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what are podcast show notes

by Martine Schowalter Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Why Have Show Notes?

  1. To Give a Summary of your Podcast At the very minimum, your show notes should act as a summary of what happened in your podcast. ...
  2. To Invite Listeners To Click on Links All of the links that are outbound from your website should click to be opened in a new tab. ...
  3. Show Notes Help Build Audiences and Relationships

Podcast show notes are a summary of a podcast episode. They outline the episode's main talking points, introduce the guest, and link to any resources mentioned. Show notes accompany every podcast episode. These summaries help listeners decide whether or not they want to listen.

Full Answer

What are podcast show notes and episode summary?

Podcast show notes are a page or post on your website describing what happened during a podcast episode. Show notes also often list any additional resources mentioned on the episode, and provide guest bios and other relevant content. On the other hand, an episode summary is one paragraph that details only a few high-level points.

How to write a good show note for a podcast?

Example Show Notes: a Best Practice Format 1 Episode Summary Start with a brief summary of the episode – either a 1 or 2 paragraph introduction, or a set of bullet points. ... 2 Episode Player Then below that, we'll have the audio player, generated in whatever podcast host you normally use. ... 3 Timecode Guide

What is the purpose of show notes?

Podcast show notes serve three main purposes. The first two serve existing listeners: 1. To offer a summary of the show content – either to persuade someone to listen, or to remind a previous listener what was covered.

How much does it cost to write a podcast Note?

Part of Castos Productions ‘ Marketing Bundle services starting at $125/episode include show note writing. Also included are: publishing to your website, and tweetable quote cards. The Podcast Fast Track team are experts at podcast show notes. They understand the SEO value and can your notes from just a brief summary to a long form post in no time.


Do podcasts need show notes?

If you are about to start a podcast, you'll want to make show notes part of your workflow. Podcast show notes don't have to be hard. The outline you use during recording could form the basis of your notes. The benefits of show notes outweigh the effort so don't skip over this step.

What are the show notes?

Simply put, show notes are a preview or an overview of your podcast episode for your listener. Like the commercial for a business or a trailer for a show or movie, they help the listener understand the point, the purpose & what to expect.

How do you write a show note?

Show Note ConsCover All the Basics. ... Include a Brief Episode Summary. ... Add Key Points, Top Take-Aways, and Memorable Quotes. ... Link Resources and Notable Mentions. ... Remember Those Keywords. ... Include Guest Bios. ... Throw in Some Freebies. ... End with Your Call To Action.More items...•

How long should podcast show notes be?

Show notes are great for SEO To be indexed by Google your posts need to be longer than 300 words which means you can't just jot down your episode title, an embed of your show and that's it. You need to put in a little effort.

How do you take notes on a podcast?

You can also take podcast notes using the highlighter icon in the app. Simple push the icon, and the transcription will happen automatically. Hold down the highlighter icon for 2 seconds if you want to add a customized tag or annotation.

What is an episode note?

Episode Notes A list of topics/themes discussed in the episode. Additional information about any guests and where listeners can learn more about them. A list of links/URLS to anything mentioned in the episode that listeners might want to check out (websites, podcasts, books, products, etc)

Where are podcast notes on Spotify?

0:091:57Spotify: How To Copy Podcast Show Links - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipHit command V or go to the edit menu. And choose paste. And there is my Spotify. Link when someoneMoreHit command V or go to the edit menu. And choose paste. And there is my Spotify. Link when someone clicks on the show link from Spotify it'll open a web page with your podcast.

How do I see podcast notes on my Iphone?

0:291:52How To Find Episode Notes in Apple Podcasts App - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipIf you look down on the bottom you can see my thumbnail. There with episode. 143. I can press onMoreIf you look down on the bottom you can see my thumbnail. There with episode. 143. I can press on that little play button what is a video that's pretty obvious now what if i wanted to find the show

How do I summarize a podcast episode?

How To Write A Podcast SummaryGet to the point right off the bat. ... Remember, it's a podcast summary, not a blog post. ... A strong description should include all the major topics covered in the episode. ... Allow the most important information to stand out. ... If there's a guest on that episode, introduce them.More items...

What makes a good podcast description?

The best podcast descriptions are written for humans. They are clear, succinct, self-explanatory, and they avoid unnecessary repetition. While there's no maximum podcast description length (Apple allows up to 4,000 characters), they won't display everything you pack in there.

Where are the show notes on a podcast?

The easiest to test it out on is something in your library, so tap "Library" at the bottom, then the show, and select "Details" under the episode you want. Unlike Option 1, you will see both the episode's short description and the episode notes.

How do you see show notes on Youtube?

0:462:05How to find detailed video notes in YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipView with the notes. And so when you click that with your finger. You'll see the show notes open up.MoreView with the notes. And so when you click that with your finger. You'll see the show notes open up. There.

How do I find show notes on Spotify?

0:031:57Spotify: How To Copy Podcast Show Links - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSo all you need to do is click on one and it's going to copy it to your clipboard. I'll. Open upMoreSo all you need to do is click on one and it's going to copy it to your clipboard. I'll. Open up notes where I keep track of all of my URLs. Hit command V or go to the edit menu.

How do I see podcast notes on my iPhone?

Follow these steps to see the full episode notes in Apple Podcasts:Open up the Podcasts app on your iPhone.Search for your podcast.Click "Subscribe."Click play on an episode.Click the bottom "now playing" tab to open up the episode view.Scroll down to see the full show notes.

What is a podcast show note?

Podcast show notes can be a short episode summary with a few timestamps, a full, word-for-word episode transcription, or even a blog post.

Why are show notes important in podcasts?

The point is, sometimes hearing isn’t enough. Repetition and visual content are key for getting a message across and creating a relationship with your audience. This is where show notes come in, and why they are a necessary step in the creation of your podcast. Notes are a service to your readers.

Why do podcasts have longer show notes?

If more content equals more keywords, it would stand to reason that longer show notes mean more hits on a Google search and more listeners as a result. Buzzsprout podcast analytics.

What can you do with Buzzsprout episode editor?

In the Buzzsprout episode editor, you can add timestamps, links, create calls to action, and summarize the main points of each podcast episode. Here's an example of our show notes for Podcasting Q&A:

What is Pro Podcast Solutions?

Pro Podcast Solutions offers A La Carte Services so podcasters can pick and choose the services they need most.

Why is it important to have a podcast note?

Consistent and streamlined written content in the form of podcast notes helps build community and fosters the relationship between you and your audience. Even a brief summary of your show can include strategic keywords and serves to boost your performance in search engines.

Why do podcasts need episode notes?

Episode notes also help convert traffic from your primary business or personal website to your podcast and encourage viewers to subscribe to your content.

Why Write Show Notes?

As mentioned above, podcast show notes are useful for a few different reasons. We’ve covered them in more detail below.

What to Include in Your Podcast Show Notes

Below, we’ve listed everything you should include in your podcast show notes to make them as helpful as possible.

Tips for Speeding Up the Writing Process

To help you write great podcast show notes as quick as possible, we’ve included some useful tips below.

4 Examples of Well-Written Show Notes

If you’re looking for extra guidance, we’ve picked out 4 sets of well-written show notes. Each example looks slightly different, but they all successfully cover the majority of the main points above.

Outsourcing Podcast Show Notes

If you’re more of a talker than a writer, or you just don’t have the resource to be scribing show notes yourself, there are freelance services that will create them for you. You’ll usually have to pay for this, but it’s a great alternative if doing them yourself isn’t feasible.

What is podcast note?

Podcast show notes are one of those tasks that you KNOW is essential, but you can never bring yourself to love it. After all, you've done the fun stuff: planning content, playing with your kit, recording a show.

What are Show Notes For?

Podcast show notes serve three main purposes. The first two serve existing listeners:

How to write a show notes?

Here's a best practice show notes format we often use, and which you can build from: 1 Episode Summary – paragraph or bullet points 2 Episode Player – embed from your host 3 Timecode guide – list highlights and timecodes to skip to 4 Full Topic guide – a blog post, essentially, covering the same topic 5 Resources mentioned – summary & links to all resources

How do show notes attract listeners?

A good set of show notes can attract legions of potential new listeners by appearing in the search results.

Can I blog and podcast together?

In contrast, a well-established site can stand to gain a few thin pages and you can spend time on your wider blogging instead for that content benefit. On the other hand, if you tie your blogging and podcasting efforts together through a content stacking approach, I'd argue that you can do both for more benefit and less effort in the long run!

Can podcast notes be converted into a multi-media experience?

You can go further than this, turning your podcast show notes into a massive fan-building, conversion-creating multi-media experience. Read about that full content stacking approach here. If you can put the time into this, it can be a game-changer for your business.

Can you set up podcast notes?

Don't want to set something up only to have to re-do it. The short answer is, yes. Podcast show notes are nothing more than a blog post with an audio file attached. But, they're also so much more than that.

How To Write Podcast Show Notes: The Ultimate Guide

Few things in this world can be as powerful for your podcast as a set of strong, engaging podcast show notes. Read on to find out how...


Before we look at some real life examples, lets move through eight things to consider when constructing your show notes...


Let's now jump into three examples so you can see how some awesome podcasts and businesses are leveraging this powerful podcasting tool:


There are several templates you can use for your show notes. We have witnessed the creation of thousands of podcast episodes and have come to determine what we believe to be the best possible structure for these...

What are podcast show notes?

Wherever you find yourself, I want to cover the basics & show you why they’re a great idea for you & why you should start doing them, like, yesterday. Simply put, show notes are a preview or an overview of your podcast episode for your listener. Like the commercial for a business or a trailer for a show or movie, they help the listener understand the point, the purpose & what to expect. It’s a quick summary of the content of your episode where you touch on the theme, offer insight about your guest & you give a quick access point to the content covered that you want your listener to have exposure to.

What is show notes?

Simply put, show notes are a preview or an overview of your podcast episode for your listener. Like the commercial for a business or a trailer for a show or movie, they help the listener understand the point, the purpose & what to expect.

Why do you need a podcast player?

First, it lets people listen to your podcast easily while they are reading the show notes. Second, it collects analytics of how your listeners are interacting with your show. Third, it adds to the visual experience of your podcast website by including the podcast cover art.

How to inspire your audience to listen to podcasts?

Seeing is believing. Inspire your audience with high-resolution inspiring photos that fit the subject of your specific podcast episodes. This could be as simple as creating an episode-specific cover art for your episode ( like the Culpable podcast ), adding specific photos of yourself recording the podcast ( like Dax Shepard on Armchair Expert ), or enhancing your writing with contextual photos that provide evidence or clarification to your writing ( like My Favorite Murderer ).

Why are podcasts unique?

Yes, they differentiate you from those not offering them, but it’s more than that. They differentiate you from the rest who are offering them as well. Even if other podcasts in your same genre offer them, yours will be unique because your conversations will be different. They are a tailored encapsulation of you & your brand for your listeners to consume. Your guests are your own & your topics are your own. Use your show notes as a way to make yourself different from the rest of podcastdom & have people be drawn to what makes you unique from the rest.

How to promote your podcast?

Share affiliate links to books, equipment, tools, or any other widgets or services you recommend on your podcast. Promote your Patreon if you have exclusive content to promote. Ask for donations through Paypal. Offer bonus episodes behind a paywall with private podcast hosting. Promote your sponsors in the hyperlinks section. Be creative with ways to add value to your listeners and you will be rewarded for it in the long term. You can learn more about how to monetize your show here.

How to improve show notes?

One final way to improve your show notes specifically on your website is to add a full-lenth transcription of your episode. Typically the transcript gets added to the very bottom of a show notes page. It allows people to skim the content from your website, look for compelling quotes, and it also provides additional keywords and opportunity for Google and other search engines to understand the content of your page and help you rank for more keywords.

What to include in your episode description

An episode description is one of the first things people will see in their listening app, even before they hit play. Because of that, your main goal with the episode description is to build curiosity and get someone to hit play, not to give them a full summary of the entire episode.

What is the goal of expanded show notes?

Simply put, the goal of podcast show notes is to share more information with your listeners. That information could be related to the episode, but it could also mean more information about your guest, your business, or how they can keep in touch with you.

What to include in your podcast show notes

Determining what to include in your show notes can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Don’t spend a lot of time stressing about what specific items to include. If in doubt, keep it simple. You can always go in and add more later.

How to write show notes

One common question I’m asked is, “ How do I write show notes?” And my best tip is to create formulas or templates for yourself so you aren’t starting from a blank page each time.

Where to build your podcast show notes

For some reason, show notes seem very mysterious to new podcast hosts. So I don’t know who needs to hear this, but show notes are literally just blog posts with one embedded player at the top .

Final thoughts on how to write the best show notes for your podcast

Podcast show notes are used to share information with your listeners and further your relationship. And even though it may add a few extra steps to your workflow, creating dedicated show notes on your website will expand your marketing options, since you’ll be able to try strategies like SEO or Pinterest to build your podcast audience.

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