Podcast FAQ

podcast guest database

by Dr. Tommie Jones IV Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Websites for Finding Podcast Guests
  • PodcastGuests.com. PodcastGuests.com is a member-based website that's all about connecting podcasters with experts, authors, and other podcasters to be guests on their podcasts. ...
  • Podmatch. ...
  • Perfect Podcast Guest. ...
  • MatchMaker. ...
Apr 14, 2021

How do I get guests on a podcast?

Find relevant experts and other podcasters to be guests on your podcast. Get booked on great podcasts to expand your reach and audience. PodcastGuests.com connects podcasters with experts, authors, and other podcasters to be guests on their podcasts. Thanks to PodcastGuests.com, I have secured interviews on dozens of podcasts across several genres.

What is perfect podcast guest?

Unlike other services of this nature you might stumble across, Perfect Podcast Guest allows you to create a very detailed and informative listing in three different categories. The directory of guests is searchable by keywords, location, and more. And… the best part…

How to get booked on the right podcasts?

Getting booked on the right ones is a real challenge. You could hire a booking agency, but that would cost you thousands of dollars. That’s why we created PodBooker! 1 in 4 requests are accepted! 2500+ podcast guest bookings so far!

How to get people to listen to your podcast?

Find Great Guests. Easily reach out to people who would be a perfect guest for your podcast. Get Booked on Podcasts. Easily reach out to hosts that are being listened to by your ideal audience. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.


How do I find guest podcasts?

There are a lot of podcasts out there to be a guest on—and several ways to find the best ones for you.Meet people. ... Make your “80/20 list” of podcast targets. ... Explore other places to find podcasts that fit. ... Look outside your niche (but not too far) ... Build rapport. ... Make the ask. ... Suggest some topic ideas. ... Show your value.More items...•

How do guests get booked on podcasts?

To get booked on podcasts like a pro, follow some of these expert tips:Master your messaging. Make sure you have your messaging down, and if you're trying to sell something, be sure it's relevant to the podcast's audience. ... Engage with their audience. ... Practice makes perfect. ... Promote your episodes.

How much do you pay a guest for a podcast?

Typically, podcasts do not pay their guests. Their “Payment” comes from exposure to the audience as well as highlights to their services, e-books, products, etc.

Why should podcasts pick you as a guest?

Guesting on another podcast is a great way to grow your own show. How do you make it happen? Appearing as a guest on another podcast is a great way to grow your own audience. It's also a highly effective way to promote your products or services.

How do you get people to podcasts?

Here are a few tactics that have worked for me to get some big name guests on The Agents of Change podcast.Build your initial guest list from friends and connections. ... Leverage people you have—or are about to—interview. ... Attend industry events. ... Find authors of upcoming books on Amazon. ... Search iTunes for related podcasts.More items...

Do interviewees get paid?

Talk shows usually don't discriminate between celebrities and non-celebrities. If an individual is higher-profile, they might receive a larger stipend – but a program isn't going to not pay someone they class not to be a celebrity. Like radio talk shows, TV news talk shows usually won't pay guests for showing up.

Do people make money from podcasts?

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

Do guests get paid to be on talk shows?

Are guests on late-night talk shows paid to be there? In addition to travel costs, members of the Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation of Television & Radio Artists who appear on the post-late-news talk shows get a union-mandated fee for their appearance, currently $553.

Top Podcast Database That Acts as a Podcast Search Engine

Podcast Clout is the ONLY podcast database making it easy for you to find the right podcasts to be a guest and catapult your personal brand.

Top Podcast Database That Acts as a Podcast Search Engine

With nearly 1 million podcasts and tens of millions of podcast episodes, being a guest on a podcast is vital to getting the attention you deserve, but how do you find the right one?

Who is the host of the I'd Lather Be Shaving show?

Douglas Smythe. Douglas Smyth is co-host of the popular morning show I’d Lather Be Shaving and organizer of The Big Shave West, a yearly “Shave Festival” held each year outside of Los Angeles in sunny Pasadena, California.

Who is Mary Goulet?

Mary Goulet. Mary has been a media personality since 2003. Having started out in radio and as a columnist, she has since hosted a national cable TV show, asked to appear on Dr. Phil three times, Montel, the CBS Early Show and over 50 morning shows nationwide as a brand spokesperson.

Can a guest share contact information?

The guest is typically allowed to share their contact information which ultimately leads to more interviews, increased traffic to their website, securing clients, increasing sales and on and on.

Is it easy to find the right guests?

It’s not as easy as one might think to find the right guests and it’s often a laborious, drawn out process that takes a LOT of time. And, if you want to pitch yourself as an ideal guest, well, finding the contact information for the producer or host or an online submission form is often darn near impossible.

Find your next Podcast Guest

Create a profile for yourself and showcase your podcast to a range of industry experts in our community.

Browse our directory of Podcast Guests here

Filter podcast guests & speakers by category to find your perfect match.

Starting With Your Niche

First, are there any other podcasts covering the same subject as you? Do any of them do interviews? If so, have a look and a listen to see if any of these guests would be a good fit for you and your audience.

Search out Bloggers & YouTube

Who's creating content on your subject (or a similar one) in blog form, or on YouTube? If someone is talking about the same things as you, there's a decent chance they'd be more than happy to come on your show.

Mine Traditional Media to Find Podcast Guests

Are there people in television, radio, newspapers, or magazines who are relevant to your topic? Probably. And you'd be surprised at how many of them would be happy and willing to have a chat on your podcast if you asked them.

Find Someone Who's Selling Something

Has someone recently wrote a book relevant to your subject? If so, they'd probably jump at the chance to come on your podcast and talk about it in front of your listeners. Your audience are also their target audience.

Ask Other Podcast Guests

When you finish the interview, ask if they know anyone else who'd be a good fit for coming on the show. You can either do this immediately after the interview is over. Or, you can do it later on by email, perhaps when you're telling them their episode is live.

Ask Your Audience to Help You Find Podcast Guests

Your listeners can recommend potential podcast guests that they'd like to hear on the show. Some might actually be great potential guests themselves. Encourage people to get in touch with you. Include it in your call to action at the end of each episode.

Getting In Touch With Potential Podcast Guests

Social media can be an easy and convenient way of reaching out to potential podcast guests. But I still think email is the most effective method here.

What does it mean to host a weekly podcast?

“Hosting a weekly podcast means that I regularly face pressure to book guests for our show, ” says Liam Quinn, host of 20 Minute Marketing.

How many podcasts does Kate Huffman have?

The award-winning actor and writer Kate Huffman echoes the sentiment of the time it takes to book herself using a “killer pitch” as a certified body image coach on approximately 30 podcasts. Using Facebook and other tools, Huffman has an 80% success rate.

What does PR stand for in podcasts?

We know “PR” stands for public relations - those people who help bridge the gap between folks who need their product or service advertised and the news outlets seeking content. However, we can also think of PR reps in terms of podcast hosts and guests who need to meet one another for mutual, symbiotic relationships.

What is a collab on YouTube?

In the world of YouTube it’s called a “collab,” short for collaboration. YouTube creators with similarly-sized audiences will often appear on another person’s channel simply to expose viewers to someone new in hopes of gaining subscribers.

Who is Kate Kunkel?

Kate Kunkel, a vegan nutritionist, health coach, and author , has appeared on 25 podcasts thus far, with several more scheduled. “I do not use an agency,” Kunkel admitted. “I do use the podcast directory (Steve Olsher) and I just hunt down podcasts in my niche.”.

Who is the founder of NomList?

Kaila Yu, founder of NomList, calls it stalking her competition. “I'll search founders who have similar backgrounds to myself and check out their past press coverage and interviews,” Yu explained. “This is a really great resource for finding more obscure podcasts that may not be on the top 10-50 podcast lists.”.

Who is Brett Downes?

Brett Downes, the founder of HaroHelpers, researches the length and frequency of podcasts to determine the ones that air with regularity that offer more opportunities for guests since they have lots of spots to fill. Downes also uncovers new podcast gems.

What is distributed data podcast?

The Distributed Data Podcast is your weekly source for the latest news and technical expertise to help you succeed in building large-scale distributed systems. Brought to you by the Developer Advocate team, we go in-depth with DataStax engineers and special guests from the broader data community. New episodes each Tuesday.

What is the #1 podcast for real estate agents?

The #1 podcast for agents. We talk with Real Estate Agents who sell more than 50 Million dollars a year in volume and find out how they do it. We uncover their stories, secrets and tips & tricks. We bring on top producers, coaches and authors and do a deep dive

What is the Ingeniously Simple podcast?

The Ingeniously Simple podcast provides an under the hood look at how we design, build and manage Redgate's portfolio of products. We'll discuss all aspects of our product development process, with insights into how we approach research, design, engineering, product management and delivery; as part of a strong, cross-functional team culture that promotes agility, collaboration and learning.

What is thoughtworks podcast?

The Thoughtworks podcast plunges deep into the latest tech topics that have captured our imagination. Join our panel of senior technologists to explore the most important trends in tech today, get frontline insights into our work developing cutting-edge tech and hear more about how today’s tech megatrends will impact you.

What is a database project?

A study of the major data models with emphasis on relational systems. Topics include database design, database implementation, database processing, and security. Project work will include creating and modifying databases using Structured Query Language (SQL).

What is SQL Server Radio?

SQL Server Radio is a Podcast for SQL Server DBAs, database developers, architects, system administrators, and anyone else who is interested in the Microsoft SQL Server platform and the Microsoft data platform in general. As the data world changes, we also occasionally talk about other platforms and services like Azure and Amazon cloud services, Elastic Search, Hadoop, MongoDB, Machine Learning, and much more.


Find Great Guests. Easily reach out to people who would be a perfect guest for your podcast.


Get Booked on Podcasts. Easily reach out to hosts that are being listened to by your ideal audience.

Is the Fastest Way to Grow Your Audience

There are over 2,500,000 podcasts. Getting booked on the right ones is a real challenge.

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