Podcast FAQ

graham allen podcast sponsors

by Earnest Funk Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What makes Dear America podcast unique?

Irreverent, unfiltered, and straight from the heart, Graham will always tell America what it needs to hear, not what it wants to hear — with some good laughs along the way. Graham Allen cares enough about America to defend its values, so each week in the “Dear America" podcast, he tackles culture and politics head-on. No topic is out of bounds.

Who are the partners of Graham Allen Partners?

Partners include entrepreneur (and Notre Dame Professor) Nitesh Chawla, with whom Graham Allen shares a common passion for discovering innovative ways to use data and technology for the common good. JANUARY - Graham Allen Partners invests in Emu Solutions, a big data startup founded by Notre Dame professors Dr. Peter Kogge and Dr. Jay Brockman.

How do I get sponsors for my podcast?

Audience surveys are a staple of engaging podcast sponsorship. The results will give you concrete data to include in the sponsorship section of your media kit. Your show’s content is an even more important driver to focus your sponsor’s marketing. Think about your audience avatar. What kind of businesses are they likely to need?


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How to get sponsors for podcasts?

Engage potential podcast sponsors with a friendly email. Be professional, and conversational. Tell them: 1 What you can do for them (you're providing them with advertising targeted to a niche market) 2 Who you are and what your show is about 3 Your current number of downloads (and geographic reach, if you have it) 4 A link to your media kit 5 How they can contact you for more information

Is podcasting an advertising medium?

Sponsors depend on target marketing to sell their products. Studies show that podcasting is an effective means of advertising. Podcasts are the most intimate, targeted form of media. Know that these companies need you to reach potential consumers, just as much as you need them. You have a link to people who enjoy a particular thing. These companies need that link.

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