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Presented, which is very dissapointing to me I also have Mikes other 3 books, he truly a wonderful teacher. Thankyou
General Notes
If you’ve looked on the Podomatic site lately you’ve seen I have some Book of Mormon classes that have been added there. We had some people this week that asked if there were more classes that we could put on. So, each week we’ll not only put this class on, the Sunday night class, but Margie is going to add more classes on the Podomatic site.
Devils and Unclean Spirits
Tonight we’re going to talk about something special that Margi and I were talking about recently which she said I need to talk about at this particular time: devils and unclean spirits. This subject isn’t talked about much in our day and it’s a very important subject.
Episode 264: Distraction
Click on the link below to download the transcript for this podcast:https://www.dropbox.com/s/2gqnr76ltnevq7f/259%20-%20Distractions.pdf?dl=0
Episode 261: Zion
Click on the link below to download the transcript for this podcast:https://www.dropbox.com/s/ipxa149bdehrwyo/256%20-%20zion.pdf?dl=0
Who does Mike Stroud quote?
Mike Stroud espouses many new age spiritualism philosophies, he quotes Napoleon Hill, which are not in line with the doctrine. I would not be surprised to hear he is involved in energy healing. He has been influenced by the book Visions of Glory, which contains many false doctrines.
Why was Mike called in to podcast?
1. Mike was called in because of another individual who had been called in and clarification was needed about the origins of his podcasts. Mike is not under any disciplinary councils or the main subject of the other individual. Mike was given the counsel to remove some content that may or may not be appropriate for a podcast situation.
What was Mike's last lesson?
But of all of Mike's teachings, the most powerful one was his last lesson on humility and doing the will of the Father. He was able to overcome the great stumbling block of pride, which trips so many of us up.
Did Mike say we shouldn't believe a thing?
Sure, there were times where I felt like what he was saying was just his opinion or speculation, but Mike was always clear that we shouldn't believe a thing he said. That he was just a guy like you and me trying to live the gospel.
Is Mike Stroud reeled in?
Mike Stroud Reeled in by the church. Mike Stroud has been counseled and talked to by the church, has admitted a list of inappropriate teachings, and will willfully submit to the church. He will cease his podcasts and take them off the internet.