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making amends podcast

by Dr. Lily Lueilwitz Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

True Crime Podcasts

How do we atone for the worst thing we’ve ever done? Many prisoners at the Oregon State Penitentiary wrestle with this question every day. In this 8-part series, they share their stories with Steve Herbert.

Episode 8: 'We're Genuinely Trying To Repair That Harm'

How can convicted criminals fully appreciate the impact of their actions? If that might involve communication with their victims, how can that occur? Can American prisons embrace the principles of restorative justice, and help create communities where remorse can be expressed and genuine change facilitated? Professors Katherine Beckett (University of Washington) and Linda Radzik (Texas A&M University) share their perspectives on what genuine atonement might look like..

Episode 7: 'It Does Let Us Off The Hook'

To make amends requires accepting responsibility for the harm you’ve caused.

Episode 6: 'Something Positive The Universe Gains'

What debts do we owe after committing a crime? How does one repair the moral fabric after a serious wrong? The men describe the importance of repentance to them, and how they try to make that real in their everyday actions. Lisa Radzik, professor at Texas A&M University, explores the moral obligations we incur after causing harm.

Episode 5: 'Put a Little More Air In His Balloon'

To recognize that one has done wrong often motivates a desire to do right. Prisoners seeking to atone try to do good works in an environment where positivity is not usually celebrated. This episode includes guest speakers Shadd Maruna, professor at Queen’s University Belfast, and Dan McAdams, professor at Northwestern University.

Episode 4: 'Finding A WayTo Express Those Emotions'

Learning how to understand and control your own emotions is an important step toward atonement. But that’s not so simple in the hyper-masculine world of prison.

Episode 3: 'And It Is Hard'

Inside of prison, finding and walking the right path is not always easy. Cameron and Steve wanted to become different people, but had to overcome the culture of prison violence to do so.

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