Podcast FAQ

making a good podcast

by Jazmyn Nolan Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

21 Tips to Make a Good Podcast

  • Make your guest laugh. Joke around! ...
  • Sell the episode. You gotta be willing to “sell” the episode. ...
  • Story is key. I’ll listen to a 60 minute podcast on some highly technical topic and actually find it relaxing. ...
  • Use decent equipment. ...
  • Hustle for Reviews. ...
  • Use landing pages effectively. ...
  • Make an ask when you have attention. ...

How To Create Interesting Podcast Episodes
  1. Talk about things you're interested in. ...
  2. Focus on your target audience. ...
  3. Tell lots of stories. ...
  4. Help your audience take the next step. ...
  5. Ask your listeners questions and report their responses. ...
  6. Stay on topic and don't wander too much. ...
  7. Invite unique experts onto your show.
Apr 29, 2022

Full Answer

How do I create a successful podcast?

Podcasting Starter Guide: 7 Tips for a Successful Podcast

  1. Invest in Decent Equipment. While you don’t need to blow a few thousand dollars on state of the art recording equipment or software, you should at least have a ...
  2. Choose the Right Theme. The theme of your podcast will play a huge role in determining its success. ...
  3. Come Out with Quality Podcasts. ...
  4. Find the Balance. ...
  5. Make Your Podcast SEO-Friendly. ...

More items...

How to develop and grow a successful podcast?

  • Listen to your guests. For interview shows, it’s vital to not only come with pre-scripted questions but to allow guests to share the stories they’re passionate about. ...
  • Be consistent. ...
  • Don’t be afraid to promote your show when you appear on other podcasts. ...

How can you make money with a podcast?

  • Reward your higher-tier patrons. In addition to premium content, you could provide higher-tiers with additional benefits like discounts on merch, early access to new content, and exclusive access to bonus ...
  • Keep subscription costs low. ...
  • Keep your fans updated. ...
  • Release podcasts on a consistent basis. ...

How to create a profitable podcast?

The following tips can help you market your podcast to reach a wider audience:

  • Add your show to podcast directories
  • Hire a web developer to build a podcast website
  • Co-host some episodes with other podcasters
  • Promote on social media
  • Convert audio content into video version to post on YouTube


How do you make a good podcast?

Here are our top seven tips to launch a successful podcast.Invest in Decent Equipment. ... Choose the Right Theme. ... Come Out with Quality Podcasts. ... Find the Balance. ... Make Your Podcast SEO-Friendly. ... Get Great Guests – and Be a Great Guest. ... Be Consistent.

What elements make a podcast successful?

Tips for Creating Successful PodcastsKeep Your Podcast Focused. ... Picture Your Target Audience.Be Consistent.Plan Your Workflow.Use Music Segments, but Don't Infringe on Copyrights.Promote Your Podcast.

What are the top 5 things to know before starting a podcast?

Your checklist might include:Generate topic ideas.Reach out to interviewees.Research and write podcast outline/script.Schedule interview/recording session.Record sponsored content.Record the episode.Edit episode and prep for publication.Write a description and show notes.More items...•

What makes a podcast stand out?

Engaging with your listeners is the best way to make your podcast stand out. It provides priceless insights to the audience. It gives them a chance to overcome their pains and struggles. Thus, making you more relatable to them.

How long should podcasts be?

The length of your podcast also depends on your subject, industry or genre. It could be that around 15-20 minutes perfect for your listeners. But maybe your specific audience wants more in-depth, exploratory information; in which case, 45-90 minutes would provide more value.

Which platform is best for podcast?

What are the Best Podcast Hosting Platforms?Fusebox. ... Blubrry Podcasting. ... Spreaker. ... PodcastWebsites. ... Audioboom. Best hosting platform for taking your podcast to the next level. ... Libsyn. The most reliable podcast hosting site. ... Soundcloud. Best platform for audio content creators. ... Podomatic. Best freemium podcast hosting platform.More items...•

Does podcasting take a lot of time?

Just to begin, Podcasting can take as much time as you allow it. The range of podcasting styles, formats and production quality is as wide as the number of podcasts there are out there in the world. There are people out there who spend weeks producing just one 20 minute episode.

Do podcasts make money?

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

What does the success look like for podcast?

The 4 key success elements deriving from history and origins of podcasting are (1) regular publishing schedule for new content, (2) the role of the host, (3) story flow within an episode, and (4) accessibility of old content.

What are 3 reasons podcasts are so popular?

Why are podcasts so popular now?Podcasts allow for multitasking.Listening to a podcast is an easy way to catch up on the latest news and events.Podcast are entertaining.Podcast adaptations will grow in numbers.Smart speakers will push the boundaries of podcasting.More items...•

Why do podcasts fail to hold listeners' attention?

So many podcasts fail to hold listeners' attention because they try to say too much about everything at once. They spread themselves thin and wide. The worst thing to do is switch on the mic and start talking without preparing anything.

What is the hardest part of editing?

Post-production is probably the hardest part of the process. When you're editing, you need to develop an ear for the art of storytelling. Remember that editing is also about putting together a package your followers will feel is worth listening to.

What is a successful podcast?

1 – Define a Successful Podcast. First thing's first: success means many different things to many different people. For some, it's about the big download numbers. Others dream of earning a full-time living from their shows. Many business podcasters see success as getting regular sales enquiries because of their content.

How long does it take to build an audience for a podcast?

One podcast tip that many aspiring podcasters don't like to hear is that it can take years to build an audience. And in order to make a successful podcast you need to be prepared to turn up consistently and regularly over the next few years. That doesn't mean that you can't have short-term goals though.

What is the common mistake that podcasters make?

A common mistake many new podcasters make is to build their shows around an audience that doesn't yet exist. If your episodes are built around answering listener questions, or doing live shows, then I'd recommend going back to the planning stages. In the early days it falls on you and you alone to create your content.

What happens when you run a podcast?

When you run a podcast, things don't always go to plan. Life can get in the way, hardware and software can break, files can vanish, and there's really no shortage of things that'll test your patience in the long run. When things go wrong, you really need to have a solid core reason for wanting to podcast. One that's big enough that it'll ...

Is it a good idea to run a podcast?

It's definitely a good idea to break down your main ambitions into smaller achievable aims. This can help give you a sense of progression. But hopefully you just enjoy the process of running a podcast. If you do, then you'll stand the best chance of sticking at it and growing an audience.

Is it easier to start a podcast?

After all, it's never been easier to actually launch a podcast. You don't need to spend a lot at all, and there are countless tools out there that can make things really easy for you. Once you've recorded a piece of audio and uploaded it to your media host, you can find your very first episode proudly sitting in places like iTunes ...

Do you care about your podcast before it goes live?

Another uncomfortable truth about your podcast before and during its launch, is that – unless you're famous before your podcast goes live – nobody really cares about it.

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