Podcast FAQ

red nation podcast

by Rosina Bashirian Sr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Who are the hosts of the Red Nation podcast?

The Red Nation Podcast on Apple Podcasts The Red Nation Podcast features discussions on Indigenous history, politics, and culture from a left perspective. Hosted by Nick Estes and Jen Marley with help from our friend and comrade Sina. Follow the hosts on Twitter @nickwestes and @JenMarley1680 and the Red Nation @The_Red_Nation.

What is the Red Nation’s pledge?

We, The Red Nation, pledge to fulfill our commitment to Palestinian liberation. Read in full. Our socialism is rooted in Indigenous resistance, African slave rebellions, and European labor history.

What is the Red Nation’s political ideology?

Third General Assembly formally adopts revolutionary socialism and liberation as the primary political ideology of The Red Nation. While incomplete, the purpose of this proposal is to articulate the basic principles of revolutionary socialism and Marxism and its connection to Indigenous socialism and communism. Read in full.


Who is the host of the Red Nation podcast?

The Red Nation Podcast features discussions on Indigenous history, politics, and culture from a left perspective. Hosted by Nick Estes and Jen Marley with help from our friend and comrade Sina. Support the show: Patreon.com/therednation Website: therednation.org. Follow the hosts on Twitter @nickwestes and @JenMarley1680 and the Red Nation @The_Red_Nation. ​ Theme song: "Dead Horse" by Weedrat https://weedrat.bandcamp.com/

What is the Red Nation Rising book about?

Red Nation Rising is the first book ever to investigate and explain the violent dynamics of bordertowns. Bordertowns are white-dominated towns and cities that operate according to the same political and spatial logics as all other American towns and cities. The difference is that these settlements get their name from their location at the borders of current-day reservation boundaries, which separate the territory of sovereign Native nations from lands claimed by the United States. Video available here Get your copy of the book: https://bit.ly/3gNfuGJ Support https://www.patreon.com/redmediapr

What is the Red Deal?

Authored by two dozen Indigenous revolutionaries, The Red Deal is a political program for liberation that emerges from the oldest class struggle in the Americas—the Indigenous fight for decolonization. Hosted by Making Worlds Bookstore and Social Center Sponsored by Common Notions Press and Red Media Order your copy here https://www.commonnotions.org/the-red-deal Support https://www.patreon.com/redmediapr

What does Faith Spotted Eagle talk about?

Ihanktonwan Dakota elder Faith Spotted Eagle talks about the history of Mnisose, the Missouri River, and what it means to be a Water Protector of the Missouri River bio-region. Support https://www.patreon.com/redmediapr

Who is the host of Red Power Hour?

Red Power Hour is back! RPH host Melanie Yazzie is joined by TRN Podcast co-host Jennifer Marley (JenMarley1680) for part two of our two-part series on this summer of climate catastrophe and why Indigenous movements for decolonization are our best hope for immediate action to curb extinction. Support https://www.patreon.com/redmediapr

When will the Canadian reconciliation with Indigenous peoples be fulfilled?

Eva Jewell (Ma'iingan Dodem)—Anishinaabekwe from Deshkan Ziibiing with Haudenosaunee lineage—explains that Canadian reconciliation with Indigenous peoples won’t be fulfilled until 2074 . Uahikea Maile talks with Dr. Jewell about the Yellowhead Institute’s new report to hold Canada accountable for genocide. They discuss crocodile tears, genocide deniers, and the scam of reconciliation.

Who said "Revolution and loyalty to the Earth"?

In celebration of Earth Day, we present a 1980 speech by John Trudell on revolution and loyalty to the earth.

What is the Red Nation Rising?

Red Nation Rising is the first book ever to investigate and explain the violent dynamics of bordertowns. Bordertowns are white-dominated towns and cities that operate according to the same political and spatial logics as all other American towns and cities.

What is the Red Deal?

Red Media and Common Notions are pleased to announce the publication of The Red Deal: Indigenous Action to Save Our Earth. Authored by two dozen Indigenous revolutionaries, The Red Deal is a political program for liberation that emerges from the oldest class struggle in the Americas—the Indigenous fight for decolonization. Hosted by Making Worlds Bookstore and Social Center Sponsored by Common Notions Press and Red Media Order your copy here https://www.commonnotions.org/the-red-deal Support https://www.patreon.com/redmediapr

Who is Sam Howden?

Food sovereignty scholar and urban farmer Sam Howden (Red River Métis) talks with Uahikea Maile (@uahikea) about the growing movement to rename Ryerson University. Named after Egerton Ryerson, an architect of the Indian Residential School System in Canada, the institution—now called X University—and its memorialization of genocide is being challenged by student organizers like Sam. Follow the struggle: IG @wreckonciliation_x_university and Twitter @wreckonciliati1 Support https://www.patreon.com/redmediapr

Is Red Power Hour back?

Red Power Hour is back! In this episode RPH co- hosts Elena Ortiz and Melanie Yazzie break down the first historic season of the FX series Reservation Dogs. Support https://www.patreon.com/redmediapr

Revolutionary Socialism

Third General Assembly formally adopts revolutionary socialism and liberation as the primary political ideology of The Red Nation. While incomplete, the purpose of this proposal is to articulate the basic principles of revolutionary socialism and Marxism and its connection to Indigenous socialism and communism. Read in full.

Indigenous Feminism

TRN is a queer- and femme-led organization. We recognize that women, femmes, and LGBTQ2+ relatives have been marginalized and silenced by their own communities and by colonial heteropatriarchy.

Palestine Will Be Free

Palestine is the moral barometer of Indigenous North America.


Our socialism is rooted in Indigenous resistance, African slave rebellions, and European labor history. It is also rooted in the nations of the Tri-Continental—of Asia, Africa, and the Americas—that aligned themselves against the primary enemy of the planet: US imperialism.

Who is the host of the Red Nation podcast?

The Red Nation Podcast features discussions on Indigenous history, politics, and culture from a left perspective. Hosted by Nick Estes and Jen Marley with help from our friend and comrade Sina. Support the show: Patreon.com/therednation Website: therednation.org. Follow the hosts on Twitter @nickwestes and @JenMarley1680 and the Red Nation @The_Red_Nation. ​ Theme song: "Dead Horse" by Weedrat https://weedrat.bandcamp.com/

Who is the host of Red Power Hour?

Red Power Hour is back! RPH host Melanie Yazzie is joined by TRN Podcast co-host Jennifer Marley (JenMarley1680) for part two of our two-part series on this summer of climate catastrophe and why Indigenous movements for decolonization are our best hope for immediate action to curb extinction. Support https://www.patreon.com/redmediapr

Who is Sam Howden?

Food sovereignty scholar and urban farmer Sam Howden (Red River Métis) talks with Uahikea Maile (@uahikea) about the growing movement to rename Ryerson University. Named after Egerton Ryerson, an architect of the Indian Residential School System in Canada, the institution—now called X University—and its memorialization of genocide is being challenged by student organizers like Sam. Follow the struggle: IG @wreckonciliation_x_university and Twitter @wreckonciliati1 Support...

What is the Red Nation's primary political ideology?

Articles. This position paper of the Third General Assembly formally adopts revolutionary socialism and liberation as the primary political ideology of The Red Nation. While incomplete, the purpose of this proposal is to articulate the basic principles of revolutionary socialism and Marxism and its connection to Indigenous socialism and communism.

Who spoke to Nick Estes on Red Nation?

She spoke to Ragina Johnson and Brian Ward. In this episode on The Red Nation’s Podcast, Nick Estes speaks with Nickita Longman, Emily Riddle, and Lindsay Nixon about the meaning of Land Back, and how this is the pathway for Indigenous Socialism.

Who is Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz?

Interview with Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz. In this interview, Dunbar-Ortiz recounts her life on the left and her history of activism, as well as her views of the role of capitalism in the oppression of Native Americans and the relationship between capitalism and settler colonialism in the United States.

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