Podcast FAQ

the prepper website podcast audio for the prepared life podcast

by Dr. Talon Hirthe Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is the Prepper website podcast?

The Prepper Website Podcast - Audio for the Prepared Life! Medical Preparedness – The Future of Medicine and Getting Prepared Now! There are many uncertainties in our future.

What is the American Preppers Network?

Founded in 2009 by the American Preppers Network, as the first Preppers Podcast (℠) in the world and the Longest Preparedness Radio Network (℠). If you wish to rebroadcast a show it must be left in its entirety with no editing.

What is prepper talk radio?

Prepper Talk Radio is a live broadcast AM Radio talk show about preparedness and survival broadcast weekly from October 2015 to December 2018. Scott Stallings; the founder of PrepperCon, the nation's largest preparedness and survival expo, and Shane Coles; a lifelong prepper, blogger and survival expert co-host the show.

What is the practical prepper?

The Practical Prepper provides interviews with some of the most talented minds around the topics of preparedness, survival, and self-reliance. Your show host, Joe Borowski, will guide the conversation, take complex issues, and help break them down in a consumable and entertaining way.


Medical Preparedness – The Future of Medicine and Getting Prepared Now!

There are many uncertainties in our future. One search uncertainty is the state of medicine. That is why medical preparedness should an important focus for every one who wants to live a self-reliant life. Dr. Joe Alton (Dr. Bones) and Amy Alton (Nurse Amy), share medical preparedness information to the Preparedness Community. Ep. 719 – Medical …

Grid Down and Getting Home – An Interview with Mic Roland

When many preppers imagine a serious emergency situation, they think about being home, with all their gear and the familiarity that home brings. Most people don’t think about being away from home with the poop hits the fan. Plans and thoughts about getting home during a prolonged event should be something every prepper prepares for. …

Our Vulnerable Power Grid

We are very dependent on electricity, more so than we would like to admit. If the grid went down for a prolonged event, there would be serious issues throughout our society. It’s not something we like to think about. But in doing so, we don’t consider how vulnerable we are. Our grid is fragile. And …

Stealth Christmas Gifts

Many of us have family and loved ones who don’t prep. We are concerned for them because when things get tough, they won’t be prepared. Christmas is a good time to get them prep gear or knowledge in a form of a gift. However, the best way to do this is to give them a …

What Should We Be Doing Now? – Interview with Fernando Aquirre

Knowing what others have experienced first hand is a valuable resource for those in the Preparedness Community. One person who has experienced collapse first hand is Fernando Aquirre. He experienced the economic collapse in Argentina and shares his practical tips on how to survive when the economy starts to implode. In this episode, he shares …

The S-Word. This is Why We Prep!

The S-word! You know what I’m talking about. We’ve been talking about it for a while in the Preparedness Community. All the major preparedness websites have talked about it at some point or another. Of course, all the Preparedness Youtubers have talked about it. And now, you are starting to hear all the mainstream media …

What is a prepper podcast?

A podcast devoted toward sharing ideas and solutions in the prepper community. From SHTF to everyday needs, join us as we talk about preparedness and the many different aspects it entails.

Who is the host of Practical Prepper?

Your show host, Joe Borowski, will guide the conversation, take complex issues, and help break them down in a consumable and entertaining way.

What is smart prepper gear?

The Smart Prepper Gear Podcast is a prepper podcast about helping people prepare the smart way now so that we can thrive later. Whether if it's a SHTF or post collapse scenario we will talk about bugging out, bugging in, self defense, going off-grid and much more.

What is NBCOT exam prep?

The NBCOT exam prep podcast that one of your fellow occupational therapists wishes he had when he was studying. If you're looking for NBCOT exam study guides, tricks, tips and content reviews, you've come to the right place. Whether you're days, weeks, months or years away from being a licensed occupational therapist, you'll find something helpful along the way.

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