent man. It denies justice to Joey Watkins while creating sweeping implications for Georgia’s criminal justice system if other judges follow suit.

Did GIP file a second habeas corpus petition for Joey Watkins?

Based on this newly unearthed information, GIP and co-counsel Ben Goldberg filed a second habeas corpus petition for Joey Watkins. A habeas corpus petition is a kind of civil lawsuit in which a prisoner like Joey can challenge their unlawful imprisonment.


Where did Joey go to his girlfriend's house?

According to the State, Joey then switched cars again and drove to his girlfriend’s house in Cedartown, where he arrived in his white truck. There was another major problem with the State’s theory. It is undisputed that Joey was using his cell phone in the time frame before, during and after the crime.

Where did Joey and Aislinn live?

The night of the murder, however, Joey had driven his white pickup truck to see his girlfriend, Aislinn, who lived about 30 miles away in Cedartown, Georgia (he passed Isaac’s wreck and police cars on the way).

Did Joey use his cell phone?

It is undisputed that Joey was using his cell phone in the time frame before, during and after the crime. Cell phone and cell tower records, and expert testimony, placed him miles from the scene of the crime at the time of the shooting.

Who is the lawyer for Joey in prison?

Still, Joey sits in prison as GIP and pro-bono counsel, Ben Goldberg, fight to prove his innocence. You can hear Joey’s story on the second season of the Undisclosed podcast. Check out Undisclosed Podcast's coverage of Joey's case and story here.

Was Joey Watkins a suspect?

Police initially identified Joey Watkins was a suspect, since Joey had admittedly driven past the wreck scene that night, and Joey and Isaac both previously had argued over a girl named Brianne that they each dated on separate occasions. The Rome Police Department eventually ruled Joey out as a suspect.

Who was the man in the State vs Watkins case?

The State v. Joey Watkins. The conviction under examination at present belongs to Joey Watkins, a Georgia man sentenced to life in prison in July 2001 for aggravated assault, a weapons violation, misdemeanor stalking, and the felony murder of Isaac Dawkins in January 2000.

Who brought Joey's case to the team?

Joey's case was brought to the team by the Georgia Innocence Project. Join the Undisclosed team every Monday at 6 p.m. EST as they dive into the details of Joey's case -- and try to unravel the events leading up to his troubling conviction.

Why should Joey Watkins be released from prison?

In 2018, GIP and co-counsel Ben Goldberg argued at a habeas hearing that Joey Watkins should be released from prison because of recently discovered juror misconduct, Brady violations, and prosecutorial misconduct.

Who is the attorney for Joey Watkins?

Joey Watkins’ Family, GIP Team, and Attorney Ben Goldberg in Front of the GA Supreme Court. In it’s excellent opinion, linked here, the Court concluded that “Watkins has alleged facts showing grounds for relief which could not reasonably have been raised in his original habeas petition and which could not have been discovered by ...

How old was Joey Watkins when he was convicted?

Joey Watkins was convicted in 2001 of a murder he did not commit. He was 21 years old and has spent almost 20 years wrongfully imprisoned. Learn more about Joey’s case here, check out this great 11 Alive news clip explaining his innocence, or listen to the entire fascinating Season 2 of Undisclosed podcast .

Did Walker County Judge Don Thompson dismiss Joey's habeas petition?

But instead of hearing the merits of the claim, Walker County Judge Don Thompson dismissed Joey’s habeas petition at the State’s request, finding that Joey was too late to bring his claims and that he could not bring them in a second habeas petition.

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